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The cold war and beyond перевод текста 9 класс

5-9 класс

025664510n 05 дек. 2013 г., 20:19:38 (10 лет назад)
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05 дек. 2013 г., 21:23:06 (10 лет назад)

Так ты дай текст, а как мы его переведем


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1) We do not need TV shows when we can have advertisements. ( Sean)
2) Commercials must not go away. How else are we going to find out about things to buy? ( Ken)
3) People should not buy things just because famous people are advertising them. ( Pam)
4) Junk food advertisements should not be banned because it won't stop us from eating it. ( Cathy)
5) Nobody has the right to tell people what they can and can't buy. ( John)
6) Commercials can be creative, informative and very useful. ( Marsha)
7) Healthier food must be more widely advertised. ( Joy)
8) They needn't change anything about advertising: we will still buy what we want! (Phil)
9) Alcohol advertising must be banned on TV as well as cigarette advertising. ( Jeremy)
10) They might make some advertisements easier to understand. ( Jeff)
11) Because of commercials, we often have to buy things we don't need/ ( Tracey)
There should be adverst on TV because they give you time to have a break. ( Gill)

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As you know the colonies in America won the Revolutionary War (the War of Independence (1775—1783). After that they became free and independent states,

but they had a problem: they needed one strong national government. That's why in the year 1787 all the states sent their representatives to Philadelphia where they wrote the Constitution. The Constitution is the highest law in the United States which describes the powers of the national government and the powers of the state governments. Ш 62. The US government is like a tree with a strong trunk and three branches. The trunk is the people. It holds up
the tree: without the support of the people there can be no government. People choose the men who make American laws.
The first branch on the tree of government is the Congress. The Congress is a meeting of representatives from all states. The people elect those representatives. The Congress makes the laws that everybody must obey. The Congress meets in the US Capitol in Washington, D. C. The Congress is divided into two parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Every state, no matter how large or small, sends two people to the Senate. These people are called senators. There are one hundred senators in the Senate. A senator's term is six years. Each state also sends

people to the House of Representatives. They are called congressmen or congresswomen. The number of congressmen from each state depends on the number of people who live in the state. The larger states have more congressmen than the smaller states. All in all there are 435 congressmen in the House of Representatives. A representative's term is two years. The Constitution gives many powers to the Congress. One important power of the Congress is the power to declare war.

Пожжалуйста, переведите! Lear Kids, Here is the story I promised to write to you. Imagine a lot of snow, iice< sun and cold all in place. It`s

called Antarctica! And it is the coldest part of the world. It is also the highest and the windiest. There are a lot of mountains and icebergs in Antarctica. Do you know what icebergs are like? They are large and beautiful pieces of ice like mountains made from glass and snow. Scientists from different countries stay here for short periods of time. Usually they live in special stations. There are some unusual birds that live in Antarctica. They are called penguins. They are quite big birds but they can`t fly at all. But they are excellent swimmers and divers. While the penguins` mums spend the winter at sea, their dads take care of the eggs for nine weeks. During this time they don`t eat or drink. For extra warmth these brave and strong birds live in big groups. Together they try to keep their children out of the cold air and wind. The blue whale lives in Antarctica too. It is the largest animal in the world. But i will write you about them in my next story. Send your letters to our magazine. Ask me as many questions as you can and I`ll try to answer them all. Dian Right correspondent for the children`s magazine "Young Scientist"

Перевод текста Mashina Vremeni ...in the 1960s. The groups music was a great ...in 1968, it was well of new and unusual ...Their ...told about

the problems of time. In 1976 the young musicians met Boris Grebenshchhikov who invited them to Leningrad. Their concerted were played to ...In 1978 the group started using ...it was a new instrument that was a revolution in rock music. In 1981 the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets published the list of the most popular songs and the song Povorot by Mashina Vremeni ...for the first time. Mashina Vremeni became the best rock group of the year. Many young people enjoyed listening to their songs. In 1980 the group recorded 2 ...They were ...Later the group took part in different TV programmes and films. In 1989 the group Africa and great Britain. The group ...and ...more than 20 albums. Now they their work and Russia, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Europe and America. Their songs are still ...listening to.

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! Перевод текста The giant looks at the hen. "Lay!" And

the little brown hen lays an egg. He says it again and it lays another egg, and then another. Soon there are ten eggs on the table. Jack looks through a hole in the oven door and sees the eggs.

"The eggs are golden! The hen is magic!"

The giant is very tired after his big meal. Soon his eyes close and he falls asleep.

Jack gets ready to leave.

"Now I can go!"

He slowly opens the oven door, climbs out of the oven and walks to the table. He wants to take the giant's hen.

"Come here, little hen. You're coming with me! I need a magic hen. Now I can be rich, and mother won't be angry with me!"

While the giant is sleeping, Jack takes the hen from the table. He is very quiet because he doesn't want to wake him up.

ПОМОГИТЕ, ЭТО СРОЧНО!!!! ДАЮ МНОГО ПУНКТОВ!!! Look at the text, find and read out the sentences where verbs are used in the passive voice. Jazz. Have

you ever heard anything about jazz? We are sure you have. Jazz is type of music and the only art form that was created in the United States.Jazz was created by black Americans.Many blacks were broght from Africa to America as slaves.Different native songs were sung by the black slaves and the music of their homeland was played in America. Jazz is a mixture of many different kinds of music.It is made up of the music of West Africa,the work songs of the slaves and religious music.The first jazz bands were formed at the end of the 19th century.They played in bars and clubs in many towns and cities of the South,especially New Orleans. Nowadays New Orleans is an international seaport, and people from all over the world come to New Orleans to hear jazz.Improvisation is an important part of jazz.This means that jazz music is made up or created on the spot.This is why a jazz song can sound a little different each time it is played. With time jazz became more and more popular.By the 1920s,jazz was popular all over the United States . By the 1940s, you could not only hear jazz in clubs and bars ,but in concert halls too.Today jazz is played all over the world.On every continent special festivals are held where jazz muscians from the United States,Asia,Africa,South America and Europe meet and share their music.In this way jazz continues to grow and change.Let's hope that no matter what happens in music jazz will always be performed and listened to.


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Ты когда-нибудь слышал что-нибудь про джазз? Мы уверены что да.

Джазз это тип музыки и единственная форма искусства которая была создана в США. Джаз был создан афроамериканцами. Много черных были перевезены из Африки в Америку в качестве рабов. Разные народные песни пели черные рабы и музыка их родины играла в Америки.

Джаз это микс различных жанров музыки. Он состоит из музыки западной Африки, песен рабов и религиозной музыки. Первые джазз-бэнды появились в концке 19ого века. Они играли в барах и клубах во многих городах и крупных городах Юга, особенно Нового орлеана.

В наши дни Новый Орлеан это международный порт, и люди со всего мира приезжают в Н.О послушать джазз. Импровизация ээто важная составляющая джаза. Это значит джаз создается спонтанно. Вот почему песни джаза всегда звучат немного по-другому,когда их играют.

Со временем джаз становился более и более популярным. В 1920 джаз был популярен везде в США. К 1940ому, ты мог слышать джаз не только в клубах и барах, но и в концертных залах тоже. Сегодня джаз играют по всему миру. На каждом континенте проводятся специальные фестивали где встречаются музыканты из США, Азии, Африки, Южной Америки и Европы и делятся своей музыкоц. Джаз продолжает расти и менятся. Давайте надеятся, что чтобы не случилось джаз всегда будут играть и слушать.

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