Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

...cats like.... milk

1-4 класс

....rabbits don't eat.... fish
.... dogs don't drink.... coffee
I've got... flag
You can take... flag
....elephants live in.... the Africa
They like... bananas and carrots.
вставьте артикль там, где это необходимо.

Fdfgg 22 дек. 2014 г., 15:45:11 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 дек. 2014 г., 17:29:06 (9 лет назад)

I've got a flag
You can take the flag

+ 0 -
22 дек. 2014 г., 20:04:51 (9 лет назад)

a cats likes milk.a rabbits don't drinks coffee.i've gots flag. an elephants live in a the Africa. they likes bananas and carrots.


Читайте также

My favourite domestic animal is a cat. Its name is Chapa. My cat is very fat and kind. Its head isn’t big. Its neck is short. Its paws are small with big c

lutches. Its eyes are green and clever. Its ears are small. My cat likes milk and chicken. Most of all Chapa likes to sleep. I think cats are very careful and clever.
помогите перевести

Помогите пожалуйсто вставить,нужно вставить do/ does и в конце don't/ doesn't. 1... birds fly?- Yes, they... 2...cats fly?- No, they ... 3... dogs eat

meat? - Yes, they... 4... you and Sam ski ? - Yes, we ... 5... horses eat meat? - No, they... 6...Sam's sister ski? - No, she .... 7... he and Tom skate? - No, she .... 8... you drink coffee ? - No, we... 9... your aunt drink coffee? - Yes, she... 10... his brother read books ? - Yes, he ... 11... bot and tom read books ? - No, they ... 12... little ann clean teeth? - yes , she ... 13...bears like honey ? - Yes, they ... 14... your cat like milk ? - Yes, it... 15... your kitten like sou p? - No, it ... 16... Ann's dog eat sweets ? - No, it ... 17... you hear the sond ? - Yes, I... 18... tigers live in Africa & - Yes, they... 19... the girls dance ? - Yesm they ... 20... that girl dance ? - No, she .... 21.... Ann and Sam pay ? - No,they...

cat like milk
PLEASEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Раскройте скобки. 1. I(run).... in the forest.

2.It (run)..... in the park.
3.Martin (ride)....a bike.
4.They (live).... in Africa.
5.She (dance)....welll.
6.They (run).... in the park.
7.I (skate).... in the park.
8.I (take).....five books.
9.The pupil (sing).....songs.
10.The pupils (sing).....songs.
11.The cat (like)......milk.
12.The cats (like)....milk.
13.My friend (help)...me.
14.My friends (help)...me.
15. I (help)...my friend.

Horses like meat

.dogs drink tea
.birds like milk
.pigs eat fish.
rabbits like ice cream.
слоненок томас считает,что он все знает о животных ты с ним согласен?если нет,исправь его утверждения.
cats eat corn.-cats dont eat corn,

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