Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!


5-9 класс

1. Выберите правильный вариант и обведите его.
1). This is/ There are my books.
2). That is/ Those are your class.
3). Is that/ Are those my coursebook?
4). Is this/ Are there our pens?
5). This isn't/ These aren't his shoes.
7). That is/ Those are his dictionary.
8). This is/ There are their photos.
6). That isn't/ Those aren't her Pictures.
2. Написать краткий ответик)))
Сan you and your friend sing?
Написать что- то вроде No, ......... сan't ( отрицание)

Arzucebrailova 20 апр. 2015 г., 19:43:18 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 апр. 2015 г., 20:17:00 (9 лет назад)

1. There are
2. That is
3. Is that
4. Are these
5. These aren`t
7. That is
8. There are
6. Those aren`t
No, my friends and me can`t sing.

+ 0 -
20 апр. 2015 г., 23:09:54 (9 лет назад)

1. There are
2. That is
3. Is that
4. Are these
5. These aren`t
7. That is
8. There are
6. Those aren`t
No, my friends and me can`t sing.


Другие вопросы из категории

read what the children like and then going to give them for christmas . USE : a watch , a camera , a box of sweets , a guitar , a rakeet , a footbll ,

a kitten , paints kevin is always late . melissa has a sweet tooth . susan is fond of music thomas playys tennis mary loves pets alice likes to daaw andrew loves sports

Прошу вас помогите через 15 минут мне уже надо идти а я всё ещё не сделала! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ!

Написать надо на английском про Rosa Parks:
•Date and place of birth
•Family and childhood
•Personal life
•Interesting events her life
•Importance? Greatest achievement?

Читайте также

Помогите,лёгкое задание
Помогитее плизз(( задание вроде легкое Помогитее плизз(( задание вроде легкое ,Но забыла из головы вылетила от чего зависит CHOOSE THE

CORRECT VERB FORMS(правильную форму написания выбрать(

1.Storms around the world (cause/are caused) muc damage.

2.Many letters (receive/are received) by the office manager every day.

3.At our school concerts are held/held very oten.

4.During the break many buns are bought/bought at the canteen.

5.His uncle is told/tells lots of stories.

6.the streets are cleaned/cleaned/cleaned every day.

7.yesterday i took/was taken to the dentist.

8.students made/are made lots of grammar mistakes.

9.their passports stole/were stolen.

10.the exercise can do/can be done in writing.

Помогите с лёгким заданием!Всё внутри!

-Write questions from these words. Use is or are and put the words in order.
Пример: "(working / Paul / today?) - Is Paul working today?"
3) (you / listening / to me?) ............
4) (where / going / your friends?) ............
5) (your parents / television / watching?) ............
6) (what / cooking / Ann?) ...........
7) (why / you / looking / at me?) ...........
8) (coming / the bus?) ............

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