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Who said these words?

5-9 класс

Shopping 14 сент. 2014 г., 19:42:24 (9 лет назад)
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14 сент. 2014 г., 21:41:15 (9 лет назад)

Кто сказал эти слова?


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Перепишите предложения, употребив прилагательные в нужной степи сравнения. Переведите предложение.1. my brother's flat is (big) than mine and

much (light)

2. Where is (near) shop?

2. This French film is (interesting) than the American one.

3. She is (good) student in the group

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1. Put these words into the sentences below:

1.screen 2.subtitles 3.row 4.trailers 5.credits

a. Let's sit at the back. I don't like being too near the ........ .
b. I like to sit in the front ........ .
c. I find trying to read ....... very annoying. I prefer dubbed films.
d. I like seeing all the ........ for the new films that are coming out.
e. I usually stay at the end to read the ....... because I like to know who some of the less important actors were.

2. Match these words with their definitions below:

1.star 2.director 3.scene 4.critic 5.review

a. somebody who reviews new films
b. a very famous actor or actress
c. what a critic writes about a new film
d. the person who tells the actors and actresses what to do
e. one small part of a film

7.A. Match these words with their definitions.

1. to hire/ - to play something again (a football match, a film) so, that it can be looked later.
2. to record/ - to spoil somethings, destroy.
3. to pirate/ - to use something on payment of some money.
4. to ruin - to copy and sell the work of other people without permission.
5. to replay/ - to write something on a cassette, computer.
B. Now, fill in the gaps with these words.
1. The rain______ many old houses.
2. In our city you can _________ a taxi.
3. After the match footballers ____ the game and discussed their mistakes.
4.When I am not at home I _____ my voice on the answering matchine.
5. It is not good to ______ videos.

It is said that charity begins at home, and people in the UK О) seem to have put these words into practice. Their enthusiasm for helping others shows

in the 187,000 charity organizations that 1) in the country, Some of the most famous ones аге Oxfam, Age Concern, the RSPCA, the British Heart Foundation and Marie Curie Cancer Саге. People donate money to charity organizations or volunteer to . Help them 2) money. Many of these organizations run charity Shops, The first charity shop in the United Kingdom was established by Oxfam in Broad Street, Oxford. Oxfam has the Largest number of charity shops in the UK with З) 800 stores. Charity shops sell goods at very 4) prices. The items for sale аге usually second-hand and donated by members of the public. These 5) books, records, CDs, clothes, accessories, household items, furniture and costumes for 6) occasions such as Halloween. There аге bargains for 7) ! Some charity shops also sell new goods that аге somehow related to the cause they 8) In Oxfam stores, for example, you сап find fair trade food and. crafts. The staff who work at charity shops аге volunteers, so most of the profits from the sales 9) towards the charity. In the US, Where charity shops аге called thrift stores, this of shopping Is so 10) that it has got it's own word, it's called thrifting! переведите плиз

An old gentleman was very unhappy about young boys who lived near him. They were always noisy, played the guitar loudly and sang strange songs. The old

gentleman thought they had very bad manners and didn’t know the difference between right and wrong.
One day he was taking a walk in the park near his home when he saw some young boys standing around a small cat. The old man went up to the boys and asked them what was happening. One of the boys said to him: “We are having a competition. We’re telling lies and the one who tells the biggest one will keep this cat.”
The old gentleman thought that was a good opportunity to teach the boys good manners and to give them a useful lesson. So, he said to them: “I’ve never told a lie in my life!” When the boys heard these words they shouted: “You’ve won! You can take the cat!”

Переведите!!! One day a fox saw a rabbit.The Fox run it.he caught the rabbit in his mouth and said,"ALittle Rabbit,I want to eat you."

What could the poor Rabbit do? He said to the Fox,"Very well,Mr fox, it me up!But first please sing to me.You sing so well."
the Fox was very happy to hear these words.He opened his mouth a little and began to sing:
I'm a fox, look at me!I've caught a rabbit, fat is he!"
the rabbit said, "I cen't hear you very well, mr fox.Can you sing a little louder?"
So the fox openedis mouth a little more and began to sing a little louder:
I'm a fox, look at me! I'v caught a rabbit, fat is he!"
"Oh, thet's better, Mr fox,"said the rabbit. But i cnow you can sing mush better. Put me down on the grass near you. then you can open your mouth very wide and sing very well."
The fox put the little rabbit down on the grass near nim, opened his mouth very wide and began to sing:
"I'm a fox, look at me!I'v caught..."
"Oh, no, you haven't," cried the rabbit, and ran away.
Before the fox had time to close his mouth, the little rabbit was far away.

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