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Do the crossword in the Workbook and check your answer. 1. Artos fell asleep by the .... (4

5-9 класс


Rimma25 22 янв. 2015 г., 18:44:04 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 янв. 2015 г., 21:15:59 (9 лет назад)

 Artos fell asleep by the fire.
      Artos tribe are the people of the Ring.
      Some Celts went to the West because it was not far away.
      The person who gave Artos advice was a Christian priest.
      The name of the land of Piets and Scots today in Scotland.
      The table of King Arthur and his knight was round.
      The special meeting place was by the mountain.


Другие вопросы из категории

Rex tells Tiny about the Brown,s house.But he misses sime words.Help Tiny to fill in the words.

1) There______bedrooms in the house.
2) There______doors in the hall.
3) There______no windows in the hall.
4) There______a kitchen in the house.
5) There______a living room in the house.
6) There______a pantry in the house.
7) There______a lot of windows in the house.
Помогите пожалуйста!! Любой ответ оценю...

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Fill in the gaps with the words. Sometimes you need a noun and sometimes you need a verb. What does Greenpeace do? Listen and check your answers(Заполните

пропуски словами. Иногда нужно существительное и иногда нужно глагола. Что Гринпис делать? Слушайте и проверить свои ответы)

Our...wants to..the environment.
We fight against water and air... .
Are you unhappy with the rcological.. in your region?
Send us some... about it and we`ll try to help

Пожалуйста помогите!Переведите этот текст: Dear Jane!HI! How are you? I'm great!It's the holidays and we are in our new house! I love it!Every day, I wake

up late and ( the dog!We usually have breakfast at around 10 in the morning. Later , I often go for a walk or play board games with my brother.In the evening, we all watch TV and then we have dinner. We go to bed late.I'ts so nice here. I relax on the balcony right now. The weather is brilliant.Josh watch some flowers in the garden. My parents do the shopping in town.And you?Are you having a good time at your country Write soon! Lyn

Change The underlined words. Use the expressions in the list.

four times a week three tumes a day every day twice a day once a month twice a year
1 Diana read her email at 9 o'clock, at 1 o'clock and at 4 o'clock
2 The cinema is open from Monday to Sunday
3 Frank goes theto the dentist in Februrary and July.
4 They have maths lessons on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
5 We meet on the first Saturday of every month.
6 Suzanne cleans her teeth after breakfast and before she goes to bet.

How do you say these sentences in your language?
1 What do you in your fre time?
2 Are you sure?
3 Let's go home. - OK, then.
4 Do you eat insects? - No, of course I don't.
5 Your Hair is a mess.
6 How often do you clean your teeth?

Помогите, пожалуйста!!! Complete the second sentence so that a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word in bold and other words. You

must use between two words, including the word given.

0) You can learn more about the country if you are staying there/


You can learn more about the country be living in it.

1) Studying abroad seems difficult but interesting to many students.


Students understand how_________________is.

2) Studying abroad is similar to studying at one's home college.


Studying abroad is not __________________studying at home.

3) When you are abroad you can miss your relatives very much/


While abroad you ___________________because you can't see parents and relatives.

4) You are in charge of all your things.


You_________________ everything.

5) You can learn a lot about yourself and the world while studying abroad.


Studying abroad__________________experience you can have

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