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My granny and my mum ( cook cooks) it the afternoon перавод на русском

10-11 класс

2004andrei2004 10 нояб. 2013 г., 1:46:55 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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10 нояб. 2013 г., 3:15:23 (10 лет назад)

My granny and my mum cook in the afternoo


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Помогите, очень срочно !!
Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

(like likes don t like doesn t like )
1)Tom ....... riding a bike , but he...... skipping.
2) Kate ........dancing, but she .........swimming.
3)My sisters....watching TV but they.... reading books.
4) My brother......playing computer games but he .....playing chess

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Thank you for your letter. It was so nice to hear from you! My summer holidays were also interesting. In June I went to the country. I (spend) a month

at my dacha. I rode my bike and played with my friends. It was warm but it often rained in June. So we didn't (swim) in the lake. But we went fishing. Once I (catch) a very big fish and we (have) a tasty dinner. Sometimes my granny and I (pick) berries in the forest. In July, my parents and I went to the sea side. We (do) a lot of sunbathing and enjoyed the sea. I (not\miss) my school friends. I just didn't have time! ... you(take) any pictures at the camp? Will you send some of them to me?

Помогите ответить на письмо, пожалуйста. I love everyone in my family and they are very nice to me. However, there is something that troubles me

a lot and makes me feel a kind of disadvantaged. The point is that there is no sense of family in our house. We never fight with each other, and there are no family rows. We try not to get on each other's nerves, but we never do anything together. Everyone is preoccupied with their own business. Mum normally does some cooking, looks through some papers or discusses something with her collegues on the phone. Dad either watches TV or upgrades his car. My brother, who is eight, draws something or plays computer games. As for me, I just feel bored and lonely. To conceal it I pretend to be very busy with my homework, or go out even when I don't feel like doing it at all. Is it the same in other families? If you happen to have some ideas on how to help us. I'd really appreciate it. What could we do together to feel that we are together.

Нужно ответить на это письмо, используя предложения ниже, их нужно закончить.

doing something together is crucial to family happiness...

from my personal experience i can say that...

i can honestly say...

it can be interesting to different generations...

to involve everyone in...

i suppose everyone will enjoy...

why dont you arrange...

you can try...

it will give you a feeling...

if it doesn't work...

4. Read the text. My Day Off Most people in our country work five days a week but students and pupils work six days. They have only one day off. It is

Sunday. I like this day very much. You needn't hurry anywhere and you may go wherever you like after your week's work. On this day I wake up later than usual. But sometimes I don't get up till nine or ten o'clock. I read morning newspapers or listen to music. As soon as I get up I air the room, make my bed and do morning exercises. Then I have breakfast, clear away the dishes and wash up. Two more hours for getting ready with my homework and I am free. I meet my friends and we discuss our plans together. We may go to the cinema or theatre, to museums and parks. Last Sunday we went to the Botanical Garden. There were many beds of spring flowers there: red, yellow and blue. People in light clothes were walking along the paths. The air was fresh and promising. It was very pleasant to spend time there. In fine weather we also like to be out of town. We find a nice place somewhere in the forest or on the bank of the river. We lie in the sun, play different games and swim. In winter my friends and I often go to the skating-rink. Skating is my favourite kind of sport, but I like to ski too. When the weather is bad my friends come to my place. We listen to music or go to the cinema. We like films about the life of our contemporaries abroad. On the way home we usually discuss the films we've seen. In the evening all the members of our family get together. We have our supper, make plans for tomorrow, watch TV or read books. Reading is my hobby. Sometimes we receive guests at our place or go out for a walk. In general I enjoy my days off very much.

Answer the questions: 1. How many days a week do you have classes? 2. When is your day off? 3. What time do you get up on Sunday? 4. What do you do next? 5. Do you usually meet your friends on Sunday? What do you do together? 6. Do you often go to the country? Who with? What do you do there? 7. What do you do if the weather is bad?

Перевести на русский!!!не по переводчику!!!срочно!!! I got the letter and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw "D" at the end. Could it really

be from David? I wanted it to be from him so much! I decided to meet him. There was only one problem. Our counsellor Jenny doesn't let anybody go out of the cabin after lights out (поcлe ОТБОЯ). What I was going to do was very wrong ... and Jenny was so sweet — she didn't expect me to let her down and deceive her in this way. If I got caught outside the cabin at night, she'd be in deep trouble with the Crunch. On the other hand, David expected me to come. I couldn't let him down, could I? That night I put on my best outfit and went to bed early. Everybody thought I was asleep, but I wasn't. I watched all my bunkmates go to their beds, I heard them talk in sleepy voices and finally everything got quiet. I still had time, so I decided to wait a bit more just to make sure everybody was really asleep. Then I saw Belle get out of her bed. She was fully dressed as well! Where was she going? Belle looked round and quietly walked out of the cabin door. I thought it was time for me to go too, so I followed her after a few minutes. I didn't want Belle to see me, so I watched her leave until she was out of sight. Then I ran straight to the lake. I sat under a huge tree and waited for David. Suddenly I heard somebody. My heart fell when I saw Daniel, the guy from Australia. A lot of girls like him, but I think he is too tough. Dima told me that Daniel once made him swim across the lake, and my brother is not a very good swimmer. At first I didn't want him to see me, so I tried to hide myself behind the tree, but Daniel noticed me right away and came up 10 me. "Hi," he said. To be honest, he looked really surprised. He probably didn't expect me to come when he wrote his stupid letter. "What are you doing here after lights out? Your counsellor wouldn't like you to be here, you know?" he went on. "Besides, it might be dangerous because this area is full of wild animals. I'll walk you back to your cabin." Before I had the time to think of a good answer, Daniel took my hand and made me follow him. We hadn't walked a few steps when I saw David. He was walking in our direction, but then he stopped half-way and turned around. He was obviously looking for Belle, and I certainly wasn't going to help him. I was heartbroken and needed some time alone. A few minutes later we bumped into Charlie who also looked a bit nervous. The lake shore was a surprisingly busy place after dark.

Здравствуйте, пожалуйста помогите написать сочинение-ответ на следующее письмо: Last summer my parents and i went hiking to the mountains. We spent the

whole week together and enjoyed it very much. How often do you take active holidays? Who do you think is the best company for you? What extreme sports would you like to try, if any, and why? Last mounth our English class got an interesting project. we wrote a paper about interesting events in the past of our country... Write a letter to Tom in your letter: answer his questions ask 3 questions about his progect paper

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