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описать будущее на англииском . пожалуйста . СРОЧННОООООООО!!!!!!

5-9 класс

Anasta2508 02 апр. 2017 г., 11:37:33 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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02 апр. 2017 г., 14:22:23 (7 лет назад)

всымысле?Как понять?


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Is, has got или can

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Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple.

She .............................. (begin) to clean the kitchen.
It ................................. (start) to snow.
The holidays ............................ (begin) on Wednesday.
The lesson ................................ (begin) five minutes ago.
He ................................... (become) a writer.
Something ............................... (fall) from the tree.
A black bird ............................... ( fly) over our heads.
Mr Smith .................................. (fly) to Amsterdam.
He .................................... (decide) to take pert in the competition.
He ................................... (spend) a week in the country.

Помогите пожалуйста сделать краткий пересказ текста, заранее благодарю.

The lifestyle which we enjoy today is a result of countless ideas and inventions, which have taken many centuries of man’s history to develop.
1. The first great idea which started man on the road to his great achievements was when a caveman picked up a heavy stone to help him. The use of fire was another step without which no subsequent development would have been possible. But once man had learned to make and use fire, it was only a short step to discovering the use of metals. Another great move towards modern technology was the invention of the wheel by some unknown prehistoric genius.
2. Man had efficient metal weapons and was able to hunt large animals for food. Gradually, he learned to capture and tame some of the creatures, so that he could keep his food nearby until it was needed. Man also discovered how to plant crops, gathering seed from wild plants, which he knew to be useful. Once farming was established, it did not take man long to make special tools for breaking up the ground, and later he began to use the help of domestic animals in pulling his primitive plough.
3. Another important invention which has contributed greatly to our modern knowledge was writing. At first, writing was a special form of drawing, and was usually very simple. But gradually these primitive drawings turned into letters. From the counting of days and months, man went on to count cattle and sheep and the earliest forms of arithmetic appeared. The Greeks were the first people to use writing to record language as spoken by contemporary men; and their works are still widely read today, for information and for pleasure.
4. After the time of the Romans, the speed of discovery slowed down, and indeed many earlier discoveries were lost for hundreds of years. It was not until the fifteenth century, with the coming of the Renaissance, that discoveries were again made on a large scale. Europe was suddenly filled with a wish to explore the world. No less important was the invention of printing, giving many men an opportunity to read and to own books which before had been available to only the wealthy few. The spread of ideas was rapid, and led in its turn to the writing of more books. The voyagers of the Renaissance discovered the existence of many new and strange lands, and in these lands were all sorts of unknown animals and plants.
5. The seventeenth century saw a development of science. The eighteenth century is associated with many inventions and culminated in the Industrial Revolution. The invention of the steam engine, the condenser and piston made possible modern manufacturing processes. The nineteenth century was the age of the machine when man realized that many previously hard tasks could be done more easily and cheaply by machinery.Farm machinery was invented, and production of larg-er food-crops became possible. The nineteenth century also saw the invention of electricity, which revolutionized life and made many other things possible. The manufacture of cars began a new era in transport, and led to the appearance of lorries and buses, without which our cities would not have grown to their present size.
6. The previous century was the one to see immense changes and various inventions. The airplane was constructed. During the Second World War man became aware of atomic energy and nuclear weapons. The second half of the twentieth century was characterized by the inventions of television, computers, spacecraft, genetic engineering and many others.
7. All our discoveries today are based on the ideas of men who lived before us; and without their groundwork, modern inventions would have been impossible.With so many wonderful achievements behind him, modern man can go into an era of even greater discoveries, and all nations can benefit from the knowledge left to us by earlier generations.

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СРОЧНО!! ПОМОГИТЕ!! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!! УМОЛЯЮЮЮ!!! Переведите пожалуйста, и ответье на вопросы!! Rob's story Part 2 What's the matter with you? The next day

I opened my eyes and saw the soldier. He was in bed and his face was very pale. He had a very bad cough too. "What's the matter with you?" I asked, "Have you got a cold?" "I don't know," said the soldier, "but I have a headache and a sore thoat." I wanted to call the doctor and tried to open the door but I couldn't. I looked out of the window and couldn't belive my eyes. All the people from our house were in the street. They closed the door to the house. "Please help us! The soldier is ill," I cried. "If you go out, you'll kill us. It's the plague," they answered and ran away. At they moment I understood everything. I wasn't in Russia, and it wasn't a game. But how did I get to the Edinburgh of hundreds of years ago? Was I mag? Was it a bad dream? I didn't know the answer. I looked at the soldier. He was real. I touched his forehead. His temperature was high - that was real too. " If I don't help him, he'll die. And I'll die too," I thought and opened my rucksack. There were a lot of medicines in my rucksack. I had an aspirin, some nose drops and some cough syrup. I gave my medicine to the soldier. " If you don't have the plague, my medicine will help you. You must stay in bed and drink a lot of water, " I said to him. Two days later the soldier was better. It wasn't the plague. It was flu. But when I told him about it, he didn,t believe me. "You have some secret medicine and you can cure any disease," he said. " I must go back to London tomorrow. If you come with me, I'll do anything for you." The soldier and I went to London. His name was Phillip and he wasn't a bad man. The road to London was long and difficult, but finally we got there. Вопросы переведите и ответье на ни, пожалуйста!! Умоляю)) 1) How did the soldier look in the morning? 2) Why were the people scared? 3) What did Rob understand? 4) What happened to the soldier? 5) How did Rob help him? 6) Did the soldier die?

