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помогите плиз с заданием очень надо

5-9 класс

Nastkan 04 янв. 2014 г., 23:17:26 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 янв. 2014 г., 0:10:03 (10 лет назад)



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John's day begins at 7 o'clock in the morning when he gets up.Sometimes it is dark in the street.John doesn't like it.He has a shower,sometimes a cold shower,dresses and has breakfast.He often has tea or milk and eggs for breakfast.At 8 o'clock he goes to school.John is a good pupil.He is always on time.At 1 o'clock he has lunch at schol.At 4 o'clock his classes finish.But John doesn't go home.He and his friend play fiitball or tennis.They finish playing at 5 and go home.

решите пожалуйста,прошу!!!
Нужно выбрать правильный ответ.

Whales will become....if people continue to hunt them
1. dead
2. deadly
3. assassinated
4. extinct

Let's have a party on Saturday! Great idea. ..... invite Sue and Mary?
1.Why you
2. How about
3. Shall we
4. What do you do to

...... . Mine is out of order. Not at all. Please do.
1. Do you mind if I use your calculator?
2. Is this your calculator?
3. Can you use this calculator?
4. Is it allowed to use your calculator?

I'm not sure .... the silver mountain bike is.
1. who's
2. whose
3. who
4. that

We should produce more....energy to protect our environment.
1 heating
2 coal
3 global
4 solar

Помогите пожалуйста!!!

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Очень надо,от этого зависит моя оценка)
Нужно Переписать предложения, поставив глаголы в Passive Voice
1)Pam cooks dinner.
2)My mother cleaned the windows yesterday.
3)We have already done our homework.
4)My father will book the tickets.
5)They printed the first book in Germany.

нужно разобрать глаголы на правильное и неправильное помогите очень надо....вот слова:to be,to run, to jump, to speak, to open,to leave, to like, to

work, to live, to arrive,to go, to play,to have, to get up, to do, to see, to take, to stay, to swim, to know, to invite.... помогите пожалуйста очень надо на завтра((

поставьте в правильную форму слова. помогите очень надо..The Internet is important for people because it extends their (communicate) possibilities. We can

speak via the Internet, watch films, send ( inform) and shop. No wonder that people are becoming (addict) to the Internet.They often spend more time communicating online than talking to their real friends and families. At first glance, the virtual world seems to be a very safe place but it's not like that-it can be as ( danger) as a real world because it's created by people. In the virtual reality you can meet nice and honest people as well as evil and (deceit) ones. That's why we should be careful and (select) while searching for information and meeting new people on the Internet. поставьте в правильную форму слова. помогите очень надо..

Сочинение по английскому языку на тему герой России. пожалуйста очень надо. Писать на английском не обращайте внимание на тему русских героев это

такое задание нам учительница задала прошу помогите очень надо заранее спасибо.

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