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переведите пожалуйста: as you make your bed , so you must lie on it

5-9 класс

Golubev261 05 марта 2017 г., 6:11:09 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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05 марта 2017 г., 7:04:58 (7 лет назад)

Как ты заправишь свою постель,так и будешь лежать на ней)Бред конечно


Другие вопросы из категории

Cum se scrie vreau afara pe engleza
1. My children are ... home.

A) in
B) on
C) from
D) at

2. The picture is ... the wall.
A) on
B) in
C) at
D) of

3. Bill doesn't want to go with us. He has ...plans.
A) another
B) the other
C) any
D) other

4. This tea is very nice. Give me ... cup!
A) other
B) the others
C) some
D) another

5. Выберите наиболее правильный вариант с точки зрения правил поведения: You ... talk to people in lessons for no reason.
A) mustn't
B) could
C) couldn’t
D) must

6. The rich ... help the poor.
A) would like
B) should
C) wouldn’t have
D) shouldn't never

7. Everybody ... eat vegetables and fruit.
A) should
B) was
C) wasn’t
D) shouldn't

8. If I had worked more, I (to know) Spanish better.
A) will know
B) would have known
C) would know
D) B и C

9. If I were in the north, I (to see) the polar bear.
A) will see
B) would have seen
C) will seen
D) would see

10. If I (to be) a famous singer, I would travel a lot.
A) was to be
B) will be
C) will
D) were

11. This music group is popular. But the … group is the “Beatles”
A) popular
B) most popular
C) more popular
D) the popularest

12. … the floor?
A) She washed
B) Was she wash
C) Did she wash
D) Were she wash

13. You must … a letter.
A) to write
B) write
C) writing
D) wrote

14. She looks at the dolls. … dolls are on the sofa.
A) that
B) this
C) those
D) thes

15. He has a pen in his hand. … pen is red.
A) these
B) which
C) the
D) those

Читайте также

1)Do you ever help your mother?

2)How often do you make your bed?
3)Is there a swimming pool in your school?
4)There is a disco tomorrow. Do you want to come?
5) How many boys are there in your class?
6) What tune does your school start?

ответьте пожалусто на эти вопросы на примере

Переведите пожалуйста( корректно)So finish degree lots of money to banks for various debts you your wing you've built up during your time at university.

You already have chains around your ankles. You're firmly locked into society. You're on the conveyor belt and it's very hard to get yourself off You find a job, a girlfriend whom you might eventually marry, you buy a house together and start paying off your mortgage. You decide to have children and put them on the conveyor belt the same way you yourself were put on. You earn more money and retire, grow old, and finally put yourself into an expensive residential care home. Well done. You did it. You did exactly what this society asked of you. went to college until I ighteen. I passed A-levels, then my ent w surfing around the world what they call year". I really don't like the on a gap word "gap". When I looked in the dictionary for the word "gap", I found "Gap: A break in continuity, interruption.' allowed The society doesn't recognize this year as being important. You are to do it in fact you are told that future employers love it because it means you have done something interesting, shown your independence, and have something original to talk about in your job interviews. But once the year is gap over, you must start serious work earning money and making plans for the future. We love plans in the UK, because plans are security, and we adore security. The funny thing is, I don't believe security can come from a big house and a fast car or a degree. All these things create an illusion that you are secure. Security, in my opinion, comes from within oneself I'm on my fourth "gap year and I'm happy, truly happy. Every now summer I work as a beach lifeguard in Cornwall, the county which is a long peninsula in the southwest of England and where thousands of people go for their summer holidays. I don't earn a fortune but my life is rich. I wake up every morning and see the ocean. I surf every day if there are waves. can Surfing is the one thing in my life that truly makes me happy. If I couldn't surf, then, I think, I'd dry up and rot. Surfing means everything to me and nothing will ever remove me from the ocean. I save what little I earn in the summer which enables me to spend each winter in the sun with my surfboard Australia, Sri Lanka, Thailand.. maybe South Africa or South America next year so that's what am going to do I've realized that surfing makes me happy, so that's what I am going to do. I'll base my life around it in every possible way. I'll do any job and live anywhere, as long as I have the ocean on my doorstep. Many of my friends went to college and university and now live in the city and do the usual nine-to-five things along with everyone else. I spent a short time living in the city last year and I couldn't believe what I saw. People seemed so lifeless on the Underground in the morning. Nobody seemed happy or friendly. It was the land of the living dead. I truly believe that lots of people know what makes them happy but they choose to ignore it because it gets in the way of what they are really supposed to do: namely, work and earn lots of money. Life should be an adventure and if you're on that conveyor belt, it will not happen. Whatever happened to adventure? I don't want to get to the end of my life and think: "What if?" I often asked what my plans are. I also get asked where I see myself get going and what I want to do with my life. "When," they ask, "are you going to get a proper job?" They forget that I be the person who saves their child's may life on a beach one summer. Isn't that "proper" enough? I want to do exactly what I'm doing right now. Sure I'd like a little house and maybe bring a baby into the world, but I refuse to believe that the only way of doing that is by following the system. I don't want to see the world in the movies and read about it in books. I want to see it myself, smell it, hear it and feel it. I refuse to follow other people's footsteps

Переведите пожалуйста стихи как можно лучше,чтобы рифма была на русский!Очень прошу!В гугле я и сама могу перевести так что не старайтесь через

гугл!Хоть кокой нибуть стих переведите!

With all the pollution of earth, and its gloom.

I decided to have my house on the moon.

