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Should people sue big companies or should they take more responsibility for themselves? Why / Why not? Think of a story to illustrate your point of view.

5-9 класс

Write 8-12 sentences.

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KM231098 05 нояб. 2014 г., 19:50:59 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 нояб. 2014 г., 22:23:49 (9 лет назад)

оно так переводится:Люди должны Сью крупных компаний или они должны взять на себя больше ответственности на себя? Почему / Почему нет? Придумать историю, чтобы проиллюстрировать свою точку зрения. Написать 8-12 предложений.

+ 0 -
05 нояб. 2014 г., 23:38:33 (9 лет назад)

In my opinion people need to take more responsibility for their actions, otherwise we are running the risk of becoming a highly litigious nation. This in terms will widen the gap between the big companies and people, which will push insurance premiums sky high and will burden the Court system with systematic abuse of Law.
As a clear example of the "out of control" litigation we can study the case where an Israeli woman sued the TV station for allegedly broadcasting a false weather report...


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To the History of Construction With the introduction of the railways and steam machinery, trans­portation and manufacturing costs were considerably reduced and concrete came to be more widely used, but it was still very much a neglected material. Therefore, good concrete was scarce and a great deal of poor concrete was used. The big break-through was the discovery of Portland cement by Joseph Aspdin in 1824, a worker in an English town. When he was working an idea came to him as to how to make his work better. He started his experiments. After some time he obtained a powder. When it was mixed with water and allowed to stand it "sets" forming a hard substance. This substance was so much like the building stone from Portland that the powder was named Port­land cement. As years passed different materials were found in many countries from which Portland cement could be made. Portland cement was first used on a large scale in the construction of the Thames tunnel in 1828. As early as 1830 the first idea of reinforced concrete was men­tioned in a publication, which suggested that a lattice of iron rods be embeded in concrete to from a roof. Patents were taken out for all sorts of systems in all countries. The development of reinforced concrete really got under way in the 1850's and 60's. Lambort, a French contractor, built a concrete boat for the Paris International Exhibition of 1855, with 2 inches sides reinforced with a skeleton of iron rods. W. Wilkinson, who patented a method of constructing a concrete floor in 1854, is considered by many to be the inventor of reinforced concrete as well. -But many people say that a Frenchman, J. Monier, who took out a patent in 1867 for the construction of plant tubs, tanks, etc., made of concrete reinforced with a mesh of rods or wires, should be credit­ed with the invention. Certainly Monier did a great deal to develop the use of reinforced concrete and his name came to be so closely linked with reinforced concrete that reinforced concrete was known as the Monier System. Wilkinson, however, certainly appears to have been the first. His patent covered for concrete floor slabs reinforced with a network of flat iron rods placed on edge. One of his main claims was the good fire resistance of the floor. He appears to have understood the princi­ples of reinforced concrete, for he stated that the reinforcement was to be placed in the concrete to take the tension. A number of buildings were erected, using Wilkinson's system. He also described method for the construction of pipes, reservoirs, and walls of concrete reinforced with metal sheets, bars and chains. Freyssinet is known for his work in prestressed concrete for which he had his first ideas before First World War. With the improved materials and the new knowledge available, Freyssinet realised the advantage to be obtained from prestressing, and he used his system in prestressed works. From now on structures became bigger, better and more excit­ing, and concrete steadily strengthened its position as a building material. Reinforced concrete was recognized as the best material for all types of structures. The post-war era has given the biggest boost to concrete, both reinforced and prestressed. After the war steel was short in Europe and many architects had to use either reinforced or prestressed con­crete in their structures in order to economize in steel. Architects were perhaps a little surprised to discover that in many cases reinforced concrete structures, apart from using the minimum of steel, were also cheaper than other forms of construction, and could be erected as quickly. They also discovered that they had more freedom for planning than they had ever before, and a larger number of different solutions to each structural problem were available. Beams could be eliminated, floor spans could be increased, and shells were available for roofing large areas. Another big factor, which encouraged the use of concrete, was the introduction of fire regulations, which recognized the superiority of concrete over other structural materials in its fire resistance properties.

ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!! Переведите пожалуйста текст!!! How many jobs can you think of? Twenty? Thirty? No doubt the list includes doctor, lawyer,

