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Надо расставить все по местам. 1)Old \ Ana\ are\ friends\ Jay\ and?=Are Jay and Ana old friends?вот так надо 2)They\ where\ are?

5-9 класс

3)Mexican\ Jay \ is?

4)English \ got \ friends \ Ana \ any \ has?

5)She \ homesick \ is ?

6)From \ she \ where \ come \ does?

7)Studyng \ what* s \ Ana?

8) Veracruz / live / Jay /does / in? Помогите плиз потом и вам помогу!!

KennyDap 02 марта 2015 г., 11:45:20 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 марта 2015 г., 13:00:40 (9 лет назад)

 where are they?
Is Jay Mexican
Has Ana got any English friends? 
Is she homesick?
where does she come from?
What's Ana studying?
Does Jay live in Veracruz?


Другие вопросы из категории

I. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в них инфинитив и укажите его функции:

1. The cosmonauts use portable TV cameras to send space tele­casts to the Earth.
2. To break the new glass a great amount of force should be applied.
3. The results to be received by the researchers may vary considerably.
4. The computers have to carry out several thousands arithmetic operations per second and be very reliable.
5. To strengthen metals means to make them harder.

Canada is slightly larger than the United States, but has only about a tenth as many people. About 28 million of people live in Canada. About 80% of the

population live within 320 km of the southern border. Much of the rest of Canada is uninhabited or thinly populated because of severe natural conditions. Canada's people are varied. About 57% of all Canadians have some English ancestry and about 32% have some French ancestry. Native people – American Indians and Eskimos – make up about 2% of the country's population. 77% of Canada's people live in cites or towns. Помогите перевести


В. Fill in the blanks in the sentences that follow with turn, rush, do, run, get, set.

1. In a warm room ice soon ... into water. 2. I’m afraid we’ll have to ... with these books. These are as many as I’ve got. 3. I’m afraid the news has been a bit of a shock for Laura. She still can’t ... over it. 4. Poor Joe didn’t say anything, he got very red in the face and ... out of the room. 5. When I go somewhere with my granny I always help her to ... on and off the bus. 6. It’s seven o’clock, it’s time for us to ... off. Our train leaves in an hour. 7. I ... the bag inside out looking for the key, but never found it. 8. I don’t like it when people ... their friends down. 9. I think you should ... your room before your party. 10. What’s happening? Why are these children ... in and out of the classrooms?

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Помогите с английским вот по такому примеру They say that the English are a tradition-loving people. The English are said to be a tradition-loving

people.Вот так надо сделать в предложений пишите вторую сразу готовое предложение.
1.People belive that the British talk about the weather all the time.
2.People think that the English don't like changes very much.
3.People consider that the British are not good at learning foreign languages.
4.They say that the English don't spend nuch money on clothes.
5.People believe that the Scots are careful with money.
6.People think that the Irish are great talkers.
7.People consider that the Irish have "a sweet tooth": they love cakes, chocolates and sweets.
8.People know that the British don't like to show their feelings.

Помогите ответить на вопросы из текста ; 1) What is your favourite day? 2)What advice can you give? 3) Why do you like this place? 4) W

hat*s the best thing ? Текст По буквам ; a.b.c.d D) Respect the Uzbek rules ,their way of life,and the country's natural beauty. To understand the country the best thing to do is visit a choyhona. In the choyhona you can meet a lot of interesting people, get advise ,eat ,drink and even sleep. .a) We like to beauty of the country , the food is cheap and the sun's always shining . The grass is green and the threes are in blossom . Oh, and we like the colourful national costumes. I'm going to buy a duppi and a chopon tom take home. People is America will love them. C) We started the day with a tour of Samarkand , visited an old mosque , and went shopping in the bazar . We had dinner in one of hundreds of small resturants in the side streets. B) The culture and the people ,who are friendly, kind and caring. You really notice that people are open. The other amazing thing is the respect they have for older people and their love of children .

помогите найти синонимы: To choose misical career To like something very much To make an album Caribbean an folk music

Impressive music



The Birmingham-born reggae singer moved to the Top of the Pop stage in early 1993. Twelve months later, he was coming to the end of a disastrous second tour of India,and thinking of stopping the business. ''It took me almost a year to find myself,'' says Apache Indian, a stage name for 27-year-old Steve Kapur. In the end,Make Way for the Indian, a powerful record,appeared. Later in the year, he also becomes a deejay with his own weekly show on Radio One. ''My music is a reflection of how i grew up-the reggae from the streets, the Indian bhangra sound and language from home, and perhaps the pop from the radio.'' Reggae has always been a powerful musicial force in Birmingham, producing acts such as Steel Pulse and UB40.Steve Kapur unlike his Asian mates in school followed the music from the age of 13. His parents couldn`t understand this. ''My parents came to this country when rock and roll was popular,and they were great fans of Elvis Presley. If I had followed him, there would have been no problem. Asians tend to have a very negative attitude towards black people, and reggae in particular was associated with gangs.'' Steve disapproves violence. '' I would take my family away and live somewhere else if I thought my children might get mixed up in gangs.'' Kapur was an excellent pupil and eventually became the best at school. Howewer when he was 18 he dropped out of college because of some family problems. Kapur joined his father workingin the shop and, as he was free from having to study in the evenings, devoted more time to reggae. He bought a van to help a local reggae sound system travel around the country, and finally started deejaying himself. Apache has not, howewer, forgotten about his roots. ''It was hard to record the album because i felt a lot of pressure.'' But Make Way for the Indian became a socially conscious album. ''People are getting shot, kids are on cocaine and crack, and i do address those subjects. I`m not leaving out the Asian people because what toy apply to the Indian people,you apply you the white people, you apply to all.''

помогите найти вот эти слова: в отличие от своих азиатских собратьев бросил обучение отражение того, как я рос отношение к людям


посвящал время



The Birmingham-born reggae singer moved to the Top of the Pop stage in early 1993. Twelve months later, he was coming to the end of a disastrous second tour of India,and thinking of stopping the business. ''It took me almost a year to find myself,'' says Apache Indian, a stage name for 27-year-old Steve Kapur. In the end,Make Way for the Indian, a powerful record,appeared. Later in the year, he also becomes a deejay with his own weekly show on Radio One. ''My music is a reflection of how i grew up-the reggae from the streets, the Indian bhangra sound and language from home, and perhaps the pop from the radio.'' Reggae has always been a powerful musicial force in Birmingham, producing acts such as Steel Pulse and UB40.Steve Kapur unlike his Asian mates in school followed the music from the age of 13. His parents couldn`t understand this. ''My parents came to this country when rock and roll was popular,and they were great fans of Elvis Presley. If I had followed him, there would have been no problem. Asians tend to have a very negative attitude towards black people, and reggae in particular was associated with gangs.'' Steve disapproves violence. '' I would take my family away and live somewhere else if I thought my children might get mixed up in gangs.'' Kapur was an excellent pupil and eventually became the best at school. Howewer when he was 18 he dropped out of college because of some family problems. Kapur joined his father workingin the shop and, as he was free from having to study in the evenings, devoted more time to reggae. He bought a van to help a local reggae sound system travel around the country, and finally started deejaying himself. Apache has not, howewer, forgotten about his roots. ''It was hard to record the album because i felt a lot of pressure.'' But Make Way for the Indian became a socially conscious album. ''People are getting shot, kids are on cocaine and crack, and i do address those subjects. I`m not leaving out the Asian people because what toy apply to the Indian people,you apply you the white people, you apply to all.''

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