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1. Can it (be) so late now? 2. Can he (tell) the truth then? 3. Surely it can't (be) Jim. I know him quite well. 4; But she can't (say) it. I am

5-9 класс

sure she didn't mean it. 5. I'll try to do it myself. It can't (be) so difficult after all. 6. Who told you about it? You can't (know) about it before. 7.Could it (be) a joke? She felt rather hurt. 18. You can't (see) him at the meeting. He was ill then. 9. He can't (forget) your address, he has visited you several times.

Karlovdarhan 03 марта 2015 г., 0:32:08 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 марта 2015 г., 1:41:18 (9 лет назад)

Modal verbs are followed by an infinitive without to! У всіх випадках інфінітив, инфинитив.

+ 0 -
03 марта 2015 г., 4:30:13 (9 лет назад)

1. Can it be  so late now?


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Помогите пожалуйста. Заранее спаибо!!!! =)

Положите слова в правильном порядке.
1) to / monkey / its / trees. / tail / The / uses / climb
2) trunk / uses / its / The / elephant / food. / get / to
3) kangaroo / legs / strong / The / uses / its / run. / jump / and / to
4) swim. / to / uses / tail / its / The / crocodile
5) flippers / its / to / The / dolphin / swim. / uses

Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. I bought potatoes yesterday.

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Прошу, помогите пожалуйста перевести текст. Then it jumped a little more, enough to set the meat shivering and shaking. Then it jumped a


It set the meat shivering and shaking. It set the potatoes dancing up and down. It set the gravy spinning round like a whirlpool, and it set the peas hopping and jumping over the table as if they were alive!

Some of the children looked shocked because they thought Derek was naughty, but some of them laughed because they thought it was funny.

The lady who looked after the children at dinner time was called Mrs North. She did not think it was funny at all.

‘What are you doing?’ she asked angrily.

‘I can’t help it,’ said Derek. ‘It’s the plate’s fault. It’s a jumping plate.’

‘A jumping plate! How can it be?’ said Mrs North. She cleared up the mess and took the plate of food back to the kitchen. She emptied the food into a bin and turned the plate upside down.

‘Perhaps it’s not flat,’ she thought. But it looked flat.

‘Nothing wrong with it,’ she thought, but she did notice a tiny dab of blue paint underneath. Perhaps it was a tiny dab of blue paint or perhaps it was a tiny dab of magic. Who could tell?

The next day the jumping plate was put on the table in front of a little girl called Ann who stayed to school dinners. Ann did not even know it was new and of course, she did not know it was a jumping plate.

On the jumping plate was Ann’s dinner—fish, chips, tomato sauce and peas. The dinner looked the same as all the other dinners. The plate looked the same as all the other plates.

Ann began to eat, and the plate began to jump. At first it jumped only a little—just enough to set the dinner trembling. Then it jumped a little more—enough to set the fish shivering and shaking. Then it jumped a lot.

It set the fish shivering and shaking. It set the chips dancing up and down. It set the tomato sauce spinning round like a whirlpool, and it set the peas hopping and jumping over the table as if they were alive!

Some of the children looked shocked because they thought Ann was naughty, but some of them laughed because they thought it was funny. Mrs North did not think it was funny at all, but she felt very puzzled.

‘What are you doing?’ she asked in a surprised voice.

‘I can’t help it,’ said Ann unhappily. ‘It’s the plate’s fault. It’s a jumping plate.’

‘A jumping plate!’ said Mrs North. ‘How can it be?’

‘It must be the one I had yesterday,’ said Derek.

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple • There isn’t a cloud in the sky, but it (be) cloudy in the morning. • Mrs. Clay usually finishes her

work at half past three, but she (finish) it later yesterday afternoon.

• Every day I help my Mom about the house, but last week I (be) very busy with my exam. So I (not/help) her much.

• Tom isn’t playing tennis tomorrow afternoon, he (not/play) tennis yesterday. • We generally have lunch at 12.30, but yesterday we (have lunch) later.