teacher, plumber and so on. The most dedicated career adviser could perhaps name a hundred. But there are over 500,000 jobs in existence to choose from! So if you want to do well, how can you decide the best way to make a living? Paul Hamilton takes a light-hearted look at some very ODD JOBS! King Alfonso XIII of Spain was going deaf so he employed an “Anthem Man”. His only job was to give a signal to the king when the national anthem was being played so that he would know when to stand up and when to sit down! If you cannot find a tuneless monarch to be your employer, the railways offer jobs of all sorts. In Japan, “Passanger Pushers” are employed full time by the railway companies in Tokyo. During the rush hour, when hundreds of people are trying to get on the metro, they do their best to squeeze everyone into the trains so that the doors will close properly. Another technological advance that led to the job creation on the railways was the invention of chewing gum in 1928. When they finished their gum, many passengers just dropped it on the floor of the stattion and management at New York’s Grand Central Station had to do something about it. In the end, they employed a professional gum remover who had a lot of work to do – he collected, on average, over three kilos of the sticky menace per day. I suppose you could say he got attached to his job! Escalators have provided inspiration for other rewarding careers. When the first moving staircase was installed at Harrods Department Store in London in 1898, it made many people scared. Shop assistants were put at the top of the escalator with instructions to give brandy and smelling salts to customers! And in 1911, whe Earls Court underground sattion installed its first escalators, many people were worried about their safety. London Transport had a great idea; they employed a man with a wooden leg. His job was to walk up and down the escalators all day to show passengers how safe they were. In 1982, dozens of neighbours in a village in Berkshire made complaints about the smell from nearby sewage works. So twelve people were employed to sniff the air outside their homes to estimate the smell. The Amsterdam police have similarly specialised task force called the ‘grachtenvissers’. Their sole dutyis to help motorists whose cars have got stuck in canals! This trend toward specialisation has grown dramatically in the last few years but it is not an entirely recent phenomenon. In medieval Japanese armies, special soldiers did the gruesome jobs of counting up the numberof decapitated heads after each battles! In America, Miss Edith King was given an unusual job in the army. She was employed by the US War Department in 1905 with the task of finding soldiers who had run away from the army. She collected $50 for each deserter. Her only weapon was flirtation. If the runaway soldiers thought they were going to have a good time, they were making a big mistake – she led over five hundred into court. She must have a real charm!Being unemployed often makes people think of unique ways to make money. Take Jim Parker from Sacramento. Last year he got the sack from his job in a high-tech company and has found it impossible to get full-time work. In desperation, he became self-employed and is now trying hard to sell advertising space. If the price is right, he intends to tattoo an advert – on his forehead! He has already turned down an offer of $75,000.

Найдите в тексте 20 слов, которые написаны с ошибками. Запишите ниже правильное написание слов.

Do you belive in climate change?

This may seem like an odd question for a climete scientist to ask, but it is one I am constantly asked now. The typical discucsion starts: "I know that the climate is changing, but hasn't it always changeed through natural cycles?" Then they will often give an example, such as the medievel warm period to prove their point.
Those asking the question include a wide range of people I meet in the pub, friends, politicians and increasingly even some of those active in sustainable development and the renewable energy businesses. What I find interesting is that I have known many of these people for a long time and they never asked me this before.
Recent studies show that public acceptance of the scientific eviddence for man-made climate change has decreased. However, the change is not that great. The differennce I find in talking to people is that they feel better able to express their doubts.
This is very hard for scientists to understand. The scientific evidence that humanity is haveing an effect on the climate is overwhelming and increasing every year. Yet public percaption of this is confused. People modify their beliefs about uncomfortable truth, they may have become bored of constantly hearing about climate change; or external factors such as the financial crisis may have played a role.
Around three years ago I raysed the issue of the way that science can be misused. In some cases scare stories in the media were over-hyping climate change and I think we are paying the price for this now with a reaction the other way. I was concerned then that science is not always presented objectively by the media. What I don't think any of us appreciated at the time was the depth of disconnect between the scientific process and the public.
Which brings me on to the question, should you believe in climate change? The first point to make is that it's not something you should believe or not believe in – this is a matter of science and therefore of evidence – and there's lots of it out there. On an issue this important, I think people should look at that evidence and make their own mind up. We are often very influnced by our own personal experience. After a couple of cold winters in the UK, the common question was "has climate change stoped?" despite that fact that many other regions of the world were experiencing record warm temperatueres. And 2010 was one of the warmest years on record. For real evidence of climate change, we have to look at the biger picture.
You can see reseerch by the Met Office that shows the evidence of man-made warming is even stronger than it was when the last report was published. A whole range of different datesets and independent analises show the world is warming. There is a broad consensas that over the last half century warming has been rapid, and man-made greenhouse gas emissions are very likely to be the cause.
Ultimately, as the planet continues to warm the issue of whether you believe in climate change will become more and more irrelevant. We will all experience the impacts of climate change in some way, so the evidence will be there in playn sight.
The more appropriate questions for today are how will our climate change and how can we prepare for those changes? That's why it's important that climate scientists continue their work, and continue shareing their evidence and research so people can stay up to date – and make up their own minds.

Надо правильно раскрыть скобки The public rightly or wrongly dlame the police for not (act) more quickly. Most people (not think) highly of the

local police and indeed so far they (arrest) only one suspect. They say they need more evidence before they can take the matter further. Whenever they (call in) to investigate a burglary,it (take) them so long to get to the scene of the crime

3.Раскройте скобки в настоящем,будущем и прошедшем времени(пожаалуйста помогите) Mr and Mrs Gray live in a big city,and they (1.have)

a son. His name (2.be) Pete. Pete (3. not like) (4.wash). One day Mrs Gray said,"I'd (5.like) (6.live) in the country with Pete next summer." So they (7.find) a small house in the country and (8.take) Pete there for a vacation. When they (9.arrive) at the house,Mrs Gray said to Pete,"Wу (10.stay) here for two weeks."

The boy (11.run) into house and (12. fall) down on the floor.He (13.hurt) his leg but (14.run) further (15.look) in the rooms. When he (16.come) back he (17.throw) his ball up and (18.cry),"Mum! I (19.can,not) (20.see) a bath. Where (21.be) it?"

"This (22.be) a very small house," his mother answered. "There (23.be) no baths here."

Pete (24.get) really happy. "This (25.be) a very nice holiday indeed,Mum," he said.

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