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Science often means different things to different people. To many it means bodies of knowledge about the physical world grouped under different subjects;

10-11 класс

to some it means research or the pursuit of truth; to some it means the development of technology intended to benefit mankind; and to others it means finding out. experimenting, measuring. These are all different aspects of science, as the knowledge, experimenting, technology, etc., have all been produced by what could be called the "processes of science". Environmental problems are just one aspect of life to which science can be applied, but they are quite urgently in need of solution. Some science concepts are particularly relevant in the solving of environmental issues. Among them are 1. Energy (types of energy, law of conservation of energy, and law of energy degradation); 2. Ecosystem (energy flow in ecosystems, law of conservation of matter, nutrient cycling in ecosystems, evolution of ecosystems); 3. Resources (the nature of resources: inexhaustible, renewable, irreplaceable); 4. Food (production, nutrition, energy use); 5. Pollution (pollutant, threshold, synergy, persistence, biological magnification); 6. Human population (growth and control, birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, marriage age, density, and distribution).

Polypogosova1 23 окт. 2013 г., 18:16:53 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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23 окт. 2013 г., 18:52:39 (10 лет назад)

Наука часто означает разные вещи для разных людей. Для многих это означает, что объем знаний о физическом мире сгруппирован по различным предметам , для некоторых это означает исследование или стремление к истине , для некоторых это означает развитие технологии направленных на благо человечества , а также для других это означает выяснить истину через эксперименты , измерения . Все  различные аспекты науки, такие как знания, экспиременты, технологии и т.д. ,  можно  сказать являются"процессами науки» . Экологические проблемы являются лишь одним аспектом жизни, на которые не могут быть брошены все силы науки , но они довольно остро нуждаются в решении. Некоторые понятия науки имеют особое значение в решении экологических проблем. Среди них: 1. Энергии ( виды энергии , закон сохранения энергии и закон сохранения энергии деградации ), 2 . Экосистемы ( поток энергии в экосистемах , закон сохранения материи, круговорот питательных веществ в экосистемах , эволюция экосистем ), 3 . Ресурсы ( характер ресурсов : неисчерпаемые , возобновляемые источники , незаменимые ) 4. Питания (производство , питание , использование энергии ) 5. Загрязнения ( загрязняющего , порог, синергия , настойчивость, биологические увеличением) , 6. Человеческой популяции (рост и контроля, рождаемости , смертности, рождаемости , возраст вступления в брак , плотность и распределение) .


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The Maxi-Shop company is going to build a huge new shopping centre on the edge of Millingham, it

was announced yesterday. There (1)... be at least three hundred shops, including

some big department stores. When the project (2)…………………………… complete, there

be hundreds of new jobs for local people. But not everyone is happy. 'We're

to fight this plan,' said a spokesperson for the local Environment Group.'|us

think what is going (5)…………………………….. happen to our countryside. When shopping malls

(6)…………………………….. covered the whole country, there (7)………………………………. be no green

fields left. So we're (8)………………………………. a protest meeting tomorrow evening at the town hall. It

(9)…………………………….. at half past seven.' Owners of shops in the town centre are also unhappy. 'The

new centre (10)……………………. take our customers away,' said one of them.

Read the text below about Elizabeth II. According to the text, mark the statements 1-11 true(T), false(F), or unstated(U).

Queen Elizabeth is the queen of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the Head of the Commonwealth. Elizabeth II is a modern, constitutional monarch. T his means she isn’t the head of Britain’s government, but she is the Head of State. Elizabeth II became the queen in 1952. Her coronation took place in 1953. It was the first coronation to be shown on television.

Queen Elizabeth II has a wide range of duties to perform. Here are some of them. The Queen takes part in many important government processes, for example, the State Opening of Parliament. Among her many royal duties are regular visits abroad, which help to keep friendly links with foreign countries, and especially those of Commonwealth, and to encourage trade. The Queen also supports many charities, using her name and influence to help them to raise money. In January and June the Queen presents medals or “honours” at Buckingham Palace. She gives them to people who have done something special. “The honours list” includes famous people such as top actors, musicians, politicians, scientists as well as ordinary people whose actions have benefited their local community.

When foreign kings, queens and presidents visit Britain, they often stay at either Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle. But the Queen doesn’t just entertain Heads of State. Four times a year there are also “Royal Garden Parties”. The Queen invites all kinds of people. Some are famous, but other people have just worked hard for charities for a long time. Nine thousand people are invited to the parties which take place in the grounds of Buckingham Palace..Prince Philip and other “royal’s” often come too, so the royal family can talk to as many people as possible.

In 1969, the Queen wanted to “ open a window” on to the royal family. That year television cameras came into the royal home and filmed the family in private for the first time. Forty million people watched the programme. They saw a different side of the royal family. The programme brought the royal family closer to people, but it also helped to make problems for the future. Now the public wanted to see more and more of royal private life. It was harder to keep the reporters out. In the last thirty years there have been a lot of documentaries, series and interviews about the royal family. Before the days of television they seemed formal. Today they seem informal and friendly. As well as TV programmes, there are also newspaper stories, books and magazines about the Queen and her family. Hundreds appear every year. Some are good- many are bad, but almost all of them are popular.

