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Помогите решить. Now you have to write sentences with i wish ...

5-9 класс

1. I can't give up smoking (but I'd like to). 2. I haven't any cigarettes (and I need one),
3. George isn't here (and I need him),
4. It's cold (and I hate cold weather).
5. I live in London (and I hate London).
6. Tina can't come to the party (she's your best friend).

Drfghuikj 04 февр. 2014 г., 17:46:28 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 февр. 2014 г., 18:20:17 (10 лет назад)

I wish I could give up smoking.
I wish I had cigarets.
I wish George was here.
I wish it wasn't cold.
I wish I didn't live in London.
I wish Tina could come to the party
I wish I didn't have to work.
I wish I knew something about cars.
I wish lied on a beach


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Напишите маленький диалог на английском языке, и в диалоге будут вопросы. Например: там например где-нибудь в середине диалога будут

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Буду очень балгодарна!

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помогите ответить на бональные вопросы по англ)) 1..what do you spend your money on? 2..what time do you have to be at home in the evening& 3..what

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4 Answer the questions. 1. What would you have to do if you worked as a dishwasher? 2. What would you have to do if you worked as a costumed character?

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competition. get as much experience as you can by working in the areas that you are interested in. if you are not going to go to college then you have to get a lot of experience . it's harder to work your way up but I know a lot of people who have done it. it's another route.

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You must take a ‟poop scoop‟ with you when you walk the dogs to clear up any mess they may make.

Правило модальные глаголы have(nas) to+V. Must. Cam.

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