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помогите перевести текст WHIPSNADE WILD ANIMAL PARK

5-9 класс

Nagibator666kn 24 мая 2014 г., 17:56:21 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 мая 2014 г., 18:48:17 (10 лет назад)

Ваше посещение парка диких животных Уипснейда будет очень приятно. В Уипснейде Вы узнаете и поймете больше о жизнях животных и как спасти исчезающие виды животных. Много ученых работают здесь. Они изучают эффекты, которые деятельность человека имеет на мир природы.

На детской ферме Вы можете стать ближе к домашним животным. В лесу волка у Вас будет хороший вид на волков.

В установленное время каждый день хранители парка представляют животных вокруг парка для Вас, чтобы узнать больше о них и задать вопросы о них.

Но не приводите
свою собственную собаку или других домашних животных в парк. 


Другие вопросы из категории

If Tom ... his exams better last year,he... so many problems.

A) passed ... wouldn`t have
B) passed ... wouldn`t have had
C) had passed ... wouldn`t have had

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!Поставьте следующие существи тельные во множественное число (обратите внимание на артикли: неопределенный артикль во множественном

числе опускается, определенный артикль сохраняется).the star, a mountain, a tree, a waiter, the queen, a man, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, the boy, a goose, a watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, a sheep, a tooth, a child, an ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.

составте 10 предложений со словами: 1 an invitation to the party 2 a solution to the problem 3 an addition to the sum 4 his

demand for money

5 his need for help

6 the reason for her visit

7 my love for mum

8 on business

9 on holiday

10 on the telephone

I. Put the verbs in the correct form. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and

(to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. My sister (to get) up at eight o'clock. For breakfast she (to eat) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o'clock. On Sunday we (to go) swimming. My brother (to play) the guitar in a band. I (to do) my homework in my room. They (to have) lunch at 10 o’clock. You always (to listen to) this song.

II. Change the verbs into the correct form. Make question forms.

I ( to wake up) at five in the morning? You (to go) to work by train? She (to drink) coffee every morning? Alexander (to exercise) regularly? You (to rest) enough? What time … you (to get up) in the morning? Where … your friend (to study)? Which TV programmes … you (to watch)? What … you (to do) on holidays? Where … your parents (to live)?

III. Change the sentences from positive into negative:

1. The sun rises in the west.The English Queen lives in Alaska. Manchester United footballers wear yellow shirts. Kangaroos come from Canada. In Britain people drive on the right. He drinks coffee for breakfast. They live in London. My friend speaks English. I like rock music.

10. We have classes on Sundays.

Читайте также

Пожалуйста помогите перевести текст, на английский язык.

" На этих каникулах я отдохнула хорошо. Этим летом мы с семьёй поехали в Астану. Там мы были 1 неделю. Астана красивый город, особенно ночью. Мне там очень понравилось. После Астаны мы поехали в Боровое. Там тоже очень красиво, свежий воздух. В боровом мы были 3 дня. Потом мы приехали домой. В Павлодаре я ходила на улицу. Гуляла с друзьями, с семьёй. А 21 августа мы поехали в Баянаул. Там мы ходили на речку, на скалы. В Баянауле мне тоже очень понравилось. Вот так прошли мои летнии каникулы. "
МНЕ ОЧЕНЬ НАДО. Пожалуйста! Помогите перевести текст на английский язык

Fill in have/has

Alice is unhappy because she ... lots her ticet.
They ..... already seen this film.
My cousin .... joined Greenpeace recently.
My friend and I ...... already visited this museum.
...... you ever been to Whipsnade wild Animal Park?


Your visit to Whipsnade wild animal park will be very enjoyable. At Whipsnade you will learn and understand more about the lives of animals and how to save endangered animals. Many scientists are working here. They are studying the effects (последствия) that human activities (деятельность человека) have on the natural world. At the children’s farm you can get closer to domestic animals. In the wolf wood you’ll have a good view of the wolves. At a set time (в определенное время) each day, the keepers of the park introduce animals around the park for you to learn more about them and ask questions about them. But don’t bring along your own dog or other pets into the park.

Ответьте на вопросы)what do you think is better for animals to live in zoos?what do you think is better for animals to live in wild animals parks?what

do you think is better for animals to live in the wild? помогите очень нужно)

помогите пожалуйста перевести текст, только прошу, не надо писать перевод текста из переводчика гугла.. Вот текст: Помогите

перевести текст с Русского на Английский [Gus] Hi, guys! I'm in an internet cafe. It's raining heavily outside. I'm fed up with this weather. It's raining all the time. [Nemo] I don't know how you can live in Scotland. There are nicer places to go to study. [Gus] Scotland's great. It's the winter i don't like. It's grey almost every day. I hate winter [Amelia] Hey! You think that's bad! It's freezing here in Switzerland. it's snowing again. There is so much snow sometimes that i can't even go out [Gus] That's not my kind of place, then. [Nemo] It's summer here in Australia and i'm having a great time. i'm sitting on the balcony at the moment and it is very, very hot. I love the summer. [Amelia] You are lucky. [Nemo] I'm. Anyway, how are things going for you

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