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подскажите вопросительную и отрицательную форму present perfect

5-9 класс

анастасва 23 нояб. 2014 г., 4:29:08 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 нояб. 2014 г., 6:58:18 (9 лет назад)

Во всех предложениях перенесите вспомогательный глагол (have, has) в начало предложений. А в конце, естественно, поставьте вопросительный знак.

+ 0 -
23 нояб. 2014 г., 7:56:52 (9 лет назад)



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Пожалуйста ответе на вопросу на английским языке

1 What has Mr Grant bought?
2 When did he buy it?
3 Was it expensive?
4 Has he looked at the instructions?
5 When did he look at them ?
6 What three things has Mr Grant done?
7 What hasn't he done?

CHARLIE; Hi, Dad .What's that?
MR GRANT; I've bought a DVD player.It was really cheap.
CHARLIE; Great ! When did you buy it ?
MR GRANT ; I bought it yesterday,at the market.
MR GRANT ;Yes, I think so ,but i'm not sure how it works.
CHARLIE; Have you looked at the instructions ?
MR GRANT; Yes , have .I looked at them last night with Penny.She said , Charlie'll know!
CHARLIE ;Have you connected it to the TV ?
MR GRANT ; Yes, I've done that .Look!
CHARLIE Er....have you plugged it in ?
MR GRANT ; Of course I have !
CHARLIE ; And you've put a DVD in.Mmm.... that's strange .Have you forgotten anything?
MR GRANT ;No, i done't think so .
ANA; Wait a minute ! You haven't turned the TV on !
MR GRANT ; Oh no! How stupid of me !

Переведите,пожалуйста. Katie: You are going to work all summer as a volunteer?

Paul: Yes. It’s really exciting. I can’t wait.
Katie: Let me see now, that’ll be no money, no time off and no summer. I can only see positives!
Paul: Ha-Ha, how witty you are, very funny. Is it worth even trying to explain to a summer department store worker such as yourself?
Katie: Steady on brother! OK — tell me about it. I am all ears.
Paul: Did you know there are thousands of people with no computer skills? Think about that for a moment. What jobs today don’t need computers? And think about our media surroundings. It’s all websites, virtual opportunities, social networking and so on. Then just imagine you don’t understand any of it. Imagine no prospect ever of getting a job or even....
Katie: Paul — there is no excuse nowadays for anyone not having basic computer skills.
Paul: Really? What about people over 50? They never had computer classes at school because for ordinary people then, there were no computers. And what about those disadvantaged by dyslexia, or those from tough home environments, or the elderly, or...
Katie: I get the picture. Go on.
Paul: I’ll be in a training centre, giving one-to-one tuition to people whose lives might really change for the better. I did one evening a week last term and loved it. Now I have a whole summer.
Katie: Well I will work 7 days a week for most of the summer. And then I am going to the south of France with James and we’ll have the summer holiday of our lives.
Paul: That’s great Katie. Don’t think I don’t approve or even that I am not a tiny bit jealous. I am not a saint and actually in a sense, we are both taking the same option.
Katie: What do you mean?
Paul: You, dear sister, and I are both choosing exactly what we want to do this summer and really, we are making that choice only for ourselves.
Katie: Well — I still think you should get a halo.

Читайте также

1)поставьте глаголы в нужную форму Present Simple, затем поставьте предложения в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1. We (to do) morning exercises every day.
2. They (to work) at a factory.
3. He often (to stay) after dinner.
2) Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple. Поставьте предложения затем вопросительную и отрицательную форму.
1. Alice (to sell) soft toys for her sister in 2 weeks.
2.He (to create) a snowman.
3. Ann (to built) a



Перевести предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах Present continuous

1.я гуляю
2.она смотрит tv
3.мы учим стих
4.моя сестра готовит обед
5.они идут в школу

Поставте глаголы в сследующих предложениях в утвердительную вопросительную и отрицательную формы Present Simple.

1.I (to do) morning exercises.
2.He (to work) at a factory.
3.She (to sleep) after dinner.
4.We (to work) part - time.
5.They ( to drink) tea every day
6.Mike ( to be) a student.
7.Helen ( to have) a car.
8.You ( to be) a good friend.
9.You ( to be) good friends.
10.It ( to be ) difficult to remember everything. ПОМОГИТЕ КТО НЕ ЖМОТ!!!!! ПРОШУ

1. Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect Tense используя: yet, gust и already.

Make up the programme (Paul)
Practise the dances and songs
Send the invitations (Jay)
Sew the costumes (Alice, Polly)
Draw the poster (Andy)
2. Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect Tense, в отрицательную форму используя: yet, gust и already.
Make the decorations (John, Lee)
Clean the hall (Andy, Jane)
Bring chairs (Danil)
Buy flowers (Ron)
Decorate the hall (Ann)
пожалуйста помогите мне! очень надо!
P.S. если вы есть в контакте, то подарю 2 голоса.

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