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Переведите предложение: Thanks for the letter, I am glad that you wrote it to me, write to me more often, I will be glad with you to

5-9 класс


TanyaHolod 28 апр. 2015 г., 18:48:32 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 апр. 2015 г., 20:52:01 (9 лет назад)

Спасибо за письмо, я рад, что вы писали мне, пиши мне чаще, я буду рад с вами переписываться.

+ 0 -
28 апр. 2015 г., 23:20:57 (9 лет назад)

Спасибо за письмо, я рад. что ты мне написал, пиши мне чаще, я буду очень рад с тобой переписываться


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помогите!!!! переведите на английский то,что я напишу ниже,прошу. я выбрал эту комедию потому что она многое рассказывает о жизни.о предательстве и о

любви,о вражде и дружбе.сам я узнал з неё много нового,например то,что не надо делать много шума из-за мелкого пустяка.

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переведите грамотно пожалуйста!!!! Dear Maria.Thanks for your letter. I`m glad to hear that everything is going well. I`m sorre i haven`t written for so lo

ng bat i`ve been really busy looking out for a summer job.You asked me about my plans for summer holidays.Well, now i`m working in a camp shop.I`m glab that i`ve got this job, because i`ve always wanted to be in a `people` type of job.I like meeting new people, helping and talking to them. I think that working at the camp helps me to learn how to be responsible for a of different things.If people complain, i know to deal with them.I`m getting lots of valuable practical experience that may be useful for the future.As you know, i want to go on to studuy business and law at university.One of my favorite parts of working is belonging to a team and meeting people from lots of different places.I`m usually at work from about 9 am until 5 pm and i check people in and serve holidaymakers.I enjoi working at the camp- everyone knows who i am and i know them! Do you work during the holiday season? Will this job help you in your fature career? Are summer iobs popular with teenagers in your country ?

Переведите текст срочно!!!

Jim:Katya! I`ve read a poster in the hall that says "Attention all student!Tomorrow is Self-Regulation Day! Be responsibe,creative and sociable."Can you explain it to me,please? What should i do?
Katya:Oh,Jim! I am sorry.We forgot to tell you about this day.It is a very important
school day.
Jim:It`s not holiday,is it?
Dima:No,it`s not a holiday but it is very special day.We will be completely independent all day long.Our teacher will only observers and we will study and work in our hobby groups all our own.
Katya:The students from Grades 10 and 11 will be our teecher tomorrow.Usually on this day they give us only good marks but sometimes they give too mush homework.
Lena:Jim,it`s very cool to be like grown-up for a day! I will be an English teacher tomorrow and teach our small pupils from Grade 2.Would you like to cometo my lesson? The kids would be happy to meet you.
Jim:With pleasure! I like your idea.Thank you.What are you gong to do,Dima?
Dima:I will help Katya to water the plants.And then I`ll go to the swimming pool.Oleg Korolev,a student from Grade 11,who is the best swimming and our school champion,will be our teacher tomorrow.
Jim:That`s great! I would like to meet him too.

Read the letter and choose the right alternatives Dear Ann, I`m glad that you can come to Aberdeen in July. I`m sure you...(11)

like it here.

I expect you`ll find it...(12) difficult to understand us in Scotland. We speak English, of course, but with a Scottish accent. We...(13) our own Scottish language, Gaelic. I can`t speak it. It`s very old and very difficult. Some people in the Western Isles still speak it.

Let me tell you a few things about Aberdeen. It`s the third largest city in Scotland after Edinburgh and Glasgow. It`s famous...(15) an oil town because there are a lot of oil rigs in...(16) North Sea. But don`t worry, the beaches are clean. You won`t be covered in oil when you...(17) out of the sea.

We live in a detached house not far...(18) the centre. It`s about twenty minutes...(19) bus. I`ve got a sister. She`s quite nice.

Well, I hope this information is interesting for you. Please write back and....(20) me about your family.

11. a) will b) are liking c) going to

12. a) little b) a little c) a few

13. a) have also b) have too c) also have

14. a) on b) at c) out

15. a) as b) like c) with

16. a) a b) the c) no article

17. a) would come b) will come c) come

18. a) near b) from c) at

19. a) by b) on c) in

20. a) say b) tell c) say to

Complete the sentences with the correct time expression. 1)it'll be dark __ we get home.(while / by the time ) 2) The computer won't work __ you plug it

in ! ( after / until )
3) __ it is nine o'clock,lessons begin. ( As soon as / While)
4) Leo will have a great time __ he is in Cairo. ( by the time / while) 5) My parents will be pleased __ they get my exam results. ( when / until) 6) Elsa is going to look for a flat __ she arrives in London. ( after /while )

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