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Дополните предложения, используя no, none or any. 1.We took a few photographs but--- of them were very good. 2.What a stupid

10-11 класс

thing to do! ---- intelligent person would do such a thing.

3.I couldn t answwer ----- of the questions they asked me.

4.We cancelled the party because ---- of the people we invited were able to come.

Daria070996 13 янв. 2014 г., 18:51:11 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 янв. 2014 г., 20:35:46 (10 лет назад)

1- none
2- any
3- none
4- none


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Помогите перевести на английский язык употребляя глаголы в Present Simple. [2] 1. Когда

просыпается твой брат? - Он просыпается без двадцати восемь. - А твоя сестра также просыпается без двадцати восемь? - Нет. Мой брат ходит в школу, а моя сестра не ходит в школу. Она еще не ученица. Она просыпается в девять часов.

2. Он не моет руки перед едой.

3. Этот мальчик свистит в классе.

4. Он не играет ни на каком музыкальном инструменте.

5. Но мальчик играет в футбол и любит смотреть мультипликационные фильмы.

6. Он любит школьные каникулы, особенно летние каникулы.

7. День рождения мальчика 31 декабря.

8. Поэтому он получает много подарков.

Пожалуйста очень надо

предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на степени сравнения
прилагательных и наречий и на сравнительные конструкции.


Put the verb into the correct form.

1. I feel sick. I wish --- so much cake. (I/not/eat)

2. I'm fed up with this rain. I wish --- raining. (it/stop)

3. It's a difficult question. I wish --- the answer. (I/know)

4. I should have listened to you. I wish --- your advice. (I/take)

5. I wish --- here. She'd be able to help us. (Ann/be)

6. Aren't they ready yet? I wish---. (they/hurry up)

7. It would be nice to stay here. I wish --- to go now. (we/not/have)

8. When we were in London last year, we didn't have time to see all the
things we wanted to see. I wish --- more time. (we/have)

9. It's freezing today. I wish --- so cold. I hate cold weather. (it/not/be)

10. What's her name again? I wish --- remember her name. (I/can)

11. What I said was stupid. I wish --- anything. (I/not/say)

12. (in a car) You're driving too fast. I wish --- a bit. (you/slow down)

13. It was a terrible film. I wish --- to see it. (we/not/go)

14. You're always tired. I wish --- to bed so late. (you/not/go)

Читайте также

Задание 1. Перепишите предложения, употребив существительные во множественном числе и сделав соответствующие изменения:

1. That was a long story.

2. The leaf of this tree is yellow.

3. Is this a man or a woman?

4. There is a child in the garden.

Задание 2. Перепишите предложения, употребив прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения. Переведите предложения.

1. Which is (large): the United States or Cana­da?

2. What is the name of the (big) port in the United States?

3. Moscow is the (large) city in Russia.

4. The London underground is the (old) in the world.

5. There is a (great) number of cars and buses in the streets of Moscow than in any other city of Russia.

6. St. Petersburg is one of the (beau­tiful) cities in the world.

Задание 3. Перепишите предложения, подчеркнув в них местоимения. Укажите разряд местоимений. Переведите предложения.

1. Who can better know my weakness than I?

2. He has never got anything interesting to say.

3. None of those dogs are ours.

4. The child fell and hurt himself badly.

Задание 4. Перепишите предложения, раскрыв скобки и употребив глаголы в соответствующей временной форме группы.

1. He (to spend) last summer in the country.

2. He (not to spend) last summer in the country.

3. He (to spend) last summer in the country?

4. Where he (to spend) last summer?

5. She (to help) mother yesterday.

6. She (not to help) moth­er yesterday.

7. She (to help) mother yesterday?

8. How she (to help) mother yesterday?

9. Kate (to cook) dinner every day.

10. Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow.

11. Kate (to cook) dinner now.

12. Kate (to cook) dinner yesterday.

Задание 5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

В следующем году мой старший сын будет изучать иностранный язык. Вы часто ходите в театр? – Я люблю театр, но в прошлом году я не посмотрел ни одного представления. Кем была переведена эта статья? – Статью перевел наш лучший переводчик два дня назад. Как часто приносят письма? – Их всегда приносят утром.

Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous.

1. Look at these children: they (to skate) very well.

2. You (to skate) last Sunday? — Yes, we (to skate) the whole day last Sunday. We (to skate) again next Sunday.

3. My brother can skate very well. He (to skate) every Sunday. 4. What you (to do) now? — I (to wash) the dishes.

5. What you (to do) at three o'clock yesterday? — I (to have) din­ner.

6. You (to have) dinner now?

7. Where your brother (to work)? — He (to work) at an institute.

8. Your grandmother (to sleep) when you (to come) home yesterday?

9. What your brother (to do) to­morrow?

10. I (not to go) to the shop yesterday. I (to go) to the shop tomorrow.

Задание 7. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:

Healthy Food

Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy savoury foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that is gets the things it needs to work properly. Food helps us to keep warm, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to grow and stay healthy. Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the alphabet. All of them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight. But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk, butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills and tablets containing vitamins. But most of us get more than enough of them from our food.

