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Complete the questions.

5-9 класс

1.A._____ ______ ever been to Turkey?
B.Yes.I have. I went there last summer.

RoMkA1710 01 июля 2013 г., 2:00:56 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 июля 2013 г., 3:01:37 (10 лет назад)

A Have you ever been to Turkey?
B.Yes. I have. I went there last summer.


Другие вопросы из категории

перевести на англ... 1) Она уже выпила свой сок? - Нет. 2) Ты нашел свою тетрадь по математике? - Да. 3) Боб уже вымыл голову? -


4) Господин Браун уже получил письмо от сына? - Нет, еще не получил.

5) Вы уже слышали эту музыку? - Да.

6) Ты когда-нибудь был в Шотландии? - Нет еще.

переведите правильно пожалуйста....а не в переводчиках.....

а как произносится слово Fields?
Ask questions about the sentence: Madame Tussauds has one of the largest collections of waxmodels in the world.

1. which museum----------------------?
2.Has Madame Tussauds--------------------?
3. What----------------------------?

Читайте также

Complete the questions. Then write answers.

1 ........... they in Year 7? Yes,....................
2 ........... you 11 years old? No,..................
3 ........... it a ruler? Yes,............................
4 ........... you and Mary in the same class? No,........................
5 ........... he Mark? No,..........................

Write the questions.
2...........................?No, it isn't an eraser.
3...........................?Yes,I'm twelve.
4...........................?No, they aren't pensils.
5...........................?Yes,we're in Year seven.

TASK 3. Complete the dialogue. Past Simple or Present Perfect? Alex wants to go to an art college and is

being interviewed by Tom Smith, one of the lecturers.

Complete the questions which Tom asks him. Read the whole conversation before you start.

TOM: Right, Alex, let's find out something about you. You're obviously not a teenager, so when (I)_______ you ____ school?

ALEX: Five years ago, actually.

TOM: And where (2)________ you since then?

ALEX: Well I've had several jobs.

TOM: What (3) ________ first?

ALEX: I worked in a cafe for about a year. I needed to save some money.

TOM: Why (4)________ money?

ALEX: I wanted to travel a bit before I started studying.

TOM: Where (5)_______ to go?

ALEX: Well, theMiddle East,Latin America,Australia-

TOM: Good Lord! And (6)________ all those places?

ALEX: No, not yet. I've been toBrazilandPeruso far. And I spent some months inTurkey.

TOM: What (7)_________ there?

ALEX: I stayed with some friends nearIzmir. It was Wonderful.

TOM: You're very lucky. And now you want to come to college. (8) _______ some pictures

to show me?

ALEX: Urn, yes, I have a small portfolio here ..

TOM: Where (9)_________ this work?

ALEX: Mostly inTurkey.

TOM: Why (10)________ any inSouth America?

ALEX: I didn't have time really. And I was traveling light, I just did some pencil sketches.

TOM: (11)_________ them here with you?

ALEX: They're at the back of the portfolio.

TOM: Well, Alex, I'm very impressed. When (12) ________ interested in painting and drawing?

ALEX: I think I always have been.

TOM: I can believe that. Will you come with me? I want to show this work to my colleagues right away.

ALEX: Of course. Thank you very much.

Complete the following questions:Помогите прошу

1.They are going to ask the questions,...?
2.You will spend your holidays in the country,...?
3. Your father can speak English very well,...?
4. Your friend never swims in winter,...?
5.You are a pupil,...?
6.Your monther didn`t go tj the shop yesterday,...?

I. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.1. Excuse me, could you (do/make) me a favor and watch my bags for a moment? 2. Have you(done/made) any

