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Завершить вопросы с тегом окончаний They spent two weeks in London , __________?

1-4 класс

PleaseHelpMe228 27 февр. 2014 г., 2:18:22 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 февр. 2014 г., 5:12:02 (10 лет назад)

They spent two weeks in London, didn't they?

+ 0 -
27 февр. 2014 г., 7:18:38 (10 лет назад)

................ did not they?


Другие вопросы из категории

расделите на группы слова children, city, juice, chair, carrot, cooker, rice, black, cheese, music, pencil, duck, chips, jacket ,computer, sock вот группы

c ck ch
/k/ /s/ /k/ /t и кокойта знак типа когда слидно пишут по русскому языку и ненадо надо исправить и ставят его

составить вопросы? 0. yuor friends/Did/gifts/give/to you? 1. your parents/buy?/What gifts/ did 2. fancy costumes?/Did/wear/you

3. sing?/did/What songs/you

4. to music?/you/Did/dance

5. cook?your mother/What/did

6. your friends/greetings cards/send/Did/to you?

Помогите пожалуйста!

Читайте также

Complete the guestions with tag endings.

1.It's very windy and cloudy today,______?
2.They spent two weeks in London,_____?
3. Martin won't go to the Africa next month,______?
4. She works hard in the lessons,______?
5. George didn't spend the summer in the country,_____?
6. You can't repair the bike by yourself ( сам ),______?
7. Den and Tom will take part in competition,______?
8. Mr Brown gives a lot of homework,_______?

Complete the questions with tag endings

1.It*s very windy and cloudy today ,________________?
2.They spent two weeks in London,________________?
3.Martin won*t go to the Africa next month,__________?
4.She works hard in the lessons___________?
5.George didn t spend the summer in the country_________?
6.You can t repair the bike by yourself__________?
7.Den and Tom will take hart in competition_____?
8.Mr Brown gives a lot of homework____?
Помогите плизззз люди срочно!!!!!!!

Complete the guestions with tag endings это написано что надо сделать

It's very windy and cloudy.......................?
They spent two weeks in London.....................?
Martin won't go to the Africa next month.................?
She works hard in the lessons...........................?
George didn't spend the summer in the country.................?
You can't repair the bike by yourself (сам)...............?
Den and Tom will take part in competition....................?
Mr Brown gives a lot of homework..........................?
сюда надо чтото вставаить но я не знаю что помогите пожалуйста пожалуйста от этого зависит моя оценка в четверти пожалуйста я вас прошу помагите

Make questions give short answers. 1.-___________ the weekend in Suzdal? -yes,_________(They spent the weekend in Suzdal.) 2.-________________many

letters? -yes,_________ (He sent a lot of ler letters.) 3.-____________two dicyionaries? -yes,_________(They took two dictionaries.) 4.-____________English magazines? -yes,_________(She read English magazines.) 5.-____________the football match? -yes,_________(He missed the football.) 6.-____________abroad? -yes,_________(He went abroad.) 7.-____________the third song? -yes,_________(They knew the third song.) 8.-____________the first car? -yes_________(She saw the first car.) 9.-____________many friends there? -yes_________(He made a lot of friends there.) 10.-___________to open the box? -yes________(They tried to open the box.)

Dear Barbara,

Thank you for your letter. It was so good to hear from you. I horse your return jonrney was OK.
l also travelled a lot this summer. In Angust Elena and l went abroad. We spent two weeks in Scotland at Summer School. We lived and studied at a good state school. Would you like to know what we did there?
Well, in the morning we spent 3 hours learning English. In the lessons we read and discussed texts, learned English poems by heart, played games, asked and answered questions, learned new words, used the computer and wrote our own fairy tales. But we didn't translate unto Russian at our lessons because our teacher didn't speak Russian. We also learned about English history and traditions.
Now we speak and read English much better than we did last year. l made a lot of friends in Scotland.
We also spent 3 days in London. l tried to call you but you were not in.
we are impressed by Great Britain and hope to visit it again.
Best wishes from us all.
your "lazy kids"
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