Задание 8. Прочитайте текст и соотнесите заголовки с параграфами

The vitamin to make your hard. Tastes differ. You can’t live without food. Vitamins and the ABC.

Задание 9. Ответьте, верны ли эти предложения.

When we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well. ______ To get vitamins you need to buy pills. ______ Vitamin C is important for our skin. ______ You can get vitamin D only when eating special food. ______

1).Дополните предложения одним из выражений:excuse me, I’m sorry, forgive me, sorry.

1) «How glad to see you, old man!»–_________, what did you say? I don’t think we’ve met before.
2)«________, but can you tell me the way tothe State Department Store?»–«__________, I’m a stranger here myself.»
3) «When will you return the money you owe me?»–«__________, but I cannot return it this month either.»
2).Перефразируйте данные предложения,используя Passivevoice.
1) He built this house.
2)The man is repairing our car.
3)Cooks make wonderful cakes.

Переведите предложения используя времена: 1)По субботам я хожу в Бассейн 2)Я Видел этот фильм вчера 3)Что ты собираешься делать? 4)Когда я пришел

домой, мои родители смотрели фильм 5)Я сегодня усердно поработал. И ещё одно задание))) надо перевести предложения используя модальные глаголы: 1)Вы можете взять мои книги и тетради 2)Мы не должны никому об этом рассказывать 3)Нам приходится работать до поздна, много работы 4)Нам не следует уме рассказывать что произошло 5)Мне нет необходимости писать контрольную Огромное спасибо)

ПЕРЕВОД:When you marry,your husband (or wifes) family become your in-laws.The mother of your spouse (husband or wife) is your mother-in-law and his or her

father becomes your father-in-law.The term inlaw is also used to describe your relationship with the spouses of your siblings. So the husband of your sister becomes you brother-in-law,while the sister of your husband becomes your sister-in-law. If you are a woman you daughter-in-law of your husbands parents and if you are a man you become the son-in-law of your wifes parents.The parents of your parents are your grandparents-grandmother and grandfather.You are their grandchildren-either and granddaughter or a grandson.The mother of your grandmother or grandfather is your great-grandmother.The father is your great-grandfather.The grandparents of your grandmother of your grandfather are you great-great-grandmother and great-great-grandfather.If your mother or father remarries,you can acquire a new family and set of relatives. If your father marries a second wife,she becomes your step-mother.Any children she already has become your step-sisters or step-brothers. Your mothers second husband becomes you step-father.Families may be classified into a number of different types.The most recognized of these families is the so-called nuclear family,which consists of a husband and wife and their biological or adoptive children.A family that includes is one household near relatives in addition to a nuclear family is called an extended family.It is a big family consisting of are least three generations living together.The head of the family is usually the oldest man.More often than not,such family consists of grand-parents,their sons and their sons families.A single-parent /one-parent family is another type of family. It is a family in which there is only one parent who takes care of the child or children because the parents are divorced,or because one of the parents is dead.Besides,thereare families which have no children.Many childless families choose not to have children because they concentrate on their careers,or like to travel. To replace children,childless families usually have pets instead.But whateve family it is its members will be happy if all of them get along well with eash other,don’t quarrel or argue but help each other both in everyday life and in household chores,when all the duties are organized among all the members and each one has his usual round of duties.Then it will be much easier to run house:to keep the flat tidy,to do the hovering the vacuum clearning,washing up,shopping,to cook meals,to iron the clothes etc.,and then to find some time to have fun together.

10-11 класс английский язык ответов нет
Постройте предложения, используя глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous.

1. Now it's 7 o'clock. My brother ____ (to get up)
2. We ___ (to go) to the cinema now.
3. He ___ (to go) to the theatre tonight
4.They ___ (to have) classes at this moment
5. What ___ you ___ (to wair for)?
6. What ___ she ____ (to do)now? - She ___ (to sead) a book in English
7.We are at the lesson now. We ___ (to prepare) for the test
8. What ___ he ___ (to read) now? - He ___ (to get) mady for the exams
Измените предложения, используя отрицание:
1.The cadet is reporting ti the teacher now
2.He is navigating the ship now
3.He is reading a maritime journal
4. They are listening to the radio
5.The ship is calling in the port
6. She is having breakfast now

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