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помогите пожалуйста!напишите полностью правильный вариант! write in present perfect. 1.the dentist is treating teeth. 2.the hairdresser will cut

10-11 класс

my hair. 3.the actor has his ups and downs. 4.as far as i can see the clown is standing upside down. 5.it thunders. 6.the shower started 7.as far as i can judge the teacher was strict

Ruslanhtc1 21 окт. 2014 г., 19:09:03 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 окт. 2014 г., 20:30:26 (9 лет назад)

1. The dentist has treated teeth.

2. The hairdresser has cut my hair.

3. The actor has had his ups and downs.

4. As far as i can see the clown has stood upside down.

5. It has  thundered.

6. The shower has started.

7. As far as i can judge the teacher has been strict.


Другие вопросы из категории

Перевод!!! Никаких переводчиков, только своими трудом, будет хоть одна ошибка баллы на оф.

1. Мой новый друг спросил, откуда я родом. 2. Мы не знали, где родилась наша бабушка. 3. Что ты выяснил о его семье? Когда они переехали в наш город?: 4. Где ты был все это время? 5. Джейн спросила своего младшего брата, где он был 6. Когда мы жили за городом, мы с удовольствием (to enjoy) удили рыбу. 7. Я не знала, что Ник любит спать на открытом воздухе. 8. — Где Питер? — Он: ушел погулять с собакой. 9. К тому моменту, когда мама вернулась, мы уже выучили все новые слова 10. Он сказал, что не справится с этим заданием.

составить слово из букв ghithe

Читайте также

write in present perfect. 1.the dentist is treating teeth. 2.the hairdresser will cut my hair. 3.the actor has his ups and


4.as far as i can see the clown is standing upside down.

5.it thunders.

6.the shower started

7.as far as i can judge the teacher was strict

Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3) Constructed on Temple Square, in\on the center of …… city, the temple took 40 years to complete,

being started in\at 1853 and dedicated on April 6, 1893. ……temple has become iconic of the city and is the centerpiece of the city. The Mormon pioneers organized …… new state and …… United States Congress established the Utah Territory. Great Salt Lake City became its capital in 1858. The city is located in\on the northeast corner of the Salt Lake Valley. The Jordan River flows through\across the city and is drainage of Utah Lake that empties into the Great Salt Lake. …… highest mountaintop visible from\out of Salt Lake City is Twin Peaks, which reaches 11,489 feet (3502 m).
5) Near the mouth of Emigration Canyon lies This Is The Place Heritage Park, which recreates typical 19th century LDS pioneer life. Hogle Zoo is located across\through the street from …… park. …… City's largest public park, Liberty Park features …… lake with\since an island in …… middle and the Tracy Aviary. The park is home to a large number of birds, both wild and in the aviary. The Bonneville Shoreline Trail is …… popular hiking and biking nature trail which spans ninety …… miles through the foothills of the Wasatch Front.
6) Tourism to the city has increased as\like …… result of the 2002 Winter Olympics held in Salt Lake. The former Olympic venues are …… very popular attractions for many visitors. The Utah Olympic Park features the Olympic ski jumps, too\as well as bobsleigh, luge, and skeleton runs. Today, the Olympic Park is used for year-round training and competitions. The Utah Olympic Oval was …… home to …… speed skating events and is now open for\to the public.

Заполните пропуски артиклями a, the, где
необходимо, и выберите из выделенных предлогов правильный вариант

Люди помогите пожалуйста, за 2 дня ни одного ответа!

Очень надо!
1.Укажите грамматическую конструкцию в каждом предложении (Gerund – герундий, Participle – причастие и Conditional Clause – условное придаточное предложение):
1. If the customer had taken part in the competition, he’d have won the prize.
2. World public opinion is concerned about the rising level of pollution.
3. His plan of driving to Dresden is not good.
4. I am glad to have an opportunity of reading this book.
5. Roman towns in Britain were real military camps surrounded by walls.

2. Выберите правильную форму глагола и укажите тип условных придаточных предложений (Type I, II, III или нулевой):
1. If I have time, I (go, would go) to the Tretyakov Gallery.
2. They (would have helped, will have helped) you if they had come.
3. If he hadn't phoned her, she (won't have come, wouldn't have come).
4. If they had a car, they (will go, would go) to the country.
5. If the weather is fine, we (would go, will go) to London.

