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найди ошибку

1-4 класс

1 Why is he feel angry with you?
2Let's give to him a toy train.

Lyudmilaradion 10 сент. 2014 г., 7:26:58 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 сент. 2014 г., 9:29:27 (9 лет назад)

Why DOES he feel. ...
Let's give him (без частицы to)


Другие вопросы из категории

Write the verbs in the ing-form:

Example: look - looking, run - running, give - giving.

Дети были на уроке в сельской школе. Урок был о временах года.

"Есть 4 времени года", - сказал учитель. "Это весна, лето, осень и зима.
Летом жарко и на полях, в парках и садах много цветов. Осенью много
яблок. Они красные, сладкие и хороши для еды. Зимой холодно и идет
снег." Вдруг учитель остановился и посмотрел на Джона. "Джон, прекрати
разговаривать. Отвечай на мой вопрос. Когда самая лучшая пора для
яблок?" - "Когда фермера нет дома и в саду нет собаки",- сказал Джон.

Вставь пропущеные слова is или are.

1) There ... a big grey carpet on my floor.
2) There ... three windows in our living room.
3) There ... a lot of books on the shelves.
4) There ... a nice armchair in Tiny's house
5) There ... no chairs in my bedroom.

Оч надо нужно вставить speak say tell

a new student ...... foreign languages very well
she didn t ... me anything
when i .... very fast my friend doesn t understand me
my father usually ......."live and learn
our teacher will ... us about the trip tomorrow
martin and jess ... that they were harry to see us again

Читайте также

Помогите пожалуйста.

Выбери и обведите правильный вариант.
… it often rain in autumn?
а) Does b) Is с) Was

· Who ... in London last year?

а) were b) was с) is

· Тоm is older ... Mike.

а) than b) then с) —

Раmеlа is … pupil in our class.
а) the best b) better с) good

They never wear coats, ... ?
а) dо they b) are they c) don't they

She didn't see ... .
а) nothing b) anything с) something

What ... easy text!
а) а b) an с) —

8) The garden looks ... .
а) nice b) nicely с) we11

They have holidays twice ... year.
a)а b) an с) —

10) I аm your friend, ... ?
а) аm I b) isn't it с) aren't I

Найди ошибки и исправь.
1) Who have got a new game?

2) It is snow now.

3) There are three wolfs in the Zoo.

4) Why do these boys standing up now?

5) He speaks English very good.

6) – Who likes the music?

- My friends like.

7) There is a lot of juice in the glass, isn’t it?

8) Has she got the large family?

9) Christopher never eats hamburgers, doesn’t he?

10) – Where is the money?

- They are in the bag.

Найди ошибки :Owls are clever than pigeons.
найди ошибку I dont go to school at Sunday
прошу найдите ошибку

who is an architect of the houses of Parliament
mrs Jacksons sons want to be the architects
what a nice food You sister is a wonderfull cook isnot she
i have never hear such a silly story who wrote the story
i havent seen him last thursday

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