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Составить 4 общих вопроса и 4 специальных вопроса (на выбор) из ниже представленных словосочетаний:

10-11 класс

to break to pieces
a panorama (view) of
to stand for smth.
to strike a blow
fine and applied arts
to go on a tour
to have a possibility for
to strike a match
a piece of advice
to be a surprise to smb.
to turn smth. into smth.
to be a surprise to
to be worthy of smth.
to go on strike
to take a trip

настю6а 10 авг. 2014 г., 7:40:19 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 авг. 2014 г., 10:24:52 (9 лет назад)

Общие вопросы
1.Are you enjoing a view of falling trees?
2.Is she going on a tour next month?
3.Have you a real possibility for changing your life?
4. Have you had a piece of advice?
Специальные вопросы
1. What have you been surprised to?
2.What book is worth of reading?
3. Where are you going tj take a trip?
4.What are you standing for?


Другие вопросы из категории

прямая и косвенная речь



Выберите нужную форму глагола "To be"
1. There _____ some new pupils in our group
A) Is
2. There _____ many old houses in our street.
A) Were
B) Was
3. There _____ 7 days in week
A) Are
B) Is
4. There ______ a map on the wall
A) Will
B) Will be

Выберите правильные формы причастий.

1) Not {had, having} anything more to discuss they decided to close the meeting.

2) Commercial users can communicate over the Internet with the rest of the world {doing, done} it very cheaply.

Нужно выбрать один из двух слов

Читайте также

1.Раскрыть скобки!!! 2.Составить 7 любых вопросов, и специальных и общих из любых предложений из этого текста!!!(Present Simple). I (am/is) a student,

i (study/studies) medicine at the university in my town. I (live/lives) with my parents in (a/the) house near the city centre. I (have/has) got a sister, but she (doesn't/don't) live in a/the house. She is (a/an) architect and she work/works in London. (His/Her) job is very interesting. My parents is/are teachers in the same school. My mum (teach/teachers) French. My dad is (a/an) art teacher and he (paints/paint) in (his/her) free time.

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