Нужен перевод текста нормальный человеческий:

Even the dictionary finds it difficult to pin down the meaning of the
word quality. It has to use other vague words like excellence. Why is quality
so hard to define? Is it because it is such an abstract word and can mean so
many different things? Or because its meaning depends so much on what it
How can you define high quality when applied to the things you buy,
for example, a pop record, a pair of shoes, a meal in a restaurant? You'll
probably have three different definitions of quality for the three different
Quality is also hard to define because it can be such a subjective word –
it means quite different things to different people, even when they use the word
to describe the same thing. A Pink Floyd album may in your view have
quality, but your friend may consider that the same album is a waste of good
Yet another problem is that the meaning of quality changes over the years.
Things which you think have quality may not be seen in the same way by older
people. Just ask your grandmother what she thinks of the Stones?
For example, consider the two ads. Both advertise clothes for men. Advertisers
stress the points which they think sell quality to prospective buyers. The selling
points that are stressed in 1897 ad are durability, craftsmanship, dependability,
What about the ideas of quality in the present-day ad?
Present-day ads do not talk about tradition or craftsmanship, dependability or
durability. They stress the virtues of newness, of being different, sometimes of
being way out. Cheapness may be, emphasized too, the fact that almost everyone
can afford the product. Does this mean that quality in manufactured goods is
disappearing now that most things are mass-produced?

перевести пожалуйто((((((((((((( Today most of us are pretty used to the moon, There it is in the sky — crescent (растущая) or half or full...

Years ago people lived by the changing phases of moon. They kept calendars and holidays by the moon. . They planted seed in the spring's new moon and harvested in the autumn's full moon. And fisherman all over the world told the morrow's (завтрашний) weather by the moon. For many people the moon long remained a mysterious heavenly body that could bring good fortune or ill. It could bring good luck if it was a new moon and you had silver coins in your pocket to jingle (звон). A new moon was also the time to make a wish, take a trip, go a-courting, or cut your hair. But the moon could bring bad luck, too. If you saw a woman combing her hair in the light of the full moon, or you planted seed during the full moon, you would have bad luck. Almost everyone believed if you slept with moonlight on your face, you'd go crazy. Indeed any people believe this that we get the word lunatic from the word for moon, luna. Today, of course, we know that none to these things is true. You can asleep in the moonlight and wake up as normal as you were yesterday. You might harvest your crops in the full moon with poor results or harvest in a sickle moon and do well. You might start your vacation on during the new moon and have a flat tire right away. Nevertheless, there it is... the moon, hanging up there in the sky, seeming to change its shape before our very eyes. No wonder people continue to be fascinated by it. Since the beginning of time, they have tried to explain how it got there and why it behaves the way it does. The first people to try to explain the creation and behaviour of the moon were tribal poets and storytellers. There are hundreds of folktales about the moon.

4. Переведите текст письменно с английского языка на русский. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту. Напишите все возможные вопросы к подчеркнутому

Advertising informs consumers about the existence and benefits of products and services and attempts to persuade them to buy them. The best of advertising is probably word-to-mouth advertising, which occurs when people tell their friends about the benefits of products and services that they have purchased. Yet virtually no providers of goods and services rely on this alone, but use paid advertising instead. Indeed, many organizations also use institutional or prestige advertising, which is designed to build up their reputation rather than to sell particular products.
Although large companies could easily set up their own advertising departments, write their own advertisements, and buy media space themselves, they tend to use the services of large advertising agencies. These are likely to have more resources, and more knowledge about all aspects of advertising and advertising media than a single company.The most talented advertising people generally prefer to work on a variety of advertising accounts (contracts to advertise products and services). It is also easier for a dissatisfied company to give its account to another agency than it would be to fire its own advertising staff.
The client company generally gives the advertising agency an agreed budget; a statement of the objectives of the advertising campaign, known as a brief; and an overall advertising strategy concerning the message to be communicated to the target customers. The agency creates advertisements (the word is often abbreviated to adverts or ads), and develops a media plan specifying which media – newspapers, magazines, radio, television, cinema, posters, mail, etc. – will be used and in which proportions. (On the television and radio, ads are often known as commercials). Agencies often produce alternative ads or commercials that are pre-tested in newspapers, television stations, etc. in different parts of a country before a final choice is made prior to a national campaign.
The agency’s media planners have to decide what percentage of the target market they want to reach (how many people will be exposed to the ads) and the number of times they are likely to see them. Advertising people talk about frequency or OTS (opportunities to see) and the threshold effect – the point at which advertising becomes effective. The choice of advertising media is generally strongly influenced by the comparative cost of reaching 1,000 members of the target audience, the cost per thousand (often abbreviated to CMP, using the Roman numeral for 1,000). The timing of advertising campaigns depends on factors such as purchasing frequency and buyer turnover (new buyers entering the market).
1) What is the best form of advertising and why?
2) What are the functions of advertisement?
3) Why do companies tend to use services of advertising agencies?

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