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антонимы к словам near to . queen . new . closed . far from . usual . real . light . unusual . open . polite . heavy . unreal . impolite ПЛИЗЗЗЗ ЭТО ОЧЕНЬ

5-9 класс


P150602 11 марта 2017 г., 12:36:23 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 марта 2017 г., 14:36:33 (7 лет назад)

far.from-near to


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Помогите ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!Впишите слова подходящие по смыслу.

1)Last year the pupils worked a lot. They helped to rake ______________ in the schoolyard and to ____________flowers.
2) They visited children at the ____________ hospital and gave them __________ toys.
3)There is a lake in the town.The pupils helped to ____________ litter near it last summer and helped to clean up the _________________.

1. Put the verbs in the correct past simple form:

1. ..... (you/meet) Sue yesterday?
2. the teacher ... (give) us a lot of homework for wednesda.
3. ..... (Tony\Sell) his car to his neighbour?
4. The weather .... (not\be) as good as we ... (expect)
5. Who .... (come) around at 6:30
6. I .... (turn) the TV off because the programme .. (be) really boring.
7. Some students .... (not/do) the homework yesterday, so the teacher .... (get) really angry.
8. I ... (see) Mark at the library, but he ... (not\see) me
9. "... (you\invite) Alan to the party?" "No, I... "
10. There ... (not\be) much tea left, so we (make) coffee.
11. My parents .... (buy) a new car last month.

2. Put the verbs in brackets in the PAST CONTINUOUS tense:
1. I ... (revise) for the maths exam all night long.
2. My father ... (mend) the car after lunch.
3. Vince .... (listen) to music with me.
4. Who ... (make) so much noise at break?
5. Paul ... (not\do) the task, he ... (talk) to Sue.
6. Mum ... (cook) the whole morning
7. .... (you\take) a nap at 5 p.m. ?
8. The cat ... (not\play) with the baby.
9. Peter and Paul ..... (fight) again.
10. ........ (you\wait) for me on Sunday?
11. It ... (not\rain) after school.
12. ....... (Tina\watch) Tv after dinner?

помогите с номером 11 ,22-30
помогите что сможете

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Найдите в тексте синонимы следующих слов: wide, to research, to attempt, to examine, main, complex, difficult, various. Найдите в тексте

антонимы следующих слов: narrow, easy, practice, old, more, to begin, small, little.

Текст. Scientists study a wide variety of subjects. Some scientists search for clues to the origin of the universe and examine the structure of the cells of living plants and animals. Other researchers investigate why we act the way we do, or try to solve complicated mathematical problems. Scientists use systematic methods of study to make observations and collect facts. They develop theories that help them order and unify facts. Scientific theories consist of general principles or laws that attempt to explain how and why something happens or has happened. A theory is considered to become a part of scientific knowledge if it has been tested experimentally and proved to be true. Scientific study can be divided into three major groups: the natural, social, and technical sciences. As scientific knowledge has grown and become more complicated, many new fields of science have appeared. At the same time, the boundaries between scientific fields have become less and less clear. Numerous areas of science overlap each other and it is often hard to tell where one science ends and another begins. All sciences are closely interconnected. Science has great influence on our lives. It provides the basis of modern technology – the tools and machines that make our life and work easier. The discoveries and inventions of scientists also help shape our view about ourselves and our place in the universe.

Ответ на английском + перевод на русский ПЕРЕВОДЧИК НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you agree with the phrase «He who has not seen Scotland does not really know Great Britain»? If you do, why?

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Текст, с помощью которого можно ответить на вопрос:

Scotland is a country in the United Kingdom to the north of England. Its symbol is a thistle; its patron is St. Andrew. The country is divided into Highlands and Lowlands. Most of the industry is concentrated in Lowlands, in the Clyde Valley. Glasgow is its largest and busiest town; Edinburgh is its capital. Glasgow and Edinburgh are the two great centres of Scotland. There is only 45 miles between them, and it will take you an hour to get from Glasgow to Edinburgh by train but the cities are very different.
Glasgow is the heart of industry. It is a centre of business and trade. It is very busy, prosperous, dirty in some parts and smart in others. It is beautiful and ugly with its large port and busy streets.
Edinburgh is rather cold but attractive, very proud but friendly and has a great past. Edinburgh is known as Athens of the North. It is an ancient city and if you walk around it, you can feel history at every step. Practically every building has a tale to tell.
The most interesting parts of the city are the Old Town and the New Town. The Old Town lies between the Castle and Holyrood Palace. The Castle hangs over the city like some Disney cartoon – but it is real. The Castle, in fact, is older than the city. No one can say exactly say when the first settlers came to live on the huge rock that stands high above Edinburgh. Later they built a castle that used to be a fortress and then a royal palace. It looks good in any weather but at night when it is floodlit it looks just like a castle in a fairy tale. It is not surprising that the Castle attracts a lot of tourists. The Edinburgh military tattoo takes place every August and September and is known throughout the world. For 90 minutes on five or six nights a week, 600 people perform in the square in front of the Castle.
The performers play military music and march to it. At the same time as the tattoo, you can go to the famous Edinburgh festival. The festival started in 1947. Every year the best performances from all over the world can be seen in Edinburgh.
A line of streets, which runs from the Castle to Holyrood House, is called the Royal Mile. Holyrood House is a big royal palace which is the residence of the Queen when she is in Edinburgh. The most picturesque part of the Royal Mile is the Cannongate, which gives a good idea of what the Old Town was like. Closes (narrow passages) lesd to little years and attractive historical buildings. One of the most modest and yet one of the best known monuments in Edinburgh is a monument to a dog called Bobby. The dog belonged to John Gray. When he died Bobby lived near his grave for twenty-six years. Later Bobby was buried near his master and his statue in the Old Town has become a symbol of devotion. The Old Town is a striking contrast to the New Town with its white and beautiful streets lined with trees. Princes Street is the most beautiful street of the New Town. It has at lot of gardens on one side and it is also Edinburgh’s popular shopping centre. Princess Street is connected with the name of the famous writer, Sir Walter Scott. A monument 200 feet high rises among green trees. They call it a poet of stone. It is the Scott monument. Inside it there is a marble statue of the writer, and of his favourite dog.
Princess Street lies between the New Town and the Old Town. The modern town is on the lower side, the old one – on the higher. They look at each other across the valley under Scotland’s blue sky.

