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Перевод срочно)

5-9 класс

The Kazakhs then separated into three new tribes, or hordes - the Great Horde in the south, the Middle Horde in the north and the Little Horde in the west.

Wwwnik 03 сент. 2013 г., 16:22:24 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 сент. 2013 г., 17:24:11 (10 лет назад)

Казахи разделены на 3 племя(жузы) Большая орда -на юге, средняя орда на севере и малая орда на западе.


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Какой город является столицей Австралии?

а) Канберра
б) Сидней
с) Мельбурн?

........(i /tell ) you that my school....... ( hold) a big dance next week ? we ......(celebrate) the end of the school year. as i am a member of the

organising committee, i ......(spend) most of my time after school trying to work out the details of the event. ......(you/ have) any good ideas to give me ? What about you ? What .......(you/ do) lately ? ........( You/ still /work) at your dad is shop after school ? You known what ? I........( just /have ) a great idea! i tell you that my school hold a big dance next week ? we celebrate the end of the school year. as i am a member of the organising committee, i spend most of my time after school trying to work out the details of the event. you have any good ideas to give me ? What about you ? What you do lately ? You still work at your dad is shop after school ? You known what ? I just have a great idea!

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Перевод срочно


Нужен перевод СРОЧНО !!!

1. Твоя сестра отдыхает после школы ?
2. Что ты читаешь после обеда ?
3. Что они едят на завтрак ?
4. Что твой брат пьет по вечерам ?



Пожалуйста перевод.

I m the waiter, you know!
explained the man in the black coat.
Wont you sit down,Madam siad the Mary Poppins has asked him to join them.
They began their afternoon-tea and the wainter stood beside them to see that they had everything they needed.
They darnk their tea two more cups,and then they finished the pile of raspberry-jam-cakes.After thay got up.
There is nothing to pay said the waiter,before they had time ro ask for the bill.
I t is a pleasure.You will find the merry-go-rund just over there!
Mary Poppins and her fiend saw some wooden horses in the trees.
Пожалуйста перевод срочно 30 балов

Помогите! Нужен перевод срочно!! Заранее спасибо))

P.S. Перевод нужен до завтра!

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