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ессе на тему Money is the Best Motivator

10-11 класс

Eliza2288ziyadinova 26 июня 2014 г., 23:39:28 (9 лет назад)
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27 июня 2014 г., 2:16:05 (9 лет назад)

Everyone in the company knows that motivation is extremely important. it is no doubt, that the most common way to encourage employees to carry out their duties is money. To my mind, money is the most powerful instrument that influences on people’s attitude to job.  Money and monetary rewards are the best employment motivation strategies. Besides, money is the only thing that can motivate people working in the harmful conditions. I can say that money is definitely the finest motivator. To draw the conclusion, giving out monetary rewards is one of the oldest and proved motivation strategies for the staff.


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The lottery.

For centuries, different types of lotteries have been organizes in different countries for different purposes. But all have one thing in common. Their promoters have made a lot of money! The first reference to a 'lottery' appeared in the ___. However, it wasn't untl ___ that the first government lottery was organised, and iy took place in ___. In Englabd the lottery arrved shortly after n 1560, during the reign of ___.

Since then lotteres have become an important feature in countries around the world. As well as makng a few lucky people ___, they also rase money for ___ and provide governments with ___.

For example, in 1976, Canada held a lottery to help pay for the ___ in Montreal. The lottery made an amazing ___ - a lot more than the cost of the Game!

I. Прочитайте текст, заполнив пропуски

правильной лексико-грамматической формой, выбрав один из четырех предложенных
вариантов. Переведите текст на русский язык.

Being a Manager

Managers are not born overnight,
___1__ you rarely meet a manager fresh out of school or college or even
university. One ____2_____ gain a certain degree of life and work experience
before he ___3___ become a successful manager. Some people ___4___ come out of
university and get _____5____ a management role but they will usually be called
a management trainee and ____6___ on a graduate training scheme.

____7___ to get into a management
role is to work hard and take note of ___8___ a senior manager does and
remember what previous managers ___9___ before. A manager needs to manage his
staff, this doesn’t mean to order them around and expect them ___10____ all the
work. A successful manager never asks his staff to do tasks they would never do
or they are not capable of ____11____. If he doesn’t know ___12___ to do
anything himself, how will his subordinates be capable of doing this task?

People don’t just thrive on ___13___
a decent salary and earning bonuses. We all like ___14____ we’ve done something
well, to give a sense of pride in our accomplishments. Any manager would also
like to hear from his superiors that he ____15___ a project well or that he has
had good feedback from his team about his leadership skills.

Some people get to management level
and have difficulties ___16___ tasks which can be easily carried out by their
subordinates. One needs to learn to let ____17___ and trust his staff to
complete the work he ____18___ himself.
___19___ type of manager is someone who hands an idea to the board and
pretends it was his idea when it was ____20____.

составьте ситуации используя данные слова и словосочетания

1. my friend works hard at the office.
to receive , to discuss, to answer, a lot of articles , to finish work

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Ответить на вопросы

Who is the best lawyer in town?

henry brown, when he's sober.
and who is the second best lawyer in town?
henry brown, when he's drunk.

Переведите пожалуйста в косвенную речь, за ранее спасибо!

2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях: A commercial bank is a privately owned ___ corporation. The commercial bank is the most

important source of ___ loans for businesses. Banking services are not ___ and banks charge fees for them. A national bank is charted by the ___. Most banks offer their ___ various savings certificates.

3. Закончить предложения, употребив глаголы в соответствующей форме.

If I won a lot of money, ___. If you had given me more time, ___. If it’s sunny tomorrow, ___. If there are no buses, ___. You should see a doctor if ___.

4.Преобразовать следующие предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

“This is the best holiday I have ever had,” she said to her friend. “Don’t speak to your father like that,” she said to them. “Take your books with you,” she said to her son. “Did you see the robbers?” the policeman asked him. “I will come tomorrow and fix the tap,” the plumber said to them.

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