переведите пожалуйста это предложение и вопросы к нему:я с другом перевели этот текст за 40 минут Вопросы: 1)кто

перевёл текст за 4о минут 2)за сколько минут мы пепевели текст 3)что мы переводили за 40 минут

и это предложение:на будущий год моя сестра закончит университетВопросы:1)когда моя сестра закончит университет 2)что должна закончить моя сестра на будущий год

помогите пожалуйста...

очень срочно...

Переведите на английский,пожалуйста:я вроде неплохо знаю этот язык,но в этих предложениях я заступорилась...Тут они безличные,поэтому тупанула:(

a)1.Я люблю чай с лимоном.2.Лимон на столе.Порежь его.3.Сходи в магазин и купи яблок и лимон.4.Для пирога мне нужны лимоны.Купи лимонов,пожалуйста.
b)1.Дай мне стакан молока.2.Масло делают из молока.3.Молоко холодное.4.В холодильнике есть молоко?5.Я не люблю молоко,но сейчас я хочу его выпить.
c)1.Масло свежее.Оно тебе понравится.2.Где масло?3.Положи масло в холодильник.4.Дай мне немного масла,кусочка масла хватит.5.Дома есть масло?6.Масло-это молочный продукт.
d)1.Три чая,пожалуйста.2.-Вам чай или кофе?-Мне стакан чая.3.Англичане любят пить чай с молоком,а русские предпочитают чай с лимоном.4.В коробке для чая(tea caddy) нет чая.Купи чая,пожалуйста.
Знатокам английского оооочень была бы признательна,если бы объяснили,почему да как:( А то не хочется тупо списывать..;)

СРОЧНО!! ПОМОГИТЕ!! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!! УМОЛЯЮЮЮ!!! Переведите пожалуйста, и ответье на вопросы!! Rob's story Part 2 What's the matter with you? The next day I

opened my eyes and saw the soldier. He was in bed and his face was very pale. He had a very bad cough too. "What's the matter with you?" I asked, "Have you got a cold?" "I don't know," said the soldier, "but I have a headache and a sore thoat." I wanted to call the doctor and tried to open the door but I couldn't. I looked out of the window and couldn't belive my eyes. All the people from our house were in the street. They closed the door to the house. "Please help us! The soldier is ill," I cried. "If you go out, you'll kill us. It's the plague," they answered and ran away. At they moment I understood everything. I wasn't in Russia, and it wasn't a game. But how did I get to the Edinburgh of hundreds of years ago? Was I mag? Was it a bad dream? I didn't know the answer. I looked at the soldier. He was real. I touched his forehead. His temperature was high - that was real too. " If I don't help him, he'll die. And I'll die too," I thought and opened my rucksack. There were a lot of medicines in my rucksack. I had an aspirin, some nose drops and some cough syrup. I gave my medicine to the soldier. " If you don't have the plague, my medicine will help you. You must stay in bed and drink a lot of water, " I said to him. Two days later the soldier was better. It wasn't the plague. It was flu. But when I told him about it, he didn,t believe me. "You have some secret medicine and you can cure any disease," he said. " I must go back to London tomorrow. If you come with me, I'll do anything for you." The soldier and I went to London. His name was Phillip and he wasn't a bad man. The road to London was long and difficult, but finally we got there. Вопросы переведите и ответье на ни, пожалуйста!! Умоляю)) 1) How did the soldier look in the morning? 2) Why were the people scared? 3) What did Rob understand? 4) What happened to the soldier? 5) How did Rob help him? 6) Did the soldier die?

Переведите на Английский пожалуйста...очень надо! Только без переводчиков... вот текст:

Я считаю, что нас ждет необычное и высокотехнологичное будущее. Многое в мире будет зависеть от компьютеров. Может быть, сбудется предсказание Энштейна, и компьютер даже завладеет человеком полностью, но пока об этом нельзя говорить с полной уверенностью. Как мне кажется, за развитием технологий пойдет нечто ужасное. Возможно, природа планеты погибнет из-за множества химикатов, которые человек сбрасывает в нее. Возможно, из-за гибели всей зелени на планете, человечество даже переселится на другую планету. А может, все будет гораздо приятнее, и люди, наоборот, будут стараться спасти флору и фауну своей планеты, и в будущем человечество будет вдыхать свежий воздух и наслаждаться великолепными видами живой растительности

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