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Portfolio: write about a relative

1-4 класс

Smeernova 12 февр. 2014 г., 15:57:34 (10 лет назад)
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12 февр. 2014 г., 16:44:01 (10 лет назад)

My aunt. I love my aunt so much becuase she loves me too and always takes care of me. Everytime she comes she takes many gift with her for me. We watch movies together and tell stories and share with eachother. It is so amazing to have a aunt like her.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите. Вот вопрос :

Complete the tag questions.
1)Kate has god a beautiful pointer,.........
2)Nick and mike are sitting at the desk,.........
3)He bought two rulers yesterday,.......
4)She will come to school on time,..........
5)They come to school at 8:30,......
6)There are some books on the table,......

Задай вопросы,пользуясьЗадай вопросы,пользуясь подсказкой:

подсказка:Ira went to the funfair.(were)-When did she go there?
2.Alina bought new things.(what)___________________________________________
3.Victor rode a bike.(where)_______________________________
4.Natasha left the cinema.(why)_________________________________
5.Alla wrote a lot of letters.(when)__________________________________
6.Stas got a lot of presents.(what)______________________________________
7.Sergey sang at the concert.(when)_________________________________
8.I saw a dinosaur.(where)___________________________________
9.Lyuba made a card.(why)____________________________________
4 класс сборник упражнений "Английский в фокусе" с 101 номер 6

Читайте также

Write about a relative (проверьте пожалуйста мой доклад!)

1) общее мнение
3)о характере
5)что любит и не любит

1)I would like to tell you about my sister. Her name is Valeria. She's 19 years old. So people and, of course I, find her smart. besides,valeria is known for her warm and friendly character. She's usually open-minded and interested in other peaople.More than that, she is considerate, supportive and responsible.
2)In appearance she is very attractive. She has an oval face,a snub nose, thick brown curling hair , green eyes and a pleasant smile.
3)Valeria likes being with people and is good fun.She's so sure about herself and what he can do. She's very confident.And she is a serious man.But sometimes she is selfish. Valeria only ever thinks of herself.
4)She is a lot of talking on the phone.Lera also raises the alarm for 10 minutes earlier and still sleep this time.And,of course,she looks in the mirror before going out.
5)First, Valeria loves cool cars, and likes to drive these cars. Second, she likes the wedding. And certainly, she likes to command men.I can say that she doesn't like to be late and hates when someone is late.

Read and answer.

Aunt Polly is a mechanic. She works at a garage in Stonebridge. Aunt Polly wears a uniform when she works. She fixes cars. A lot of people take cars to her garage. I think my aunt Polly is great!

e.g. What does Aunt Polly do?
She~s a mechanic.
1 Where does she work?
2 Where is the garage?
3 Does she wear a uniform at work?
4 Does she fix bikes?

Now i can ...
1 talk about buildings & jobs
2 talk about activities
3 tell the time
4 write about a relative

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