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A Get ready for the project.

5-9 класс

Write about the book. Use a plan:
What are you reading now?

The author
The title
The genre
The story is set in...
The main characters

What happens to them?
Did you like the book?
Would you recommend the book? Why?

Jeka8918 29 марта 2015 г., 17:42:40 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 марта 2015 г., 19:06:06 (9 лет назад)

Надо же перевести ?!

Приготовьтесь к проекту.

Написать о книге. Используйте план:
Что вы сейчас читаете?


История происходит дюйма ..
Главные герои

Что с ними происходит?
Вам понравилось в книге?
Будете ли вы рекомендовать эту книгу? Почему?


Читайте также

переведите в пассивный залог. 1.The actor was ready for the scene as the assistants had made him up. 2.They laughed at her because of her

funny hat.

3. The producer sent for the leading actress to start the rehearsal.

4.They speak a lot about the new ballet

1. The friends were responsible for the project,________ ?

2. Tomorrow the students will arrange the date and time,__________?
3. Jim didn`t take part in the project,________?
4. There were a lot of students in the hall,_______ ?
5. Mary is going to see the dentist,_______?
6. It was sunny and warm yesterday,________?

Краткое содержание этого текста. от своего имени)

Diary of Camp Pineland 3 June London

Do you ever get the feeling that your life is just about to begin? I'm feeling like that right now as my younger brother Dima and I are standing in London's Heathrow International ' Airport. Dima and I are spending the summer at an American summer camp. Yes, that's right. London is just a stopover in our trip. It's also the meeting point for some campers who are flying to the USA from Europe.
At the moment we are waiting for our counsellor. He or she is going to come and take us to our plane to California. We are here sitting at the meeting point, wearing the T-shirts we have received from the camp so that the counsellor can recognize us easily.
The idea for our great trip started with a film I saw about a summer camp in America one winter evening. That's when I got the dream to go to one of those camps. Normally I do the same things every summer: I spend June with my granny in Saratov, then in July my parents and I go to Turkey and in August I get a lot of time to go out with my friends and get ready for the next school year. If you say, "That's not so bad," I'll tell you, "It's boring." It took me two years to make my dream happen — I found the camp, talked to my parents, saved up and then found out that I still didn't have enough money. Then I talked to my parents again. Finally, Dad offered to pay for most of the trip on condition that Dima could come with me! Dima is fourteen and this year our parents had nothing but trouble with him. He got involved with some bad kids at school, so no wonder Mum and Dad wanted to send him as far away from home as possible. Call me a bad sister, but I wasn't excited. I didn't want to spend this summer babysitting my bro, but that was the deal with Dad, so I had to live with it.
After all, it was going to be my perfect summer anyway, so I knew nothing could spoil it.

When we arrived in London two days ago, I was ready for my big adventure. I wanted to visit new places, improve my English and make new friends. Our mother's old friend works in London, so she gave us the opportunity to see this great city. We enjoyed every minute and didn't feel homesick at all. After all, London is only about a four-hour flight from Moscow. It's round the corner in comparison to California. But now as we are waiting in Heathrow, I'm starting to ask myself some scary questions. Will I be able to understand American English? What if I don't make any new friends? Will there be any wild animals in the woods around our camp? What if our counsellor doesn't turn up today?

Dima: Are you OK, Lisa? You're not acting like yourself.
Lisa: I know. I'm nervous. Where is our counsellor? Dima: Just relax. Somebody will come soon. Do you want to read my magazine? It's cool. Lisa: Thanks, little bro. I'm fine. I'm reading a very interesting book in English, but I just can't concentrate right now. Do you see those guys over there? They're wearing the camp T-shirts too. Dima: Yeah, I see them. And they are looking for somebody also. Oh, look! They are coming over here now. First boy: Excuse me, are you waiting for us? We are catching a flight to San Francisco.
Lisa: So are we. But we are waiting for our counsellor. By the way, my name is Lisa Korolyova. And this is my brother Dima. We are from Russia.

First boy: Pleased to meet you. I'm David Hunt.
I'm not your counsellor, I'm a camper just like you, but I'm responsible for taking you to California. And this is my friend Charlie Rose. Charlie: Hi, guys. Nice to meet you. Dima and Lisa: Nice to meet you too.


Task 1. Fill in the blanks with the following words. Use only one word in each space (12 points).
participants, competition, news, chance, won, tour, wood, chance in a million, lucky, luck, prize, world
Mr. Green: Hello!
Jack: Good evening. This is Jack. Can I speak to Bob, please?
Mr. Green: Hang on a moment, Jack. I’ll get him.
Bob: Hi, Jack! What’s up?
Jack: Hi, Bob! Good 1) … . Did you answer the questions for the World Teenagers’ 2) …?
Bob: Yes, I did. And you helped me. We both tried our 3) … .
Jack: We have 4)… it! We are 5)…!
Bob: That’s great! It was a 6) … . There were many 7) … . But we were in 8) ... and we won a 9) … .
Jack: So get ready for the 10) … round the 11) … .
Bob: Touch 12) … .
Jack: OK. Bye!
Task 2. The word in capitals in the right column can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space of the following sentences. Fill each blank in this way (5 points).
Mark Twain was a … writer.
He wrote many … stories.
His books read in … .
Tom was a very … boy.
He was very … .
Task 3. Choose the correct answer (5 points).
They didn’t understand (each other/ one another).
Did you enjoy (to travel/travel/ travelling)?
Would you mind (closing/ to close/ close) the window?
Can I (speak/ speaking/ to speak) to Paul?
Classmates helped (each other/ one another) in that difficult situation.
Answer any three questions from the advertisement (3 points).
Can you describe yourself in five words?
What would you most like to change in yourself?
What’s you motto?
How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
How do you see our planet in 10 years?
Act out with your partner (5 points).
Pupil 1: You call your friend and you would like to invite him/ her to the cinema. But your friend is not at home. Ask his/ her sister/ brother to take a message for your friend.
Pupil 2: Your brother / sister is not at home. But his/ her friend phones him/ her. Take a phone message for your brother/ sister from his/ her friend.

Неоюходимо вставить или Could или Was able to или Could not. 1. I … finish my homework before 7 pm yesterday. 2. My son … talk when he was only 18 month

s old. 3. - … (you) play piano before you came to our music school? - I … (not) play very well. 4. We … get ready for the performance in spite of the lack of time. 5. When my sister was only five years old, she … swim very well. One day she … swim across our river.

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