• Now my brother smokes a lot, but he (not/ smoke) before.

• The Frasers live in four-room apartment, but last year they (live) in a small house in the country.

• How you (cut) your finger?

• Jack (try) to remember what he had done last April.

• Looking through the paper, the teacher (find) several mistakes.

• He (meet) Mary and (fall) in love with her at first sight. When you (write) to your parents last time?

• Don’t worry about your letter. I (send) it the day before yesterday.

• When I was a child, I (always/be) late for school.

• My husband (work) in the bank for three years since 1990 to 1993.

Перевод текста. Siberia has the world'd deepest known lake — the breathtakingly beautiful Lake Baikal. It is so clear that if

you drop a coin into the water, the coin can be seen clearly at a depth of a hundred feet. Lake Baikal is also the world's largest freshwater lake with one fifth of the Earth's liquid fresh water.

On several trips to Baikal over the past few years, I have come to know the lake, and have listened to many people who live nearby and worry about its future.

It has a special place in the hearts of Russians and is a symbol of beauty. This huge old lake — clear, beautiful, and surrounded by the wilderness of Siberia — is the world treasure but it can only remain so if the world treats it with love and respect.

First lay the mirror in the dish of water at an angle of about 30°. You may need to hold it there with sticky tape. Then fill the dish with water. At this stage place your dish in a strong beam of sunlight so that the light falls across the mirror. Next look around the room for a reflection of white light, not far away you will see a rainbow. Finally try moving the mirror slightly and watch the rainbow move.

Переведите пожалуйста текст: Where’s the beef? It’s Saturday afternoon and you are at the shops with your friends. You' ve been

shopping all morning and you' re starving! But where are you going to eat? There’s а good chance that you' ll go to а fast food restaurant like Pizza Hut, Burger King or Wendy’s. The biggest problem is choosing one because there are so many.

In the last thirty years fast food has become а major part of our diets. Fast food is cheap, easy to find and easy to eat. You can even eat а burger while you are

driving. Try doing that with а bowl of spaghetti! Families stop at Pizza Hut on the way home from а day trip. Teenagers meet at McDonald s for а burger at lunchtime. Busy office workers buy tasty sandwiches at Subway. It s so quick and easy.

But is fast food healthy? Richard Benton is а nutritionist and he says that fast food can be healthy food. 'Most fast food restaurants have healthy choices like salads and lean chicken sandwiches,' he says. 'Fast food is ОК as long as you don' t eat too much of it.'

People who do eat too much fast food can have health problems. In the United States, 300,000 people а year die from illnesses related to obesity. Twenty per

cent of children in the United States are overweight. The problem has spread as Western fast food has become popular in countries like China, India and Japan. Five to ten per cent of Chinese children are now overweight.

Also, some fast foods contain а lot of fat and sugar. Some health experts believe that high-fat and high-sugar foods change children s behaviour. А recent

survey in Japan found that badly behaved children ate more fast food than well-behaved children.

The good news is that fast food is changing. It is becoming healthier. Thai, Turkish, Japanese and Filipino fast food is becoming popular in the United States.

You can have а quick snack in Elephant Jump (Thai), Jollibee (Filipino) or Yoshinoya (Japanese) if you don' t want а pizza.

1.Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.(Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильном спряжении) Last night Robin (not sleep) ... .It (be)

... late. Suddenly, he (hear) ... something. He (go) ... to the mirror and (see) ... a face. It (be) ... his father. "If you (not find) ... the time tunnel before this time tomorrow, Rob MacWizard (die) .... The tunnel (be) ... under a big tree at the beginning of the Earth," he said. Robin's father (not can) ... help Robin, because he (not know) ... the place, but it (be) ... near there. Robin (not can) ... fly, because the tunnel (attract) ... him like a magnet. Robin (have to) ... meet the messenger who will show him the right place.

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