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Complete the text.

5-9 класс

Use: writes, another , decorate, stocking, special, full,her
My sister,Ann,is only five.Christmas is Ann's favourite holiday.On the 1st of December she writes a letter to Santa Claus. Ann can't write, so I help ________ with the letter. On Christmas Eve we _______ the Christmas tree with coloured balls.Ann puts a big _______ at the foot of her bed.She leaves a ________ meal for Santa in the kitchen:a glass of milk and a plate of biscuits.There is also _____ present for Santa -Ann's picture.
Last year Ann's stocking was _______ of small presents and she found a nice doll's house underthe Christmas tree.

Vladaalekseenko 10 марта 2014 г., 2:56:23 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 марта 2014 г., 3:29:38 (10 лет назад)

...I help her...decorate...stocking...special...another...full.

+ 0 -
10 марта 2014 г., 4:12:18 (10 лет назад)

Пропусков больше чем слов

+ 0 -
10 марта 2014 г., 5:38:32 (10 лет назад)

А все норм

+ 0 -
10 марта 2014 г., 7:46:45 (10 лет назад)

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Другие вопросы из категории

Переведите пожалуйста
Write questions with yet

во вложение)

Пожайлуста помогите переделать предложения в косвеную речь :

My dad doesnt have time today . Jacob said
How old is Sophia ?She said
Will you marry me?Liam asked Eva
Bengamin speak English on class . The teacher advised

1)Вставьте правильную форму глагола в следующее предложение.

The boys...good at school
1. are

Читайте также

Complete the Text. Use:thousands,was

Complete the Text.

Use:thousands,was founded,city,of,cathedrals,interesting,famous

London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Grear Britain and Northern Ireland.It is a very old city.It________about two thousands years ago.London is one of the most famous and_________cities in Europe.It is_______for its places of interest.There are lots of museums,historical buildings,ancient________and monuments.It is full_______history.Every year_________of tourists come to London

Помагите пожалуйста очень надо!!!! 1)Complete the text with the words from below there are a lot of cinema-goers. visit to the cinema is

becoming very popular way to spend free time/modern cinemas are beautiful and comfortable rooms are equipped with large new screens, special sound absorption panels and nice places you can buy tickets right before the movie starts or the day before certain types of films are the movies if you want to have fun you can choose comedy or Western if you enjoy special effects and are interested in around the idea of a future you can see science fiction or adventure.Children like to watch cartoons and come to the movies with their parents.

2)Use the text and find the appropriate words to eht definitions.

1)People,who enjoy going to the cinema in their free time.______________

2)Something that many people like._______________________

3) A piece of paper that shows you have paid to do something____________

4)A film about the life of cowboys in the USA in the 19th century.__________

5)A film using drawing and not real people,animals?things.___________--

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1My favourite s... is spring because it is so beautiful.
2The c... of Britain is London.
3The p... of the USA is about 300 million.
4The w... is not very nice today – it's rainy and cold.
5There are eight n... full of animals and plants in our country.
6I live in the n... of the country but the biggest cities are in the south.
7The highest m... is 4200 metres high.
8Our country has a very nice climate. It isn't too hot in the s... and it isn't too cold in the .
2 a, on, the, -
Complete the text with a, an, the or -.
This country is in Europe. It is ___ big country. ___ capital is in the centre of ___ country and the population is about fort-six million. The people have __ lunch in the afternoon. It is the biggest meal of the day. They usually eat at ___ home but, in big cities, they can't always do this. They often have ___ snack before dinner because they have ___ dinner quite late, at 9 p.m. or later. ___ snack is called 'La Merienda'. They often eat ___ bread with ham or cheese. What is the country? Spain.
3 Nationalities
Make nationalities from the countries below and put them in the correct column of the table.
-an -ish -ese other endings

4 someone, everyone, anyone, no one etc.
Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1I want to go ___ nice this summer.
2We woke up in the middle of the night and heard ___ walking around in the living room.
3I'm bored. I haven't got ___ to talk to.
4My phone rang but, when I answered, there was ___ there.
5There's ___ important I want to tell you.
6They didn't have vegetarian food so I didn't have ___ to eat.
7My first day of school was great. ___ was very kind.

Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets . A funny thing (1 happen) ________ to me while I was at a local music

festival with my boyfriend, who (2 win) two festival tickets earlier that week. It was Saturday af-ternoon at about 3 0' clock when we (3 arrive) _________ at the festival and hundreds of people (4 already get) there. I (5 spend) the first couple of hours just looking at all the different styles of clothes that people (6 wear) and the amazing hairstyles they (7 have) _____ _ At about 7 o'clock, we joined a huge crowd of people at the main stage after one of the most popular bands (8 start) to play. After about half an hour, I (9 realize) I wanted to go to the toilet, so I left my boyfriend enjoying the music. It took about ten minutes to walk to the toilets and there was a big queue when I got there. After about three quarters of an hour I (10 make) _______ my way back to the concert. There was an even bigger crowd of people by then, so I just looked for a tall guy with dark hair, jeans, and a black leather jacket, which was what my boyfriend (11 wear) _______ _ I spotted a guy who looked like this, pushed my way into the crowd and stood in front of him. After the band (12 finish) , I turned round to kiss him, and it was only then that I realized he wasn't my boyfriend! I (13 stand) with a complete stranger for over an hour. I (14go) very red, mumbled an apology and then saw my boyfriend who (15 look) __________ for me for ages. "Where (16 you disappear) to?" he asked. He never believed my story!

помогите пожалуйста complete the text the present present simple or the present perfect

continuous form of the verbs in brackets(полный текст настоящего present simple или present perfect continuous формы глаголы в скобках)
My brother is very happy this morning because he (lose) another kilo.He (be) on a diet for the last two months ,so he (stop) eating bread completely . He (eat) more healthily which means no cakes biscuits or fizzy drinks.Instead my mum (give) him fresh fruit every day for snacks .Since he started his diet my parents (cook) healthy meals all the time as well .Personally , i would prefer chips!

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