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найдите ошибки! a)I studied for three years management. b)during i was on holiday,i went swimming every day. c)with 19 years old he

10-11 класс

went to Switzerland .

d)I lost my all money.

e)I saw jim last evening.

f)i knew my husband in 1985.

g)we got married two year ago.

h)in 1989 i leaved university and started work.

Mikron9 13 апр. 2015 г., 9:27:09 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 апр. 2015 г., 11:19:24 (9 лет назад)

I have studied management for three years I went swimming every day during I was on holiday.c) He went to Switzerland 19 years old I lost all my money

+ 0 -
13 апр. 2015 г., 14:02:41 (9 лет назад)

вот перевод думаю так будет яснее узнать где ошибки


Другие вопросы из категории

переведи пожалуйста на английский язык,


Write a tag for earch sentence:1.He's found something interesting there,.......?;2.He's found nothing interesting there,.............?;3.He is interested

in travelling,.............?;4.He has never been interested in travelling,............?;5.He has to travel a lot,..........?;6.He had to travel a lot,............?;7He's at the airport,.............?;8.He's gone to the town airport,..........?;9.There's a new airport not far from this town,..............?;10.It's new airport,............?

I love drama and acting and i have

joined a drama and club.
We (0)usually do one (1)... every six months. We (2)... every week. In the weeks before a show we work harder. This means that school work has to wait but the (3)... usually understand. We do everything (4)... .
I want to be a professional (5)... .
Слова для вставки :

1.I have no intention of… (to stay) here any longer. 2. She insisted on… (to help) me. 3. Are you fond of…(to play) chess? 4. He has very much

experience in … (to teach). 5. There’s no possibility of...(to find) his address. 6. There’s little chance of …(to see) her today. 7. We have the pleasure of …(to send) you our catalogues. 8. I think of …(to go ) to the south in summer. 9. He is afraid of…( to catch) cold. 10. I’m proud of…(to have) such a son. 11. The rain prevented me from …(to come). 12. They had much difficulty in…(to find) a house.13. He is engaged in ...(to write) a book

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Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной видо-временной форме. 1. I (Study) German next year 2. They (like) to travel 3.

They (fly) over the ocean now.

4. We (read) the English book when you came tomorrow.

5. He just (meet) an American boy.

6. I (learn) the new words by the exams.

7. Sasha (study) English for two years.

8. He (know) Joey for three years.

Найдите ошибки, пожалуйста

Education in Australia is one of the best in the world. Students, who received higher education in this country, can easily find a job anywhere. In Australia, there is a very rigid system of the requirements applied to learning programs. The state guarantees a high level and the quality of knowledge.
Higher Education in Australia has a multi-level system consisting of three levels: Primary education, Secondary education, Tertiary education. A mandatory requirement for admission to the University is the completion of the twelfth grade, English proficiency and getting good grades in the exam.
There are thirty-seven state universities and two private universities with a total of six thousand students, including students of daytime, evening and correspondence departments. All universities are located on the coast of the ocean. Universities Australia has invariably included in the top thirty of the best universities in the world in the rating of the newspaper Times. Due to its unique geographical position, universities in Australia give a good education in oceanography, shipbuilding, marine biology.
In Australia, does not exist ranking of universities. But each university receives a "star" - from one to five. In evaluating accounted academic success of students, number of teachers with advanced degrees, research and many other factors, and, of course, the employment of graduates in the first three months after graduation.
Australian universities have the world's best research base in the field of natural sciences, information technology, maritime transport.
Unlike most European universities have two Australian term admissions students - in February and September-October. The academic year in Australia begins in late February and ends in early November, and is divided into two semesters.
In the initial university courses can obtain an advanced degree (two to three years) or Diploma (one to two years), which demonstrate practical skills in areas such as business, science, education, agriculture and others.
Education Bachelor's degree in Australia takes three or four (honorary degree) years. Some areas - medicine, dentistry, engineering sciences - require longer - from 4 to 6 years - the period of study. Most Popular Business, Business Administration and Economics, and more than half of foreign students come to these courses. The second most popular area of expertise - the natural, human and social sciences, and the arts. Third - engineering and technological specialization.
A master's degree can be obtained in 1-2 years. A master’s degree is awarded as a result of the end of the training program or performs research work. Duration of training of one to one and a half years, the implementation of the research work takes two years. The diploma can be obtained, after studying for two semesters, and a certificate - one. PhD - the highest qualification awarded by the University as a result of the research work.
Australian universities are equipped with the latest technology for research. One of the cons is the high cost of education. Minimum training costs approximately $ 15,000 per year. But the price is much lower than the cost of education in Europe and the US. Because of this, the quality of the theoretical education is not very high.

