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Составить диолог Student A: You are cooking a meal for 20 people

10-11 класс

Student B: Offer to help
Use these words:
*Prepare the vegetables
*Make the salad
*Stir the sauce
*Check the meat
*Lay the table

Tanis 03 июля 2013 г., 2:55:25 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 июля 2013 г., 5:05:27 (10 лет назад)

B:Maybe i can help you?
A:Ok, can you prepare the vegetables for salad?
B:Yeah, wait please..(after 5 minutes) i'm done!
A: Very well, now make salad! and stir the sauce quickly!
B:Ok, and you check the meat,i think it's burned..
A:i checked meat, it's awesome!, now lay the table, we make a wonderful table with food! 
B: i very like it too, now let's tell friends to come


Другие вопросы из категории

Перевести с русского на английский. Онлайн переводчики не подходят

1. Я не видел моего друга с тех пор, как мы окончили университет
2. Мой сын научился читать в прошлом году и с тех пор прочитал много книг
3. Она может прийти. Еще только 6 часов
4. Я думаю, у неё сейчас работа интереснее той, которая была в прошлом году, и ей не приходится вставать так рано
5. Когда мы вошли, было темно и фильм уже кончился
6. Дорога, которая будет построена
7. Его спросили, когда будет отправлена телеграмма
8. Справа от пианино можно видеть дверь

Three and two sevenths - как пишется эта дробь
Помогите перевести

1. Портфель этого мальчика чёрный.
2. Комната Кати очень светлая и большая.
3. Игрушки тех детей новые.
4. Ноги моей лошади длинные и очень сильные.
5. Кошка Марии очень пушистая и весёлая.
6. Хвосты этих котов,длинне,чем хвосты других котов

Читайте также

Напишите пожалуйсто ответ на это письмо : Dear Ivan Thank you for your letter. We are very happy that you are coming to stay

with us in August, and we are sure you'll have a good time. What time are you arriving at Gatwick airport? You can get a train to Brighton from there. Do you have mobile phone? Then you can phone us when you are on the train, and we'll meet you at the station. Could you also tell me a few more things about yourself? Is there anything you can't eat or drink?Do you smoke? Do you want a single room,or Do you prefer to share a room with another student?Are you going to go back to Russia immediately after the end of the course? If not, how many more days are you going to stay with us?

Jane Sanders

Переведите пожалуйста!!)) A SECOND LOOK AT SCHOOL LIFE The first day at a new school is never easy. You are wearing new

clothes but you are not sure if the astronaut helmet matches your kilt. Your teacher hovers above the floor, waiting for the final stragglers to arrive. A missing classmate eventually turns up twenty minutes late: she'd been trapped in a cloud of bubbles. Welcome to school life - in Second Life.

Second Life - the online 3D computer game in which more than five million players worldwide create a virtual society - is being used to teach teenage pupils as part of "Schome":a project set up by Peter Twining, director of the centre for curriculum and teaching studies at the Open University. The main aims of Schome (School + Home) are to overcome the problems within the current education system and to develop a better way of learning for the 21st century.

Initially, Dr Twining and his colleagues spent six months trying to get young people to suggest creative ideas for new education systems, but the results were disappoanting. Then they realised that the virtual world of Second Life affers a better way to test new designs and ideas whenever you want. In a traditional classroom, everyone knows what the rules are, what the teachers and pupils are supposed to do. But in a school in a virtual world you can challenge the established rules, and students can control what they do in a way that would be too expensive or difficult in reality.

Помогите сделать перевод в стихотворной форме) When you are feeling down Wipe away that unhappy frown And remember there is no

need to frown

Life is full of ups and downs.

So, when you are feeling low

Think of those with nowhere to go.

Those with no family or relatives to care

People who are different and have to put up with the stares.

The runaways unable to go home,

The abused, the frightened ad the along.

So, don't upset, you will find a clue

And think of people worse than of you.

Помогите с английским пожалуйста!!!!!!!! _______ You are about

to visit a school exchange partner in another country and you are not sure what clothes to take with you ot how to get to their house. Send an email to your friend asking for information.


Пожалуйста помогите ответить на вопросы))..хотя бы парочку ))...заранее спасибо)) 1. Imagine you are speaking at the environmental meeting in

our school. Say whether you are ecologically-conscious person or not and what you do to protect the environment.

2. Do you agree that everybody must take care of nature?

3. What is the ecological situation in our town (city/village) like? (Я живу в Бресте., Белаурусь)

4. What questions would you ask a famous scientist who tries to find the ways to solve environmental problems?

5. What would you say to a person who is indifferent to the environmental problems?


1. Представьте, что вы говорите на экологические встречи в нашей школе. Скажите ли вы экологически сознательный человек или нет, а то, что вы делаете, чтобы защитить окружающую среду.

2. Согласны ли вы, что каждый должен заботиться о природе?

3. Что такое экологическая ситуация в нашем городе (город / село), как? (Я живу в Бресте., Белаурусь)

4. Какие вопросы вы бы попросили известного ученого, который пытается найти пути решения экологических проблем?

5. Что бы вы сказали человеку, который равнодушен к проблемам окружающей среды?

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