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Put do or does.

10-11 класс

The Dillons …n’t live at 45 Green Street.

…She come home late?

We … n’t do homework every evening.

…. They get up early?

…my brother visit our grandmother every Sunday?

He … n’t know these rules.

My parents … n’t work at this plant.

The girl …n’t play the piano.

Our friends … n’t like reading.

These boys … n”t play football.

Agaev55554 08 апр. 2015 г., 3:27:35 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 апр. 2015 г., 4:14:57 (9 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения (альтернативный,

разделительный, специальные и общий вопросы)
1. I will give you all the papers I have.
2. Martin lives in a large town in the middle of Germany.
3. There is an Italian restaurant near here
4. I spent a lot of money yesterday.
5. They will have a party next Friday.
6. John bought you a watch for your birthday last year.
7. We sold our car last week.

Вставьте в предложение оборот there is/ there are.

a).... anything to eat?
b)Oh, ..... something in my bag!
c).... some sweets and toys son from his grandmother.

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Вставляя вот эти слова: who, that или which

Изменяя и вставляя эти: to be, to
make, to speak, to recommend, to see, to be, to be near

Читайте также

Complete the questions with Do or Does and write short answers.

(Помогите сделать в задании 29 только под пятым пунктом и помогите, пожалуйста, с заданием 30, 31)

Помогите пожалуйста..

Exercise 10. Rewrite the following questions inserting “do” or “does”.

1. ... you like English Grammar? 2. ... your friend like to play football? 3. ... you listen to the radio every day? 4. ... John live in Manchester? 5. ... your watch go wrong or right? 6. What time ... Mary finish work every day? 7. ... he always smoke during the break? 8. ... they always come to the office in time? 9. How often ... you go swimming in summer? 10. How much money ... you earn a month? 11. ... you wind your watch regularly? 12. ... it snow much in your country during the winter? 13. ... she find good excuses when she is late? 14. ... businessmen really prefer to travel by air? 15. ... Mrs. Evans like to drink a glass of dry red wine? 16. Why ... people sometimes do stupid things? 17. ... people here usually work on Sundays? 18. ... John still live with his parents? 19. ... you like my new jacket? 20. ... Miss Green type a lot of business letters every day?

Exercise 11. Rewrite the following sentences adding the adverbs of frequency given in brackets.
Model: 1. Mr Baxter spends his holidays at the sea side. (usually)
Mr. Baxter usually spends his holidays at the sea side.
2. Mary is late for her work. (always)
Mary is always late for her work.

1. Diana goes to the theatre alone. (never) 2. We write dictations. (often) 3. Robert sets his watch by the radio. (usually) 4. I have dinner at home. (seldom) 5. My grandparents are full of enegy. (always) 6. Harry smokes two packets of cigarettes a day. (sometimes) 7. Mrs. Brown drinks coffee. (often) 8. Helen gets up early. (as a rule). 9. Mr. Rock is pleased with his secretary. (always) 10. She travels by air. (often) 11. Jack is present at every meeting of our club. (always) 12. My watch loses five minutes a day. (generally) 13. Mr. Sawyer takes his children to school. (never) 14. They are happy. (rarely) 15. We meet at the University. (occasionally) 16. Mary’s neighbours are noisy. (never) 17. Helen takes part in school concerts. (sometimes) 18. Mr.Smith drives to work. (seldom) 19. Barbie is ready to help everybody. (as a rule) 20. Professor Brown is in his study at this time. (always)

1,What experiences does the average person have of technology in their daily life? 2,Do you think technology helps us ,or does it just cause


3,How do you predict technology will affect our lives in the future?

Большое спасибо вам за помощь!!! Помогите еще)))) 1.А: I never watch TV during the week. B: Oh really? I ……. . don’t does do

2.A: is Pete ……. The house this weekend?

B: Yes, he is.

painting paint paints

3.A: Do you walk to school.

B: No, I ……. walk to school.

always never not

4.Mr Cook ……. To own a farm.

use uses used

5. Paula is sailing to Italy ……. .

two days ago next month last week

6.A: Did you play tennis this morning?

B: No, I didn’t. I ……. Swimming.

went go going

7.Amy is ……. A shower at the moment.

has had having

8. A: ……. That your bike?

B: No, that’s Jack’s bike.

Is Has Does

9.What is Harold ……. These days?

do does doing

10.A: Did you clean your room?

B: Yes, I ……. .

does did do

11.A: Has John got a computer?

В: No, he ……. .

haven’t has hasn’t

12.A: I love going to the cinema.

B: So …….. I.

do did does

13.A: Did you invite Sally and Tom to the party?

B: Of course I invited ……. .

us them they

14……. I come with you to the cinema?

Do Can Can’t

Составьте вопросы 1 Do,breakfast,does,what,she,before 2 For,does,have,breakfast,she,what 3 To,how,she,go,does,work 4


5 Does,what.up,get,she,time

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