progress on that report yet? 3. We need to buy (fruit/fruits) and vegetables.4. I have just bought a good (dictionary/vocabulary). I’m sure it will be helpful. 5. What is the(last/latest) news? 6. Do you know that our neighbour’s (older/elder) daughter is a ballet dancer?7. Have you got any (farther/further) questions? 8. The (next/nearest) train to London is at 10.00. 9. Thecontents of this story (is/are) very unusual. 10. You can get (any/either) book you like in our library.II. Complete the sentences giving English equivalents.1. The ship (экипаж) were all saved when the ship went down under the water.2. John’s sister (оказалась) to be a very rude girl.3. Let’s (отправимся) on a trip before it gets dark.4. I forgot to turn off the tap and the water (перелилась) the sink.5. My dog and my cat (ладят) with each other.6. My father was so tired out yesterday. He (заснул) as soon as his head touched the pillow.7. Be careful! It is (темнеет) outside. Hurry back home!8. Let me (представить) my wife to you.9. Daniel (произвел хорошее впечатление) and the manager gave him a good job.10.Six public holidays (празднуются) in Great Britain.11.A new library (построят) next year.12.(К сожалению) they were late and missed the beginning of the performance.III. Put in the articles where necessary:1. After school they had … lunch. 2. It was … warm Friday afternoon at … end of the month.3. … morning we met was surprisingly bright. 4. People go to … church to say their prayers (молиться).5. The lawyer went to … hospital to make a will (завещание) for Mike. 6. It was … late autumn. 7. If youwant to see … Lake Victoria and … Mount Kilimanjaro go to … Kenya.IV. Open the brackets to make the story complete:Harry’s Adventure.Harry got a letter from his friend Jack. Jack (have)0 was having a week’s holiday in a camp. He invitedHarry to join him if he (be)1free at the weekend. Harry (catch)2the five o’clock train. But he (leave)3 all histhings behind. He (think)4 he (borrow)5 what he needed from Jack. On the train Harry (run)6into* astrange man. He remembered that he (see)7the man’s face on television as the police (look)8for him.Harry (keep)9 watching the man during the trip. When the train (stop)10 at the station, Jack (wait)11for hisfriend Harry. Harry called the policeman and they (catch)12the man. He (send)13to prison. Harry (feel)14very proud about his adventure.*to run into smb - столкнуться, случайно встретиться с к.-л

Пожалуйста помогите :)

Пожалуйста помогите умоляю НАДО ВЫПОЛНИТЬ ЗАДАНИЯ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО ДО ЗАВТРА НАДОНомер1.Which is right? Complete the sentence 1.He never( plays

,doesn't play ,is playing) basketball. 2. Did you
have (a ,the , -)good summer 3.(where ,when) were you (a ,the, -)last summer? I was (in ,on ,at) the seaside. 4. I like (it ,when, it when) the sun shines. 5. Nobody (like ,likes ,doesn't like) (it ,when ,it when) the wind blows. 6. Tom went (quick ,quickly) out of the classroom 7. Did it (happen ,happened) (with ,to )her when she was in the street? 8.when (did ,was ,does) it rain? Yesterday. 9.(Is ,Does, Did) it raining now? 10. (Is ,Does, Did) it sometimes rain in December? Номер 2.Correct the mistakes. Do not change the underlined words. 1.Did you have the good summer? Yes, I did. 2. He doesn't like when the wind blows 3. Crocodiles have big tooth, don't they 4. They are usually we fur coats in winter. 5. She is wear a beautiful red dress now. 6. She usually wear a fur hat in winter. 7. When it is hot people wear the shorts and the T-shirts. 8. She isn't work in a hospital, she is a pilot. 9. It isn't rain, let's play volleyball. 10. Did it rained yesterday? Номер 3.which is right? Complete the sentences. 1. David (came ,was coming) in when the children (wrote ,were writing) a test 2. Mike (telephoned ,was telephoning) me when I (took ,was taking) a shower. 3. Mike (spoke ,was speaking) to me when his little sister (took ,was taking) his book out of his schoolbag. 4. We (met ,were meeting) them when we (stood ,were standing) at the bus stop. 5. Yesterday she (came ,was coming) home late. She (had ,was having) lunch, (helped ,was helping her mother about the house and then she (went ,was going) to the park. 6. He (slept, was sleeping) when his mother (came ,was coming) back. 7.On Monday while he (cooked ,was cooking)lunch the postman (brought ,was bringing) him a letter from his friend. 8. When the teacher (came ,was coming )into the classroom, the children (sat ,were sitting) at their desks. 9. One day while she (read ,was reading) a book, a big black fly (sat, was sitting) down on her book. 10. We (read,were reading) a text, then we (answered, were answering) the teacher's questions. After that we (did ,were doing) grammar exercises.

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