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Вставить Preset Simple или Preset Continious Срочно!!!!

5-9 класс

1.I....(learn) my father.....(teach) me.
2.Normally I....(finish) work at five, but his week I.... (work) untill six to eanra little more money.
3. My parents ..... (live) in manchester they were born there and have never lied any whene else where .... (you parents/live)?

Dudina86 24 янв. 2014 г., 22:25:35 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 янв. 2014 г., 1:19:24 (10 лет назад)

1)learn 2)to teach 3)finish 4)work 5)live 6)do your parents live


Другие вопросы из категории

Переделать предложения в Passive Voice 1. he stole a lot of money from the shop. 2. by six o'clock they had finished the


3. at three o'clock the workers were loading the trucks.

4. by three o'clock the workers had loaded the trucks.

5. they will show this film on TV.

7. they are building a new corner hall in our street.

8. i bought potatoes yestarday.

9. we shall bring the books tomorrow.

10. they are repaining the clock now.

Помогите по английскому!! Нужно Слова в скобках поставить в нужной форме))) Dear Jessie, In your last

email you asked about my friends. Well, I (have) lots of friends, and I (know) some of them since I started school. My best friend is Deirdre. We always (send) text messages to one another and we (try) to meet up as much as we can. I (start) a new hobby recently, rock climbing. Deirdre is much better than me so she (help) me. This weekend, my friends and I (go) out clubbing. One of them (celebrate) her birthday on Saturday. We're really excited as we (look) forward to it all week! I (take) my new digital camera with me so I'll send you some photos of the night.

Пожалуйста помогите к завташнему дню даю 30 балловVocabulary. Read about

Hamleys, the Museum of London and the Museum of the History of Moscow. Circle the
correct variant. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Hamleys is one of(0)
the largest \ largest toy shops in the world. It (1) has been around \ has been
since 1760. Its seven floors are packed (2) with \ in toys, toys and toys! Here
you can buy any tyre of (3) toy \ a toy you like. There are (4) thousands of\
thousands cars, computer games, soft toys, teddy bears, dolls, and what not.
The Museum of London

Читайте также

Поставьте данные в скобках глаголы в Present Simple,Present continious 1) Every morning,he (drink) a cup of tea. 2) We (go ) to

shcool now.

3) dAD (TALK) to mum at the moment.

4) He usually (watch) football every Saturday afternoon.

5) I always (do) my homework.

6) Look! The baby (walk).

Поставьте данные в скобках глаголы в Present Simple,Present continious

1)What are you drawing?

2)It (be) a picture of my ded.

3)Where (you/live) ?

4) We (live) in a flat but we (not/like ) it , so we (look) for a new house at the moment.

1. Present Simple или Present Progressive

a) They (watch) television very often.

b) Listen! Somebody (sing).

c) Tom (have) a shower at the moment.

d) Excuse me, (you/speak) English?

2. Past Simple или Present Perfect

a) My hair is clean. I (wash) it.

b) What time (you/ go) to bed last night?

c) Look! Somebody ( break) the window.

d) Kate loves traveling. She (visit) many countries.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Perfect

1. When they ( finish) talking, they shook hands and went out.

2. Margaret was late for work. Her boss was very surprised. She ( be/late) never before.

3. The woman was a complete stranger to me. I never (see) her before.

4. Поставьте данные существительные во множественном числе.

fox- tooth- mouse-

dress- child- man-

tiger- boy- tomato-

5. Поставьте существительные в притяжательном падеже.

1. the job/ my brother

2. the eyes/ the cat

3. the camera/ Tom

4. the toys/ the children

6. Правильно употребите выражения частотности.

1.I wash my hair…..(дважды) a week.

2. He cleans his shoes…( один раз) a month.

3. She brushes her teeth more than (три раза) a day.

4. Anna combs her hair…( пять раз) a day.

7. Употребите правильно обороты there is / there are

1. Look! ------- a photo of George in the newspaper!

2. Dunford is a very modern town.--------many old buildings in it.

3.Excuse me,------ a restaurant near here?

4. How many students------in your class?


Preset Simple или Present Continuous?

1.Those jeans (look/are looking) great on you!
2. Jane can't come to the phone because she (washes/is washing) her hair.
3.I (don't like /am not liking) football very much.
4.We usually (go / are going) to the seaside in summer .
5. I (think /am thinking) of going to university

Preset Simple или Present Continuous?

6. (Do you study/ are you studying ) for your exams at the moment ?
7.( do you see / are you seeing) my problem?
8. can you be quiet, please? I (listen/ am listening) to the radio.
9.He (thinks / is thinking) that school is boring
10. They (meet/are meeting) for lunch once a month.

помогите с английским... нужно поставить или в Present Simple или Present Progressive:

Alex: Hi, Sonia! What ARE YOU DOING (you\do) here?
Sonia: I am looking (look) for a vegetarian cookbook.
A: ____(you\often\cook)? At my home, we ____ (not cook)/ Usually, my mum ___ (buy) ready-made meals it the supermarket or we ____(order) pizza.
S: Cooking is fun! My gran ____(teach) me to cook. She ___(never eat) fast food or ready-made meals. This week we ___(try) some vegetarian recipes.
A: I ______(not eat) vegetables. I ____(think) they're horrible!
S: They are not! Why don't you have lunch with us? Gran _____(make) roast vegetables.
Не забудьте, что Present Simple используется с глаголами чувственного восприятия, мнение, чувство, текущее состояние. А время Present Progressive происходит прямо сейчас в момент речи, или происходит вокруг нас, но не только в этот момент.
Прошу, помогите, если вам не сложно))

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