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Помогите вставить слова: by heart, speak, writes, translate, sing В тексте : Sasha is a Russian pupil .he likes English.In the lessons he

1-4 класс

and his friends...English,...English songs, learn poems... . Sometimes they play games. Sasha likes to ... texts from English into Russian. He ... letters to his English pen friend John. Next year Sasha will wizit his pen friend in London.

Opanasenko 25 дек. 2016 г., 16:36:48 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 дек. 2016 г., 19:06:10 (7 лет назад)

Sasha is a Russian pupil .he likes English.In the lessons he and his friends speak English, sing English songs, learn poems by heart . Sometimes they play games. Sasha likes to translate texts from English into Russian. He writes letters to his English pen friend John. Next year Sasha will wizit his pen friend in London

+ 0 -
25 дек. 2016 г., 21:38:35 (7 лет назад)



3.by heart 

3. translate



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Choose the right verb. Circle it. Paul often ..... sentences from French into English in the lesson. a) translates b) will translate c)

translated My friends ..... a new computer game during the break tomorrow.

a) discuss b) will discuss c) discussed

Some students ...... a lot of poems by heart last year.

a) learn b) will learn c) learnt

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a) makes b) will make c) made

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a) get b) will get c) got

Помогите вставить слова

Dear liza.

I don't think I will do a lot on my holidays.

I think I вставить слово

I'd like to вставить слово, but I also should вставить слово.

I hope I вставить слова.

I can't wait to вставить слово because вставить слово.

From Russia with love.

Students... english poems by heart.

помогите вставить слово последняя пятая буква n

помогите вставить вместо точек пропущенные слова.1)There is a short ... between the first and second lessons. 2)Students ...

English poems by heart. 3)My little sister likes to ... silly questions. 4)Jim can ... from 1 to 10. 5)They flew a ... last Sunday. 6)There arefive textbooks and seven workbooks in my ... . 7)"Will you ... the window,please," said the teacher. 8)I like to ... teacher is questions in the English lesson. 9)My friend will ... this text tomorrow. 10)Students like to ... different problems in the lesson.

Впиши пропущенные слова. favourite,merry,speak,sometimes,words. I am a student.My_______subject is English.In the lesson we_______

English,learn_______,sing_________ English songs.___________ we play game.

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