Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

составь предложения:1 likes,in,to,newspapers,the,read,mothey,evening,my.2 after,like,football,we,lessons,to,play.3

1-4 класс

computer,Saturday,on,games,my,plays,sister.4 bad,i,make,the,in,dont,my,morning

АлёнаМошкалёва 19 нояб. 2013 г., 20:20:38 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 нояб. 2013 г., 20:57:07 (10 лет назад)

1. My mother likes to read newspapers in the evening.
2. After lessons we like to football.
3. My sister plays computer games on Saturday.
4. I don't make my bad in the morning.

+ 0 -
19 нояб. 2013 г., 23:01:50 (10 лет назад)

my mother likes to read the newspeapre in evening.we like play footbal after lessons.3.my sister play computer games on Satuday.4I dont make  the bed in morning (не застилаю кровать)


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите срочно Англиский! The(cuckoo? June? May? flies?) comes in April. it sinqs its sonq in(cuckoo? June? May? flies?)

In(cuckoo? June? May? flies?) it chanqes tune

And in July it(cuckoo? June? May? flies?) away

(Что выбрать в скобках слова которыи надо вставить помогите буду очень блогодарна потому-что это последнии пкт!)


Помогите пожалуйста. Нужно срочно((Read and find the password.1. It's the first letter in картинка "ежик"

2. It's third letter in картинка "самокат"
3. It's the tenth letter in картинка "скакалка"
4. It's the eighth letter in картинка "удочка в пруду"
5. It's the sixth letter in картинка "мяч"
6. It's the ninth letter in картинка "бабочка"
Помогите пожалуйста нужно срочно.

помогите составить предложения из слов: games, my, plays, sister, on, Saturdays, computer; play, puzzle, didn't, Sam, yesterday; my, tomorrow, I,

ride, 'll, bike; day, shopping, grendma, my, went,yesterday, the, befor; were, England, summer, in, they, last; bed, I, make, the, in, don't, my, morning.

Читайте также

составь предложения:1 likes,in,to,newspapers,the,read,mothey,evening,my.2 after,like,football,we,lessons,to,play.3

computer,Saturday,on,games,my,plays,sister.4 bad,i,make,the,in,dont,my,morning.

составь вопрос из этих слов is/room/the/childrens/what/in/there

составь предложение из всех этих слов a lot of/hills/there are/in the/green/ country

дополни предложение ----- ------- a lot of rooms in their flat.
выбери подходящее по смыслу слово The houses in the city are very ------
1.small 2.angry 3.windy 4. tall


В тесте 8 предложений 1) village,should,centre,off,in,get,you,the,of,the; 2) must,you,not,enter,when,is,busy,he; 3) a,a,town,city,is,smaller,then,usually;

4)the, cinema,the,muzeum,opposite,is; 5) next,should,stop,off,at,get,you,the; 6) feed,the,must,you,not,animals; 7) a,a,town,city,is,bigger,than; 8) the,food shop,gallery,next to,the, is: Задание составить предложения с данных слов

Составь предложения и скажи ,какое время года и какие месяцы любит Тайни 1) like,do,I,not,November,March,and.- написать предложение

2)in,can.I,winter,skate.- написать предложение 3) river,in,svim,the,I.summer,in.-написать предложение 4)May,I,and.September,like.-написать предложение 5)like,I,spring,autumn,and.-написать предложение

Переведите пожалуйста предложения : Gemma- I met Sophie at university / I was on my own and she came up and talked to me she's like that / What's

interesting is that we're complete opposites / She's very happy to meet new people but i'm really shy she's very sociable i'm quiet she's sporty and i'm not / But it wasn't important / we became friend's and shared a flat for two years / i'm very organizet and did most of the housework / Sophie's not very tidy and she can be lazy around the house / But she's a great cook and a really nice person / On my own alone or without other people be complete opposites be very different shy if you're shy you can't talk easily to people you don't know /
Sociable friendly and good at it share a flat live in the same flat as another person organized An organised person plans things well / A tidy person likes everything to be in the right place / opp untidy lazy / A lazy person doesn't like working / Opp hardworking /

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