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Сочинение на тему плюсы и минусы самолёта

10-11 класс

Osipovakamilla 05 сент. 2014 г., 13:26:03 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 сент. 2014 г., 16:08:18 (9 лет назад)

Flight  has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, but a lot of people prefer this way to move around the world. Why so?
At first plane is faster than bus, car, train and ship. It always more comfortable and not so dangerous as others.
But here is some disadvantages... Plane is more expensive than other move ways, sometimes it is turbulent zones in the air and it can make you scared. A lot of people afraid of the flights, so it's way only for brave humans.


Другие вопросы из категории

Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым членам предложения. MODEL: He lives in Khabarovsk. Where does he live? 1. My friend is a

first-year student.

2. His father works at a hospital.

3. He is drinking coffee now.

4. She will be at home tomorrow.

5. I was writing a letter yesterday at 5 o'clock.

6. Many young people have entered our Academy this year.

7. My mother doesn't work here.

8. She will have cleaned the flat by their arrival.

9. My sister has just rung me up.

10. She knows English well.

помогите перевести предложения

I knew Bill hadn't to read a business-letter.
Millions of people are
recorded to have part in elections.

Помогите пожалуйста, срочно надо!

Task 1. Rewrite these sentences in Reported Speech:
1. " I'll need these documents tomorrow", the head of the department said to his personal assistant.
2. " Have you come to any decision about this candidate?" asked the chairman.
3. " Can I use your computer in your absence?" asked my colleague.
4. " You mustn't buy these shares. You'll lose your money', said my friend to me.
5. " My washing machine has broken down again. I'll have it get fixed next week", my mother said to me.
6. " Why did Paula leave the meeting so early this morning?" asked the head manager.
7. " Where was the International Management Forum based last year?" I asked my colleague.
8. " How much time have you spent on taking phone messages today?" asked the manager........
9. " Have you ever fased with the problem of making choise?", she asked me with interest.
10. " We must employ several translators to solve this problem", said the director.

Task 2. Change these direct questions into reported questions.
1. What programmes can help to cut costs? ( Type 2)
2. How much is your company spending on travel expenses? (Type 1)
3. Is it possible to control travel costs? (Type 1)
4. Does your company have a travel manager? (Type 2)
5. What is a "language awareness test"? (Type 1)
6. Who needs more time to deal with personnel problems? (Type 2)

Транскрипция всего предложения помогите пожалуйста

Stepan decided to have his birthday party at a new bowling club,and he invited Vlad and some ot her guys to come.

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