Within no times, I caught the first flight

And reached the moon much later at night,

As soon as I stepped out, after clearing the mess

To my surprise I realized that I weigh quite less

Unable to keep my happiness.I jumped with joy...

And to my horror,found myself hanging up like a toy

Walking on the moon was not a piece of cake...

A slight push, and a long leap in the spaceI could take

At last my excitement had to bear the penalty...

that my dream house on moon,cannot be made a reality


Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

How I wonder what you are

I p above the world so high.

Like a diamond in the sky

When the blazing sun is gone,

W hen he nothing shines upon.

Then you show your little light.

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night

Then the traveler in the dark.

Thanks you for your tiny spark.

He could not see which way to go.

If you did not twinkle so

In the dark blue sky you keep,

And often through my curtains peep,

For you never shut you eye,

l the sun is in the sky

As your bright and tiny spark,

Lights the traveler in the dark-Though

I know not what you are,

Twinkle, twinkle, little star


My day

I get up at eight o'clock.

Dress and walk my little dog.

Clean my teeth, eat and drink

Then I do some useful things

I wash up and make my bed,

Brush my fluffy orange cat ,

Learn to count and to write

Then I do the things

I like I play tag. hide-and seek

With my friends, small and big.

We play ball, jump and run

We have all a lot of fun

Then I have my dinner

Meat Is the best 1 like to eat

When I rest I get alone

Then my parents come back home.

And I help to cook my mother.

Go shopping with my father.

Then we play some games and puzzles

With my sister and my brothers.

Read a book and watch TV

Then I have a cake and tea

Kiss mv funny little cat,

Say "good night and go to bed

So, what is the secret of success? How can you make your

dreams come true, and become a movie star or start a
successful business? our article looks at two people who
have found the answer.
At fourteen, mEchelle williams was just a teenager living
with her family in a small town in Montana, USA, whose
ambition was to become an actress. Against her parents'
wishes, who wanted her to continue her father's
profession and become a stock broker,Michelle left high school when she was fifteen to pursue an acting career. But finding good acting jobs was not easy . she once told a reporter how, during a difficult period she tried to make a
living selling ice cream but did not do very well I ate more than I sold,' she admitted But she never gave up her dream.
First, she played small parts in television shows for a
few years, but her talent eventually discovered when she
was 18 The makers of a new teenage soap opera, Dawson's greek gave her one of the main roles on the show. After that it was only a question of time before she found fame in the movies.
Today, Michelle, who wanted to be an actress since
she was a child. has succeeded in becoming a respected
Hollywood actress
and some critics are already saying
that she will be a great star of the future. In 2005, she
won a Golden Globe award, and was even nominated
for an Oscar for her outstanding performance in Brokeback Mountain
When 17-year-old Daniel Green started sending samples of
his own clothing designs to fashion shops, only he believed that he could achieve his dream. His teachers thought he
would never go anywhere at all! But by the time he was 22. he
already had contracts with 30 shops. He spent many months
trying hard to convince more than a hundred leading
companies to buy his products, so he could open an enormous
shop himself, and sell all the best fashion brands there Today
his shop, the Brand Centre, makes millions of pounds each
So, what do these two young people have in common? It is
not hard to see what their secret was Hard work, a lot of
dedication, and a positive belief in their own talents.
Whatever your dream is, the secret is to aim high and never
stop People who have got to the top are not simply the ones
who had luck, and they do not believe they can succeed only
because they are naturally good at something They put in the hours when they need to, word hard and work well They also
try to get better all the time instead of just worrying about their
weak points So, follow their example and be proud of your achievements when you do well, always reward yourself with
a treat watch a movie after a hard day's work, or buy youself
a some new clothes when others praise your effort. This will
inspire you to achieve even more!
.выпишите все глаголы))??)

Переведите пожалуйста текст: Where’s the beef? It’s Saturday afternoon and you are at the shops with your friends. You' ve been

shopping all morning and you' re starving! But where are you going to eat? There’s а good chance that you' ll go to а fast food restaurant like Pizza Hut, Burger King or Wendy’s. The biggest problem is choosing one because there are so many.

In the last thirty years fast food has become а major part of our diets. Fast food is cheap, easy to find and easy to eat. You can even eat а burger while you are

driving. Try doing that with а bowl of spaghetti! Families stop at Pizza Hut on the way home from а day trip. Teenagers meet at McDonald s for а burger at lunchtime. Busy office workers buy tasty sandwiches at Subway. It s so quick and easy.

But is fast food healthy? Richard Benton is а nutritionist and he says that fast food can be healthy food. 'Most fast food restaurants have healthy choices like salads and lean chicken sandwiches,' he says. 'Fast food is ОК as long as you don' t eat too much of it.'

People who do eat too much fast food can have health problems. In the United States, 300,000 people а year die from illnesses related to obesity. Twenty per

cent of children in the United States are overweight. The problem has spread as Western fast food has become popular in countries like China, India and Japan. Five to ten per cent of Chinese children are now overweight.

Also, some fast foods contain а lot of fat and sugar. Some health experts believe that high-fat and high-sugar foods change children s behaviour. А recent

survey in Japan found that badly behaved children ate more fast food than well-behaved children.

The good news is that fast food is changing. It is becoming healthier. Thai, Turkish, Japanese and Filipino fast food is becoming popular in the United States.

You can have а quick snack in Elephant Jump (Thai), Jollibee (Filipino) or Yoshinoya (Japanese) if you don' t want а pizza.

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