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5-9 класс

A: Hi, Susan!
B: Hi! Sorry I`m late. 1).............................long?
A: Not very long . I arrived ten minutes ago.
B: Where`s Amy? She`s coming with us,2)..........?
A: Oh yes, I hope she gets here on time.
B: 3) ........ taxi?
A: I don`t think so. She said she would catch the bus.
B: Oh there she is. That`s her in the blue dress, 4).....?
A. Thats right.

Zulya97love 18 сент. 2013 г., 16:17:28 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 сент. 2013 г., 18:37:47 (10 лет назад)

1-where have you been so long


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Вставте пропуски! Предлоги.I like my bedroom.I think it`s better than my sister`s room.It`s got a big white wardrobe (1) ... the

door and there is a desk (2)... the wardrobe with my computer (3)... it. There are some book-shelves (4)... the wall (5)... the desk and the window. The bed is (6)... the corner of the room. Everything is white and blue (7)... the room. The curtains (8)... the window are white and the carpet (9)...the floor is blue.
Помогите пожалуйста люди добрые =)


Great Britain is a (1) country, a kingdom in (2) Europe. It lies on several islands and has a (3) of about 63 mln people/ Great Britain is capital is (4) and the national currency is a (5). (6) is the main language/
The climate of Great Britain is very (7). There are lot of (8) falling out all the year round. The wind brings rain from the (9) Ocean. Snow only (10) occasionally and doesn't stay for long except in the (11) of Scotland/ the usual (12) in England and Wales are +4 C(Температура) in January and +16 C(Температура) in July and August/
A lot of tourists come to Great Britain every year to do some (13) in its big and small towns.

Вставляйте просто слова пример: 5.pound
Думаю поняли!

Заполните пропуски: ___ comes after Monday

Заполните пропуски: ___ comes before Wednesday

Заполните пропуски: ___ are weekdays

Заполните пропуски: ___ are weekend

Заполните пропуски: ___ is the middle of the week

Заполните пропуски: ___ comes after Thursday

Заполните пропуски: ___ is my favourite day of the week

Вставте на место пропусков артикли-a- -an- -the- (или нечего)She is … doctor. She works in hospital. They are at a café on …High Street.He eats …egg

and toast for breakfast. In summer … sky is clear and blue. I want to be … engineer when I leave school. … moon is very bright tonight. My cousin lives in … Odessa. It’s raining. Don’t forget to take … umbrella. I don’t like tea with … milk. His younger sister likes … bananas.

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