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Помогите пожалуйста! Очень срочно надо! №1. Write the adjectives in the table.

5-9 класс

ADJECTIVES: relaxing, active, creative, exciting, dsgerous, busy, tiring, interesting, boring, stressful, peaceful, energetic.


1Саяна 25 янв. 2017 г., 14:46:30 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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25 янв. 2017 г., 17:37:30 (7 лет назад)

Positive adjectives

relaxing, active, creative, exciting, interesting, peaceful, energetic


Negative adjectives

dangerous, busy, tiring, boring, stressful


Читайте также

Помогите пожалуйста!Очень срочно надо.(Учебник по Англискому языку Enjoy English.Издатель -Библолетова М.З Денисенко О.А. и Трубанева Н.Н. Страница

19,упражнение 42.Скажите пожалуйсто перевод 3 текста и 4.Буду очень благодарна.В зарание БОЛЬШОЕ спасибо! :з ''Очень срочно'' :С

Put the adjectives in the correct position: a round(1), beautiful (2), wooden(3), large(4) table.

(1) 4213
(2) 2413
(3) 2134
(4) 4132?
Помогите плизззз очень срочно надо!!!!

Помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно!! Task 1. Complete each sentence with one of the words and phrases below (7 points).

books, other things, inventions, communicate, CDs, all parts of the country, information
Radio, television and the Internet are the great 1) … of the 20th century. In 2) … there are many papers giving information about films, concerts and 3) … that are happening in the local area. These days you can read books on 4) … . In the Internet you can find any 5) … you want. Also you can 6) … with your friends there. But I think that 7) … are forever.
Task 2. The word in capitals in the right column can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way (3 points).
1. Reading CD books you can see what’s happening in … . ACT
2. She … everything to the police. EXPLAIN
3. The famous … collected the most interesting material in the South Africa. REPORT
Task 3. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant (5 points).
1. The (new/ news) is shocking.
2. The (new/ news) film is shocking.
3. I have some (money/ moneys) in my pocket.
4. We have much (snow/ snows) in winter.
5. Her (hair/ hairs) is beautiful.
Task 4. Complete the sentences (5 points).
1. He agreed (to help/ helping) us with Physics.
2. We are fond of (to fish/ fishing).
3. His Dictionary was proved (to be/ being) useful.
4. He finished (written/ writing) the letter.
5. Children decided (to buy/ buying) the present for their teacher.
Task 5. Write the following statements in reported speech (6 points).
1. She says: “I saw you in the cinema”.
2. He said: “Helen left yesterday”.
3. My friend asked: “How long have you been here?”
4. She said to Richard: “Water the flowers”.
5. Mother said to the children: “Don’t touch the cat”.
6. The teacher asked: “Did you write your homework?”

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО НАДО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

помогите открыть скобки в правильном времени ,(за опечатки простите)!!!!!!! Long, long ago there (live) a lot of mice in an old house.There (live)a cat in that house too.The mice(be)afraid of the cat but they (not know)what to do.So one day they all (come) to an old clever mouse,(begin)(talk)about the cat." What(can)we do? "they (say). " the cat(kill)us all." Suddenly one little mouse (say),"Let`s put a bell round the cat`s neck we (hear)it"They(be)all very glad and they (begin)to dans .Suddenly the clever old mouse (say),"I(want)to ask one question. Who (put)the bell round the cat`s neck?"

ПОМОГИТЕ,ПОЖАЛУЙСТА.Очень срочно надо,прошуу.Написать ответ на письмо.Адрес: WoscowRussia … I live in

Manchester. I like my city very much but sometimes the people here are
not very friendly and they don’t try to keep our city clean and beautiful. And do you
enjoy living in a small town? How do you spend your spare time there?
Anyway, I’m thinking of travelling to Russia next summer. Could you tell me what
weather to expect?

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