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Задание 2. Выберите правильную временную форму глагола в следующих предложениях и напишите

10-11 класс


She admitted that she ………… the job here a month before.

a) started; b) starts; c) had started; d) would start

Jane asked if anybody ………… to the party tonight.

a) go; b) would go; c) went; d) had gone

I couldn’t believe that Pete ………… English for a year. He speaks so well!

a) learns; b) learnt; c) is learning; d) had been learning

We got a letter confirming that they ………… to transfer the

Alleksejjsavin 14 нояб. 2016 г., 14:15:53 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 нояб. 2016 г., 15:25:46 (7 лет назад)

а последнее не дописано


Другие вопросы из категории

вставьте глагол to be в форме Present Simple 1.He_a student.He_a good student. 2.His father_a doctor. 3.My mother_not a teacher. 4._your sister a

pupil?-Yes,she_. 5.They_at home now 6.This_my house 7._they at school?-No,they_not at school. 8._your father a pilot?-Yes,he _. 9.Nick_not a student.He_a pupil.He _at school now. 10.These men_drivers. 11.My friend_an engineer.He_at work. 12._your parents at home?-No,they _not. 13.I_a pupil,I_not a student. 14._this your book?-This book_not my.My book_in my bag. 15.Michael has a brother.His brother_20.He _a student.He_at home now. 16.These _his newspapers. 17._there any books on your table?-Yes,there_. 18.I_a doctor.I_a good doctor. 19._his friends_at school now?-No,they _ in the garden. 20._her sister a teacher?-Yes,she_.


Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

переведите предложения. Раскройте скобки и выберите правильную форму инфинитива. 1) Look, they are probably (to listen/to be listening) to the news.

They seem (to be excited / to have excited). 2) When I came in, the discussion seemed (to be coming/ to have come) to an end. They appeared (to lose / to be losing) patience because they turned out (not to be ready/ be ready) for it. 3) The employees didn’t notice the manager (come / to be coming) into the room. 4) The manager ordered the contract (to translate / to be translated) into English. 5) Mr. Folder usually lets his secretary (stay / to stay) at home when she feels sick.

Читайте также

Выберите правильную временную форму глагола в следующих


и напишите их.

ребят помогите плс =) 1.Напишите видовременную форму глаголов:Present Simple,Present Continuos,Past Simple.Present Perfect,Futere


1)Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

2)It Isn't raining any more.

3)I have bought a new car.

4)We played tennis yesterday.

5)I'll help you with it.

2.Выберите правильную видовременную форму глаголов.

1)I think he (will phone/have phone) me

2)I (have lost/lost) my key. Can't find it anywhere.

3)Usually I (finish/am finishing) work at 5.00

4)She (went/goes) out last night.

Выберите правильную временную форму глагола / Present Simple or Present Continuous? Our chief … in 5 minutes (to come). She seldom … home so late (to

come). The children often … at their funny little dog (to laugh). The movie is so funny, why … (not laugh)? My father is a teacher, but he … now (not work). My father is a teacher, but he … at school (not work). I never … computer games (to play). Look, he … a new compute rgame (to play).

Выберите правильную временную форму глагола:

1. Apparently … it in England.

a) freeze b) frozen c) will be freezing d) freezing

2. There has not been a great response to the sale, …?

a) does here b) hasn’t there c) hasn’t it d) has there

3. The travel agent says we … a great time in Spain.

a) will have b) would have c) have d) will have had

4. His mother insists on his … with his studies.

a) to go on b) going on c) having go on d) be going on

5. I usually wear skirts but today I … black trousers.

a) wears b) am wearing c) wearing d) was wearing

6. "Have you ever been to France?” – "Yes, I … there last August”.

a) had been b) went c) have been d) were

V. Перепишите следующие предложения, откройте скобки, поставьте глагол в

правильной форме и определите видо- временные формы глаголов, переведите
предложения на русский язык (см. образец выполнения 3).
1. My mother (to close) all the doors and windows before she goes to sleep.
2. Last week our football team (to lose) a game.
3. In two days we (to take part) in press conference at the British Museum.

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