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ПОМОГИТЕ!!!!! сделать английский do ex.9 on p 64 in written form

5-9 класс

АнютаКитова859674321 05 янв. 2014 г., 17:41:55 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 янв. 2014 г., 19:33:38 (10 лет назад)

и? где задание? 
здесь написано только сделайте упражнение 9 на странице 64 в письменной форме


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Привет! Нужно перевести в passive voice :
I won't buy this magazines.
They have made a lot of useful notes.
She has not sent the letter yet.
I threw away the litter.
This school always organizes lunch for all pupils.
Daddy gives me a lot of presents
People should preserve the beauty of our planet.
How will you solve this problem?

помогите, пожалуйста!!!

Читайте также


Do EX/106 on page 117 in written form.Write what Alice has already done(+) and what she hasn`t done yet(-).
учебник по английскому с мальчиком на обложке!!!

Прошу, помогите сделать английский язык, мы проходим Causative form? и вот задание:

Use the words in brackets to make sentences, as in the example. Mind the tenses.
Вот есть пример:
-Tina is at the hairdresser's. (cut/hair)
-She's having her hair cut.
Помогите сделать такое-же и с этими предложениями:
1. Sheila will go to the dressmaker. (make/dress)
2. Danny went to the mechanic yesterday. (fix/car)
3. Evelyn went to the beauty salon yesterday. (do/nails)
4. Bob has taken his shoes to the shoemaker. (mend/shoes)
5. Jill called the painters. (paint/house)
6. Steve went to the drycleaner's. (clean/suits)
7. The Smiths have gone to the photographer's. (develop/film)

Прошу, помогите сделать английский язык, мы проходим Causative form? и вот задание:

Use the words in brackets to make sentences, as in the example. Mind the tenses.
Вот есть пример:
-Tina is at the hairdresser's. (cut/hair)
-She's having her hair cut.
Помогите сделать такое-же и с этими предложениями:
1. Sheila will go to the dressmaker. (make/dress)
2. Danny went to the mechanic yesterday. (fix/car)
3. Evelyn went to the beauty salon yesterday. (do/nails)
4. Bob has taken his shoes to the shoemaker. (mend/shoes)
5. Jill called the painters. (paint/house)
6. Steve went to the drycleaner's. (clean/suits)
7. The Smiths have gone to the photographer's. (develop/film)

Прошу, помогите сделать английский язык, мы проходим Causative form? и вот задание:

Use the words in brackets to make sentences, as in the example. Mind the tenses.
Вот есть пример:
-Tina is at the hairdresser's. (cut/hair)
-She's having her hair cut.
Помогите сделать такое-же и с этими предложениями:
1. Sheila will go to the dressmaker. (make/dress)
2. Danny went to the mechanic yesterday. (fix/car)
3. Evelyn went to the beauty salon yesterday. (do/nails)
4. Bob has taken his shoes to the shoemaker. (mend/shoes)
5. Jill called the painters. (paint/house)
6. Steve went to the drycleaner's. (clean/suits)
7. The Smiths have gone to the photographer's. (develop/film)

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