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Нужен перевод!помогите))

10-11 класс

When my uncle when my uncle was 65 years old he could not walk without a stick. his right leg hurt him very much. He consulted a doctor.the doctor examined him carefully. He sent sick patient to X-Ray and when my uncle brought the X-Ray picture the doctor gave hime heat treatment, massage and exercises twice or three times a week for three months. At the end of that time the doctor advised him to keep up the exercises every day. My uncle carried out all his instructions and the pain grew less and the old man could even walk without a stick.

Mansurtovsulta1 13 сент. 2014 г., 10:39:00 (9 лет назад)
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13 сент. 2014 г., 11:16:22 (9 лет назад)

Когда моему дяде было 65 лет, он не мог ходить без тросточки. У него очень болела нога. Он пошел к врачу, где его осмотрели очень внимательно. Больного отправили на рентген. И когда мой дядя принес рентгеновский снимок доктору, доктор назначил ему закалку, массаж и упражнения (2 или 3 раза в неделю в течение 3 месяцев). В конце концов, доктор посоветовал ему выполнять эти упражнения каждый день. Дядя следовал всем наставлениям, и боль потихоньку начала утихать, и вскоре он снова смог ходить без тросточки.


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Завершите предложения с помощью a, an или some.

1. I’d like to book a room.
2. I’m …….. accountant.
2. Let’s eat in ……….. Spanish restaurant.
3. Is it ……….. good hotel?
4. Can I have ………… bread and ………. butter, please?
5. Can I have ………. sandwich, please?
6. I’d like …………. potatoes, please.

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Помогите, друзья, пожалуйста!!!!
There are lots of different types of engineering. The one thing they have in common is that they all use Maths and Science to improve industry and manufacturing. The whole science of engineering can be broadly divided into three main areas:
· civil engineering (buildings, roads, etc.)
· mechanical engineering (machines, including-tool-making)
· electrical engineering (electricity, lighting, etc.)
Each of these three main area can be divided again into specialist subjects: civil engineering covers mining and bridge building, mechanical engineering covers aeronautical and automobile engineering, electrical engineering covers electricity generation and wiring.
The best advice for students is think carefully about which area of engineering interests you most.
When you have decided which area you are interested in and thought realistically about what sort of person you are, then you can decide what sort of engineer you want to be.

Прошу, переведите текст. Не понимаю английский язык =( They sometimes do things to shock them as if to say, " See, Im my own person and Im going

to live my life my way!" Interestingly, once young people become more independent in their twenties and have to pay their own bills, they tend to have a greater appreciation of their parents knowledge. Mark Twain noted, "When I was 14 my father knew nothing, but when i was 21, i was amazed at how much the old man had learned in those seven years.

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нужен перевод в present perfect и past simple

1) когда ты закончил работу? только что я закончил её
2)я очень голодный, я ничего не ел сегодня.
3)это самое красивое место которое я когла либо посещал
4)я не видел Ника в последнее время. С ним что нибудь случилось? да, он попал в аварию три недели назад. с тех пор он находится в болнице.
5) я видел королеву Елизавету вторую, но к сожалению я не( не записала продолжение)
6) Дэн проработал в Кодаке 10 месяцев, а потом начал работать в Сони.
7)Керол не писала мне с августа.
8)Вы видели Тома в последние несколько дней? я только сейчас говорил с ним по телефону
9) Это первый раз когда я езжу верхом
10) они не виделись с тех пор как закончили школу
11) он научился плавать в детстве. Они тода жили на юге
12. я узнал ваш телефон в справочном бюро и звонил вам несколько раз но никто не отвечал

нужен перевод в present perfect и past simple

срочно нужен перевод,помогите плиз!!!

Read and give it a name.
the text
[D'strelia] is the smallest continent and the biggest island in

the world. It is a large and rich country too. In fact, only five coun-
tries in the world are bigger than Australia. The journey from the city

of Perth in the west to Sydney which is the oldest and the biggest city

in the east takes four hours by plane. Canberra is the capital of the

country, it is situated in the east too.
Australia is a fairly low
thirds of it, mostly in the
west. is desert. There are hills
and th

dry lakes there. It is very difficult

grow anything on these territo


Y1 west and the centre the tempe

often +35 degrees in the summer

and a lot of the territory is empty.

Most of Australians live in the south
east of the country. where the

(from November to April) are warm

the (from May october) and
winters to are
too cold. In winter many people go to the
north of the country which
is a popular

place for winter holidays in the su

when British
people came to Australia in 1788, they gave the

aborigine" Lebori: name
senil to the people they found there. The 300,000

Aborigines who lived in Australia at that time belonged to different
tribes and each tribe had its land and language. They travelled a

during the year to find food and water. They ate plants and fruit a

caught animals and fish. They made houses from branches and leaves
Their way of life didn't destroy the land where they lived. The Aborigi-

nes believe that once upon time animals, plants and people lived to-
gether and made the world. That was "Dreamtime". There are many
songs. stories and pictures about it.

At special times Aborigines came together in big groups. They painted
their bodies, danced and sang and made music.

After 1788 their life suddenly began to change. Thousands of Aborigines

died from fighting the British or from diseases that appeared on their
lands. The British took a lot of Aboriginal land, too.

For example,some years ago the "Roswell case" launched a hot discussion in the USA. A film showing the autopsy of an alien who died in a UFO crash in

1947 in Roswell , New Mexico ,gave what UFO believers claimed to be real proof that extraterrestrials exist. The US Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal examined the film carefully checking every detail , including the age and the quality of the film, the photographer , and the shots of the alien's organs . The investigation proved that the film was not real.

Нужен перевод,помогите!)

Нужен перевод срочно!!!помогите Мои родители живут за городом. Там у них три комнаты. Я обычно езжу к ним летом и иногда зимой. Я не люблю

ездить туда осенью и весной. У меня будет много работы на будущей неделе. Сколько времени вы обычно тратите на свой уроки? Я трачу на них, как правило, два часа. Сколько предметов вы изучаете? Не помогайте вашему сыну делать уроки. Мне кажется ,некоторые из этих тем очень интересны. Вы уезжаете в Киев на будущей неделе? Да, я поеду туда повидать моих родителей. Кто оставил здесь вчера эти тетради?

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