3. Выберите правильную форму герундия:
1. I don’t remember (having seen, having been seen) her before.
2. We prefer new methods of work (having used, being used).
3. He entered the room without (being noticed, having been noticed).
4. The shoes need (repairing, being repaired).
5. Albert must be proud of (having won, having been won) the prize.

4. Выберите правильную форму причастия:
1. The discovery (making, made) by him is of great value.
2. (Finishing, having finished) the work, he left the laboratory.
3. What’s the name of the girl (questioning, being questioned) by the officer?
4. Not (remembering, remembered) the title of the book, we had to look it up.
5. (Being asked, having been asked) twice, the professor answered the question.

5. Раскройте скобки и употребите правильную форму глагола, герундия или причастия:
1. The man (to arrest) was a hijacker.
2. Lawrence is against (to send) to Belgium.
3. Nick’s (to forget) to leave a message made me very angry.
4. If I (to know) her address, I would write to her.
5. If he had been displeased yesterday, he (to notice) it.

6.Помогите пожалуйста.Выберите один правильный вариант вопроса, подчеркните его и напишите краткий ответ:

A) Do the children always listen to their teacher?

B) Are children always listen to their teacher?

C) Do children listen always to their teacher?

D) Are children always listened to their teacher?

Помогите пожалуйста с переводом прямой речи в косвенную 37

Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: “Are you hungry, children?” Jane asked.
Jane asked the children were they hungry.
Jane asked the children if they are hungry.
Jane asked the children are they hungry.
Jane asked the children if they were hungry.
Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: “Does your friend live in London?” Dan asked.
Dan asked if my friend lived in London.
Dan asked does my friend live in London.
Dan asked did my friend live in London.
Dan asked if my friend lives in London.
Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: “Do you like Benny Hill?” she askedl.
She asked if I did like Benny Hill.
She asked if I like Benny Hill.
She asked do I like Benny Hill.
She asked if I liked Benny Hill.
Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: “Why don’t you let me in?“ he shouted.
He demanded to know why she won’t let him in.
He demanded to know why won’t she let him in.
He demanded to know why wouldn’t she let him in.
He demanded to know why she wouldn’t let him in.
Выберите один правильный ответ на вопрос:
Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: “Do you know who broke the window?” the teacher asked.
The teacher asked did if we know who broke the window.
The teacher asked if we knew who broke the window.
The teacher asked if we knew who had broken the window.
The teacher asked if we know who broke the window.
Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: “Go on!” he told the boy.
He told the boy went on.
He told the boy would go on.
He told the boy to go on.
He told the boy go on.

Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: “Sit down, Mary,” the doctor said.
The doctor told Mary sit down.
The doctor told Mary would sit down.
The doctor told Mary to sit down.
Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: The doctor told if Mary sit down. “Don’t be late, Denny,” Denny’s father said.
Denny’s father told him not be late.
Denny’s father told him don’t to be late.
Denny’s father told him don’t be late.
Denny’s father told him not to be late.
Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: “Don’t shoot!” the officer ordered the soldiers.
The officer ordered the soldiers did not shoot.
The officer ordered the soldiers not shoot.
The officer ordered the soldiers don’t to shoot.
The officer ordered the soldiers not to shoot.
Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: “Leave the key on the desk, please,” the receptionist asked us.
The receptionist asked do we us leave the key on the desk.
The receptionist asked us to leave the key on the desk.
The receptionist asked us leave the key on the desk.
The receptionist asked we leave the key on the desk.
Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: “Don’t go near the dog,” she told him.
She warned him not go near the dog.
She warned he did not go near the dog.
She warned him don’t go near the dog.
She warned him not to go near the dog.
Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: “I’m sorry, I’m late,” Julia said.
Julia promised she was late.
Julia apologized for to be late.
Julia said she is late.
Julia apologized for being late.
Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: “I’ll phone every week,” she said.
She said to phone every week.
She asked to phone every week.
She promised to phone every week.
She told to phone every week.
Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную: “Thanks a lot, you helped me so much,” Jack said.
Jack thanked us for our help.
Jack told us thanks a lot.
Jack said us thanks a lot.
Jack said thanks a lot.

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