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Kerry doesn’t know what career she wants and she wrote to a magazine for

5-9 класс

help. Read the answer she has got.
Use the words in the box to form new words that fit in the gaps (1-16) in the
text. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Sasha546789 30 июля 2013 г., 4:37:38 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 июля 2013 г., 6:08:28 (10 лет назад)

ты в каком классе???? ужас!

+ 0 -
30 июля 2013 г., 7:21:22 (10 лет назад)

Нужно слова вставить )

+ 0 -
30 июля 2013 г., 9:54:11 (10 лет назад)

там документ прилогается

+ 0 -
30 июля 2013 г., 11:50:55 (10 лет назад)

Комментарий удален

+ 0 -
30 июля 2013 г., 12:23:05 (10 лет назад)

под вопросом

+ 0 -
30 июля 2013 г., 14:10:00 (10 лет назад)

Комментарий удален


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поможіть написати питання до того речення

The parents have built the house

Заранее большое спасибо.

1. Напишите предложения, как в примере. Example: Mother – clean the kitchen / I – wash up While mother was cleaning the kitchen I was washing up.
1. the boys – swim / the girls – play volleyball
2. Tom – buy vegetables / Kate – make coffee
3. Mrs Brown – do the shopping / her husband – ski

What do you like to do at the seaside?
1.What language will Alice have to speak?

2.Will Alice have to go to an English teacher for an extra lesson?
3.Will Alice have to go to school?
4.Will Alice have to travel by bus every day?
5.Will Alice have to learn American history?
6.Will Alice have to watch TV in English?
7.Will Alice have to get up very early?
8.Will next year be easier for Alice?

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Помогите пожалуйста,преобразовать в косвенную речь(Том сказал..)

What does she want her children to do?
What does he need to get over his illness?
Why do they think that the mother is not fair?
What does she want have to do around the house?

What does she look like? How big is she? How old is she? What colour is her hair? Is her hair long? Does she wear high heels (высоке каблуки)? Does she

have any children? Is there a Mr Who is Mrs Piggle-Wiggle?Piggle-Wiggle? Mr Piggle-Wiggle has brown eyes and brown hair which is very long. Her clothes are all brown and never look pressed (выглаженный). She wears hats.She wears very high heels all the time. Mrs Piggle-Wiggle has no family at all. She says that her husband (муж), Mr Piggle-Wiggle , was a pirate and after he had buried (закопал) all of his treasure (сокровища) in the backyard , he died (умер). She just has herself and Wag , her dog and Lightfoot , her cat.

Nobody knows how old Mrs Piggle-Wiggle is. She says she doesn't know herself.

Помогите с переводом.

Answer these questions using want or hope. 1 You're thirsty. What do you want? I want a cup of tea. 2 The lesson feels very long. What do you hope? 3

You're hungry. What do you want? 4 Your friend feels ill. What do you hope? 5 You're tired. What do you want to do? 6 You're upset. What do you want to do? 7 It's very cold weather. What do you hope? 8 Your friend feels sad. What do you want?

Перевидите текст плиз! Do you know where the Hawaiian islands are& Do you know what country they belong to? The are in the central part of the

Pacific Ocean and belong to the United States of America. Hawaii became the 50th state of the USA in 1959 Captain cook found these islands just a few years after he discovered Australia.

He put these islands on the map and gave them a name.

The famous Rocky Mauntains in the USA begin near Denver in Colorado and go up into Canada. South of the Rocky Mountains there are many beautiful canyons. Do you know what a canyon is? It is a deep narrow valley. One of the biggest canyons in the world is the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

Сделайте пожалуйста правильный перевод. Очень прошу, очень нужно !!

Florence Nightingale’s parents were rich English land owners. Florence was born in Florence, Italy on 12 May 1820. Her parents named her after the city where she was born. Victorian women didn’t usually go to school but Florence’s father believed that women should get an education so he taught Florence and her older sister at home. they learned Italian, Latin, Greek, history and maths.
As Florence grew up, she became interested in social problems. When she was twelve years old, she decided she wanted to do something useful with her life. She enjoyed visiting sick people in her neighbourhood.
Florence was extraordinary because most Victorian middle-class women didn’t have careers but Florence wanted to become a nurse. Her parents didn’t want her to become a nurse because nurses were usually working-class women. In fact, they didn’t want Florence to work at all, they wanted her to get married. However, her parents’ disapproval didn’t stop Florence doing what she wanted.
Florence went to Germany to learn about nursing. At that time nurses learned through experience, not through training. Florence looked after sick people, gave medicine out and helped during operations. She was very happy and she explained why: “we learned to think of our work, not ourselves.”
In 1854, Britain entered the Crimean war. Florence and a team of 38 nurses went to the Crimea to help the wounded soldiers. The military hospitals were dirty and badly organized. Florence made the hospitals clean and safe. The number of deaths in hospitals went down from 40% to 2%. Florence was kind and gentle with the soldiers. When she walked around the hospital at night she carried a lamp and that’s how she got the nickname “the Lady with the Lamp.”
After the war people from all over the world asked for her advice on designing hospitals. Florence thought nurses should learn through both experience and training. In 1860, she opened her training school for nurses. Today the Nightingale nurses still care for the sick and the poor.

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