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напишите пожайлуста 5пункто как я проведу выходные

5-9 класс

Shaka02 05 июня 2014 г., 13:35:23 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 июня 2014 г., 15:11:45 (9 лет назад)

I will skate

i will help my mother

i will go for a walk

i will teach my homework

i will cook

+ 0 -
05 июня 2014 г., 17:27:17 (9 лет назад)

How I


Другие вопросы из категории

переведите пожалуйсто, 1. Its the sixth day of the week. 2.pupils read in this lesson. 3.its mrs bells job. 4. pupils do sum

s in this lesson.

5.pupils have lunch there.

6.pupils go there five days a week.

7. its pavels favourite sports game.

8. its the first day of the week.

9. its pavels favourite lesson.

10. pupils have p.e. iessons there.

11. pupils make things in this lesson.

Помогите пожалуйста составить рассказ срочно.

One morning -
two young men - go climbing up -mountain. Be - sunny day. Have - ropes -
climbing equipment - strong shoes. Climb - five hours reach - top - mountain -
one o'clock - afternoon. Take photos - when – weather - suddenly - change - begin
- snow. Start - climb down - again. Very difficult - could not see anything - so
- stop - put up - tent. Have - mobile phone - ring - help. Wait - many hours.Get
very cold - hear - sound - helicopter. Helicopter - find - rescue. Be - safe!

Переведите стихотворение на русский язык,не забудьте о стихосложении и рифме Valentine's Day is a day of love Where love is as bright as

the sun

We share kisses, and even a hug

With people we call our loved ones

Unrequited love is oh! so harsh

When the one you love doesn't love you

You feel you're left standing in the dark

Wishing this reality were untrue

Well that's why Valentine's Day is so great

It encourages you to show you care

It makes you just wanna say

I love you and will always be there

I once loved someone in this way

And I was encouraged on Valentine's

I went up to him, just to say

I would like you to be mine

правда чи неправда say if is true or false.1) People in all countries in the world love to play this difficult game.2) People who live in countries,

which were British colonies, play cricket.3) A professional cricketer is more qualified than a player who doesn`t get money for it.4) A professional cricketer gets more money for the game that an amateur. 5) A professional cricketer has a higher level than an amateur. 6) The players don`t want this game to be so dangerous. 7) It is a rude game, but players like it to be a bit risky.

Читайте также

Напишите пожайлуста предложения на английский!

Я знаю когда он придёт.
Он напишет мне если у него будет время.
Она даст мне ручку есни у неё будет две.
Я не пойду спать пока она не придёт.
Они будут отдыхать как только у них будет время.
Если бы я знал её номер я бы ей позвонил.
Мы пойдём в сад если не будет дождя.
Я буду купаться в море если будет жарко.

Помогите пожайлуста!!!

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