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.1. What ... colour is your new ... hat? — It's ... red. 2. Is there ... refrigerator in your ... kitchen? 3. Where is ...

refrigerator in your ... kitchen? — It is in ... corner of ... kitchen. 4. There are ... flow¬ers in our ... living room. ... flowers are in ... beau¬tiful vase. 5. I have ... tea in my ... cup. 6. He has no ... coffee in his ... cup. 7. What ... book did you borrow from ... library on ... Tuesday? 8. I have ... books, ... exercise books and ... pens in my ... bag. 9. I am ... engineer. I work at ... office. I go to ... office in ... morning. As ... office is far from ... house I live in, I take ... bus to get there. 10. What ... bus do you take to get to ... work? 11. Whose ... pen is this? 12. What ... colour is your ... new ... T-shirt? — It's ... white. 13. She is going to ... music shop to buy ... cassette. — What ... cassette is she going to buy? 14. That's ... man whose ... com¬puter was stolen last night.Упражнение 27Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.Here is ... large window. Through ... window we can see ... room. Opposite ... window there is ... door. On ... door there is ... curtain. In ... corner of ... room there is ... round table. On it we can see ... books and ... telephone. There is ... bookshelf over ... table. On ... bookshelf we can see ... newspapers and ... book by ... Jack London. There are ... two ... pictures in ... room. One ... picture is small, ... other picture is very large. There are ... two bookcases in ... room. ... bookcases are full of ... books. There is ... large sofa in ... room. On ... sofa we can see ... bag. Whose ... bag is that? There is no ... bed in ... room. On ... small table near ... window there are ... flowers and ... glass of ... water. In ... front of ... window we can see ... armchair.

Выберите правильное слово в тексте.

1. а) the b) -
2. a) particular b) particularly
3. a) title b) name
4. a) a b) the
5. a) pick up b) pick on
6. a)keep with b) keep up with
7. a) context b) content
8. a) what b) that
9. a) in b) at
10. a) spoke b) spoken
Most large cities in (1)... UK have a local dialect. A dialect is a version of English that is used in that (2)... area or city. It can usually be explained by the history of the area and has a (3)... . In Liverpool there is Scouse, in London there is Cockney and in Newcastle (4)... local dialect is Geordie. If you spend time in Newcastle, you will soon (5)... the Geordie dialect. It can be difficilt to (6)... the local people at first bit listening to a dialect in (7)... makes it easier to catch on to (8)... people are saying. When you arrive (9)... a new city in the IK, one of the first things you will notice will be the local accent. Usually, (10)... words will sound different to the way you remember from eour English lessons. Выберите правильное слово в тексте.

20 за правильные все ответы) прошу помочь) Ex-1 1)Use the words below to complete the

sentences. There are three words you do not need to use.

-connect - link - frozen - transfer - join - memory - domload - deleted - connection - virus -split

Вставить слова в предложения:

1)Oh,no ! I've accidentally ..... all the photographs on my hard disk! 2)Let me make a copy of these files before you .... them to your computer.3) The reason why your computer is so slow is that it needs more.... 4)Is there a problem with the network? I can't ..... to the Internet. 5)I need to buy a new mobile phone. I've water on my old one, and it's stopped working. 6)Click on this ..... to go tothe international site of the online store. 7) I think your computer has a... You'd better run a full scan . 8) What's wrong with the screen? It's been .... for the last ten minutes.

Ex 2-Form nouns from verbs and translate.






Ex 3- Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions and then use them in their correct form to complete the sentences.

1)break down =2)break into =3)break up =4) break out= 5) break out of

A go into a building by force to steal sth B escape from a place C stop having a relationship with sb D start happening E stop working

1)The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had ..... the local prison. 2)Fighting .... between opposing football fans after last night's game. 3) The couple .... but got back together a month lated . 4)When her car .... she called a local garage to ask for help. 5) The poloce are looking for two men who were filmed as they were ...... an electrical shop lats night.


1)Don't call Jessica tomirriw morning ; she..... a tennis lesson. a) will be having b) is having c) will have

2)Send me a copy of the photographs.... I can show them to my friends. 1)in order b)so that C) in case

3)James stopped playing his video game... he heard his mum at the door. a) while b) by the time c) as soon as

4)I don't like my next-door neighbor; she's ... nosy woman! a)such a b)such c)a so

5)Can we watch the parade when we... to the Carnival? a) are going b)go c)Will go

6)It's not worth going to the footbal pitch now; the game.... by the time we get there. a)wil have started

b)Will start c)Wil be starting

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