Most universities provide a dormitory for students. But is always possible and quite simply rent a room or apartment by yourself or with another student. Students in Australia are free to use the library at the university, attend gyms, computer rooms and laboratories. For students granted recreation centers, car parks.
The very first university - the University of Sydney, which opened in 1850. It has educated two Nobel Prize winners.
The best university - The University of Melbourne, located in the state capital of Victoria. He entered the top 200 ranking of world universities (36th place). Especially on high-level teaching is done medical and natural sciences. Is one of the leading research centers in Australia, thanks to which attract a broad stream of government subsidies and grants.
At the moment In Australia is not enough highly qualified specialists in different areas. So foreign students who have graduated from high school in Australia and having a degree not lower bachelor are now eligible to work full-time for two years.
Thus, education in Australia is very prestigious and popular. Knowledge gained in the universities of this country, given the opportunity to get a high paying job around the world. In them are trained not only local students but also foreigners who have the opportunity to stay and live in this country after graduation. Here, not only created the perfect conditions for learning, but also for recreation and entertainment. And also live in Australia are friendly people who can help in any situation.
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II. Put the verbs in brackets Into the correct voice and tense-forms. • 1. Don't let the boy stay out so long. He (to run about) for three

hours, and may catch cold. 2. That young singer has had a very good training. He (to sing) for half an hour and never (to stop) for a moment's rest. 3. It is unfair of you to be cross with the man. He (to be) away for two weeks and you can't blame him for the few mistakes that (to make) during his absence (отсутствие). 4. Our reply (to send) to you as soon as all the dates (to fix) finally. Some of them (to consider) yet. 5. “I (not to see) Ann lately. What she (to do)?" “She just (to take) her finals and (to prepare) to go away for a holiday.” 6. “Why you (to wear) that strange-looking suit? You (to look) quite a sight in it!" “Why, I (to wear) it for a month and nobody (to say) a word all this time." 7. It’s no use calling for the docu ments now. They (to prepare) when I (to leave) the office, but I don’t think they (to be) ready yet. 8. There (to be) considerable changes, in this area in the last five years. The main part of it (to build up) already, and several new factories (to set up) now. In another three years it (to turn) into a large industrial area. 9. Jesse (to be unemployed — быть безработным) for five months when he (to manage) to get hired as a driver at a small factory. 10. The trav ellers (to walk) through the forest for several hours when they (to discover) that they (to lose) their way. 11. “Where is the new engineer?’’ “He (to take round) the factory. He already (to snow) the main shops (цеха), but he only (to go) over the whole factory by the end of the day.” 12. Last Sunday my friend and I decided to go fishing. When I got to my friend’s place at four in the morning, all his things (to pack) and last minute preparations (to make). My friend (to look) cross and (to say) he (to wait) for me for half an hour.

1. What.....you....(do) when I (phone) you yesterday? I (play) chess with Oleg 2. She (live) here for three years

3. It (be) famous for hundreds of years

4. I....always. (Want) too visit the British museum

5. When granny (come) into bathroom we (wash)the dog

ПОМОГИИИИТЕ ПОЖААААЛУЙСТА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in the present simple (I work), present continuous (I'm working), past simple (I worked), present perfect (I've worked), going to (I'm going to work), I'll or I might (I'll work/I might work)
Jim Noakes works for London Radio. Today he is talking to Marie Scott on his programme, 'Exciting Lives.'

Jim: Hello everyone. Today I (1) _______________________ (speak) to Marie Scott. Marie is a writer and reporter for the Reuters News Service. Marie, when (2) _______________________ (you/start) working for Reuters?
Marie: Five years ago.
Jim: And before that you (3) _______________________ (be) an actress, I believe.
Marie: Yes, that's right. When I was seventeen I (4) _______________________ (leave) home to become an actress. I (5) _______________________ (work) as an actress for three years but I (6) _______________________ (not/get) much work and so I (7) _______________________ (begin) writing for Reuters.
Jim: And (8) _______________________ (you/meet) many famous people in your job?
Marie: Well, I (9) _______________________ (travel) all over the world and I (10) _______________________ (speak) to many famous actors, scientists and politicians.
Jim: And what (11) _______________________ (you/do) at the moment?
Marie: At the moment I (12) _______________________ (talk) to you! No, actually I'm on holiday, so I haven't got any work.
Jim: Describe your typical day.
Marie: Well, I (13) _______________________ (not/often have) a typical day! But when I'm in London I usually (14) _______________________ (get up) early, at about five o'clock and read all my emails. Then, at the Reuters office I (15) _______________________ (work) from seven in the morning until eight in the evening. It's a long day!
Jim: And what about the future?
Marie: I don't know. In the summer I (16) _______________________ (go) to India for the Bollywood film festival or I (17) _______________________ (be) in the USA for the presidential elections.
Jim: Well, I'm sure you (18) _______________________ (have) a very interesting time!
Choose the correct answer.
e.g. __a___ flying?
a) Do you like b) Would you like c) Do you want
1 _____ is the station from here?
a) How fast b) How far c) How long
2 Do you like _____ music?
a) classical b) the classical c) a classical
3 What _____ do?
a) you are going to b) are you going c) are you going to
4 Children _____ pay.
a) don't have to b) doesn't have to c) don't have
5 He's going to Spain _____ Spanish.
a) for study b) studying c) to study
6 _____ in that Italian restaurant is delicious.
a) Food b) The food c) A food
7 _____ see a film?
a) Let's b) Why we don't c) Shall we
Write the opposites:
e.g. a big car a small car

1 an interesting lesson ____________________________________
2 the most expensive ____________________________________
3 a better plan ____________________________________
4 cool weather ____________________________________
5 a happy film ____________________________________

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