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Give your opinion in support or against the statements:

10-11 класс

1.For most students school means only learning subjects.
5.Some students think that having a good education is not very important.

Аринф07112001 18 апр. 2014 г., 13:11:09 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 апр. 2014 г., 13:51:49 (10 лет назад)

1. In my opinion, school doesn't mean only learning subjects. We communicate with other people at school, so we learn how to behave ourselves in the society. Also, school makes us do things we don't want to do, such as: waking up early, doing homework. It means that school teaches us to be strong. Moreover, school advises us a lot of activities, so we can find new hobbies and friends with the same interests.
2. I think, a good education is very important, because all our future depends on it. If you have a good education, you will find a high-paid job, suitable for your personality. Because of it, you can build a family being sure you won't be left without money at any time. All in all, a good education provides a confidence in the future.


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Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.
1.Why you (to look) at me so angrily?Have I said something wrong?
2.It is too late to phone Tom now.I (to phone) him in the morning.
3.I will go to London by air,If I (to have) enough money.
4.I (to see) a very good film last week.-What Film (to be) it?-'Gone with the Wind'.I think it is the best film I ever (to see).
5.He (to live) in Spain when he was a child.

Cоставьте предложения с фразами:

1)Instead of
2)Quite right
3)a quarter of an hour fast
Любые предложения: вопросительные ,отрицательные и т.д..ПО 1 ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЮ

ПОМОГИТЕ!!!Выполнить предложения раскрыв скобки.Переведите.Jugges in our country(to appoing) for life. My friend (to enter) the Law Academy last year and

he (to study) vere well/ when i( to graduate from) the Institute in four years,i(to work) at the Bar. Lectures in Philosophy(to deliver) long befor the students(to have) their seminars in the subject.

Читайте также

What would a real friend do in the following situations? Choose one of the variants or give your own variant and write down the sentences.

1. If you lost your pocket money in the classroom, a real friend would
a) look for it everywhere.
b) tell the teacher about it.
c) share his pocket money with you.
2. If you asked for help with Maths homework, a real friend would
a) give you his / her homework to copy.
b) explain how to do it.
c) suggest doing the homework together.
3. If you were ill and could not go to a party, a real friend would
a) stay at home too.
b) go to the party alone.
c) come to your place instead of the party.
4. If you were laughed at in school, a real friend would
a) try to cheer you up.
b) have a fight for you.
c) tell the teacher about it.

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА)))) You have had a class discussion on the impact technology has on society. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay

giving your opinion on the following topic. Write your essay in about 180-200 words.

"Imagine that you could only use ONE of the following: a computer, a mobile phone or a fridge. Which one would you use and why?" *****************************************************************

Вы имели обсуждения в классе о влиянии технологий на общество. Теперь ваш учитель попросил вас написать эссе давая Ваше мнение на тему. Ваше эссе примерно в 180-200 слов.

"Представьте, что вы могли бы использовать только один из следующих вариантов:. Компьютера, мобильного телефона или холодильника Какой бы вы использовали и почему?"

ПЕРЕВОД:When you marry,your husband (or wifes) family become your in-laws.The mother of your spouse (husband or wife) is your mother-in-law and his or her

father becomes your father-in-law.The term inlaw is also used to describe your relationship with the spouses of your siblings. So the husband of your sister becomes you brother-in-law,while the sister of your husband becomes your sister-in-law. If you are a woman you daughter-in-law of your husbands parents and if you are a man you become the son-in-law of your wifes parents.The parents of your parents are your grandparents-grandmother and grandfather.You are their grandchildren-either and granddaughter or a grandson.The mother of your grandmother or grandfather is your great-grandmother.The father is your great-grandfather.The grandparents of your grandmother of your grandfather are you great-great-grandmother and great-great-grandfather.If your mother or father remarries,you can acquire a new family and set of relatives. If your father marries a second wife,she becomes your step-mother.Any children she already has become your step-sisters or step-brothers. Your mothers second husband becomes you step-father.Families may be classified into a number of different types.The most recognized of these families is the so-called nuclear family,which consists of a husband and wife and their biological or adoptive children.A family that includes is one household near relatives in addition to a nuclear family is called an extended family.It is a big family consisting of are least three generations living together.The head of the family is usually the oldest man.More often than not,such family consists of grand-parents,their sons and their sons families.A single-parent /one-parent family is another type of family. It is a family in which there is only one parent who takes care of the child or children because the parents are divorced,or because one of the parents is dead.Besides,thereare families which have no children.Many childless families choose not to have children because they concentrate on their careers,or like to travel. To replace children,childless families usually have pets instead.But whateve family it is its members will be happy if all of them get along well with eash other,don’t quarrel or argue but help each other both in everyday life and in household chores,when all the duties are organized among all the members and each one has his usual round of duties.Then it will be much easier to run house:to keep the flat tidy,to do the hovering the vacuum clearning,washing up,shopping,to cook meals,to iron the clothes etc.,and then to find some time to have fun together.

10-11 класс английский язык ответов нет
Поставить глаголы в правильную форму: 1)I am writing...(to inquire) about your advertisement in the May

edition of "Around The World" magazine.

2) I am interested in ...(to visit) Italy and would be grateful if you could...(to send) me further details.

3) Your advertisement states that the price includes a return flight from Borispol Airport. Will the flight ...(to leave) in the morning or in the evening?

4) Will I ...(to have) my own room or will I have ...(to share)? In addition, ...(to regard) the meals that the price includes, I'd like...(to know) if all meals are included in the full cost or if the price only includes breakfast.

5) Finally, could you...(to tell) me whether the tour includes...(to visit) Vatican and if there will be time to go ...(to shop).

6) I look forward to...(to hear) from you. Thank you in advance for your help.

Помогите с английским, пожалуйста:) Fill in will or the correct form of be going to. 1 A: Is Lucy coming to school tomorrow? B: I’m not sure.

I.............call her and ask. 2 A: Why are you taking the car keys? B: I.............drive John to the gym. 3 A: Have you done your homework yet? B: No, I.............do it now. 4 A: What does Ray want to do when he leaves school? B: He.............go to medical school. 5 A: I’m struggling with this Physics problem. В: I.............help you. 6 A: Ken and Laura are sitting their exams next week. B: Oh, I’m sure they ............. pass with flying colours. 7 A: Here, you can use my pen. B: Thanks. I ............. give it back in a minute. 8 A: Has Mr Harrington given out the results yet? B: No, he ............. hand them out in the next lesson. 9 A: What are your plans for tomorrow? B: We............have dinner with the Smiths. 10 A: Jim looks extremely tired, doesn’t he? B: Yeah! He............fall asleep any minute.

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