Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

помогите ошибки исправить в построении и написании!рядом где сказали напишу количество ошибок_ 1.He have just wrote a letter.(2) 2.We have saw a very

5-9 класс

interesting film.(1) 3.He has reads a lot of books.(1) 4.They are have play many games already.(3) 5.They have be to England.(1) 6.When have you seen him?(не знаю сколько)

AlmazSpartanec 01 апр. 2017 г., 23:49:38 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 апр. 2017 г., 0:38:52 (7 лет назад)

he has just written a letter. we have seen a very interesting film. he has read a lot of books. they have already played many games. they have been to to england. when are you seeing him?


+ 0 -
02 апр. 2017 г., 1:16:22 (7 лет назад)

1.he has just  written a letter.

2. We have seen a very interesting film.

3. he has read a lot of books.

4. They have already played many games.

5. They have been to England.

6. When did you see him?


Другие вопросы из категории

Напишите 5 предложений с

be lucky;
look sad;
feel upset;
look depressed;
be happy

Перевести на английский.

1.Животные,растения,моря и океаны нуждаются в нашей помощи.
2.Окружающая среда находится в опасности.
3.Вода в этой реке загрязнена.
4.Люди дышат воздухом и пьют воду.

Читайте также

Пожалуйста помогите составить ответное письмо. Dear Michelle, I have just got your letter. When are you moving back to Midvale? Do you

know your new address yet? I hope it's near me.

My brother and I are learning to ride on a skateboard. When you come, I can teach you, too. Write back soon. Tell me about your move.


mplete the sentences. Do as in example. Long form. 1.He has just written the letter. 2 I have already done the test. May I go


3. We...... just seen the film.A funny comedy.

4. .....she been to Africa? No,she ..... not.

5. The girls ..... just bought green Apple's for the pie.

6. He ..... not 've p visited the London Eye yet.

7. Unfortunately (к сожалению), they ....... not taken any photos of the sight.

Short form.

1. He's just written the letter.

2. I ...... already done the test. May I go out?

3. We ...... just seen the film. A funny comedy.

4. Has she been to Africa? No,she ....... .

5. The girls ....... bought green Apple's for the pie

6. He ..... visited the London Eye yet.

7. Unfortunately, they ..... taken any photos of the sight.

Помогите пожалуйста. Очень нужно срочно. За правильный ответ, еще плюс 20 баллов

используйте past simple и past perfect 1) when we ( to arrive)____at the theatre, the performance (to start)____ already 2) i (to do)

____ the dishes before we (to go) ____ for a walk

3)Nick (to play) _______ tennis yesterday, he (to play) ____ never it before

4)Kate (to make)_______ a cake when her parents (to come) ___ home


перепишите в косвенной речи:

1)he said: "i have just received a letter from my unele:

2) "i am going to the theatre tonight" , he said to me

3)the clerk said to them ,:"you can leave the key with maid upstairs"

4)he asked his mother: "what are you doing?"

5) my friend asked me " does your sister play the piano?"


условные предложения. Раскройте скобки

1) if friend (to come) _________ to see me tomorrow. i (to be) ______very glad .

2)if my mother (to buy) ____ a cake , we (to have) ____ a a very nice tea party.

3)if we (to receive)______ a telegram from him last week we( to worry)


помогите пожалуйста исправить ошибки. He can speak the French. He do not know German. They live in the China. She did not knew that man. I am not

understanding the teacher. The children are not sleeping,are not they? He can plays computer games. We do not know his. She send him e-mails every day. Did Robin wrote a letter to his friends?

Вы находитесь на странице вопроса "помогите ошибки исправить в построении и написании!рядом где сказали напишу количество ошибок_ 1.He have just wrote a letter.(2) 2.We have saw a very", категории "английский язык". Данный вопрос относится к разделу "5-9" классов. Здесь вы сможете получить ответ, а также обсудить вопрос с посетителями сайта. Автоматический умный поиск поможет найти похожие вопросы в категории "английский язык". Если ваш вопрос отличается или ответы не подходят, вы можете задать новый вопрос, воспользовавшись кнопкой в верхней части сайта.