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Прочитать,дополнить текст словами"was" "were".

1-4 класс

my brother and I......at the seaside. The weather....hot. Or Room......big. It......on the second floor. There.....a lot of children from different countries

Kdn356 22 мая 2013 г., 3:30:51 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 мая 2013 г., 4:56:32 (11 лет назад)

Were. Was. Was. Was. Were.


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прочитай прочитай предложения, выбери правельный глагол в present simple (am,is,are) или в past simple (was,were) 1.there is/are a lot of cows

in the field
2.the weather was/were rainy last summer
3.was/were you in the country last sunday?
4.my mum's eyes is/are blue
5.where was/were they a month ago?
6.we wasn't/weren't in the desert last year

I was/were in London yesterday. They was/were in Africa last summer. Mary was/were in Canada last week. My parents was/were in Russia last weekend. Bill

was/were in America last month Помогите разобраться с was/were

1.How many rooms Was|were in the house?

2.Was|were a dining room in the house?
3.was|were a living room?
4.how many bedrooms were|was in the house?
5.were|was any bathrooms there?
6.how many bathrooms was|were in the house?
7.was|were a kitchen?
8.was|were sny modern coveniences?
9.what pieces of furniture was|were in the house?

Выбери и обведи нужный глагол:There was / were a lot of sheep on the farm.

The weather wasn’t / weren’t rainy last summer.

Were / Was you in the mountains last month? – No, I wasn’t /weren’t.

The cow’s eyes was / were big and kind.

Where was / were they three days ago?

It was / were time to go to bed.

1) Выбери и обведи нужный глагол. 1) There was/were a lot of sheep on the farm. 2) The weather wasn`t/weren`t rainy last


3) Were/Was you in the mountains last month? -

No, I wasn`t/weren`t.

4) The cow`s eyes was/were big and kind.

5) Where was/were they three days ago?

6) It was/were time to go to bed.

2) Напиши глаголы во второй форме.

1) go - ________

2) meet - ________

3) be - _______

4) ski _______

5) skate - ______

6) like - ________

7) want - ________

8) go - ________

9) have - _________
10) do - _________

11) watch - __________

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