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Утворити ступінь порівняння прикметників: wonderful, old, cold, warm?

1-4 класс

Matveykarusakov 10 окт. 2016 г., 1:24:57 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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10 окт. 2016 г., 2:23:19 (7 лет назад)

wonderful-more wonderful -the most wonderful
old-older(elder)-the oldest(eldest)
cold-colder-the coldest
warm-warmer-the warmest


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Образец: the ballerina/a pink dress/Has/got
Has the ballerina got a pink dress? Yes,she has

1.the puppet/Has/got/a big nose?..........................................................................
2. dark hair/got/he/Has?........................................................................................
3. flowers/they/in the garden/Have/got?................................................................

Задание:Read and write .
Put the sentences in the correct order. Поставить предложения в правильном порядке

The little children havent't got any place to play.
Miss Chatter and the little children fly kites and play hide-and-seek.
Dear Children! Let's grow a nice green garden together!
In autumn Miss Chatter comes to visit the town.
The people of the town like to have picnics in the garden.
The weather becomes cold and windy. But they continue to work.
Now all the people are happy in the town.

Читайте также

1. Вставьте замість пропусків займенники: особові або или присвійні: 1. She washed … hands and face. 2. We invited Liz

to stay with … in … house.

3. – Do … know that man? – Yes, I know … ..

4. That is his book. Give … to … .

5. Peter likes to eat. … breakfast is always big.

6. The bag is heavy. What is there in …?

7. Look at them! … are playing like kids.

8. – Are … a teacher? – No, … am not..

9. They live in the country. … house isn’t big, but … is comfortable.

2. Вставьте замість пропусків відповідні невизначені займенники (some,

any, no або похідні від них):

1. We did not see … in the hall. 2. … was present at the lesson yesterday. 3.

He is busy. He has … time to go to the cinema with us. 4. Do you need …

books to prepare for your report? 5. Have you … questions? Ask me … you

like, I shall try to answer … question. 6. … liked that play: it was very dull.

7. If … is ready, we shall begin our experiment.

3 . Визначите час присудка:

1. Yesterday the students of our group came to help me with mathematics.

2. Our scientists will further develop various kinds of computers. 3. Radio

waves are the longest members of the family of electromagnetic waves. 4.

Where did the first international conference on radio take place? 5. Modern

Soviet orbital stations weigh up to 20 tons.

4. Виберіть відповідну форму дієслова:

1. We … new multipurpose machine-tools last week.

2. Next term we … to study two new subjects.

3. At present our workshop … two kinds of measuring instruments.

4. … you work at a plant now?

a) get; b) gets; c) got; d) will get

a) begin; b) begins; c) began; d) shall begin

a) produce; b)produces; c) produced; d) will produce

a) do; b) did; c) does

5. Поставте прислівники і прикметники в потрібну ступень порівняння:

1. He clearly did not like the explanation, and as he listened to it, he became

(angry) and (angry). 2. He worked (hard) and (hard0 as the end of the term

came nearer. 3. The (tall) trees in the world grow in California. 4. Please be

(careful) next time and don’t spill the milk again. 5. Bobby was a (quiet)

child. He was (quiet) than his sister. 6. Today the weather is (cold) than it

was yesterday. 7. This book is (interesting) of all I have read this year.

6. Виберіть переклад виділених прикметників або прислівників з даних


1. Venus is the nearest planet to us in space.

2. The Earth is nearer to the Sun than Mars.

а) близкая; в) ближе; с) самая близкая; d)немного ближе

1) He wonders why..... very expensiv.

a) it b)it is c)is it
2)Jerry wondered.... much snow in the forest.
a)if there was b) if it was c) was there
3) the teacher asks the pupils ... run in the glassroom
a) don`t b) not c) not to
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