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Read the questions for your new classmate. Put in prepositions if necessary.

5-9 класс

- Where are you__________________?
- Do you miss___________your old school?
- What kind _____________music listen...?
- Do you speak___________any forgein languages?
- Do you play____________any musical instrument?
- What are you reading________the moment?
- How are you getting_________ with your new Friends

Паралелепіпед 04 сент. 2013 г., 23:40:09 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 сент. 2013 г., 1:25:42 (10 лет назад)


Where are you from?

Do you miss your old school?

What kind of music do you like to listen?

do you speak any foreign languages?

Do you play any musical instrument?

What are you reading at the moment?

How are you getting on with your new friends?




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White your own short about your hobby.
Переведите! The Pot of Gold Ralph worked nights on a plan that promised him a well-paying job in Texas, but through no

fault of his own this promise was never realized. In the third year of his marriage with Laura, a firm that was almost identical in size and character with the firm Ralph worked for underwent a change of ownership, and Ralph was approached and asked if he would be interested in joining the overhauled firm. His own job promised only meager security after a series of slow promotions and he was glad of the chance to escape. He met the new owners, and their enthusiasm for him seemed intense. They were prepared to put him in charge of a department and pay him twice what he was getting then. The arrangement was to remain tacit for a month or two, until the new owners had secured their position, but they shook hands warmly and had a drink on the deal, and that night Ralph took Laura out to dinner at an expensive restaurant.
They decided to look for a larger apartment, to have a child, and to buy a secondhand car. They faced their good fortune with perfect calm, for it was what they had expected all along. The city seemed to them a generous place, where people were rewarded either by a sudden and deserved development like this or by the capricious bounty of lawsuits, eccentric and peripheral business ventures, unexpected legacies and other windfalls.
He was twenty-eight years old; poverty and youth were inseparable in his experience, and one was ending with the other. The life they were about to 'leave had not been hard, and he thought with sentiment of the soiled tablecloth in the Italian restaurant where they usually went for their celebrations, and the high spirits with which Laura on a wet night ran from the subway to the bus stop. But they were drawing away from all this. Shirt sales in department-store basements, lines at meat counters, weak drinks, the roses he brought her up from the subway in the spring, when roses were cheap - these were all unmistakably the souvenirs of the poor, and while they seemed to him good and gentle, he was glad that they would soon be memories.
The reorganization and Ralph's new position hung fire, but they talked about it freely when with friends. "All we need is patience," Laura would say. There were many delays and postponements, and they waited with the patience of people expecting justice. He decided to telephone his potential employers. Their secretary told him they were both out. This made him apprehensive. He called several times from the telephone booth in the lobby of the building he worked in and was told that they were busy, they were out, they were in conference with lawyers, or they were talking long-distance. This variety of excuses frightened him. He said nothing to Laura that evening and tried to call them the next day. Late in the afternoon, after many tries, one of them came to the phone. "We gave the job to somebody else, sonny," he said. Like a saddened father, he spoke to Ralph in a hoarse and gentle voice. "Don't try and get us on the telephone any more. We've got other things to do besides answer the telephone. This other fellow seemed better suited, sonny. That's all I can tell you, and don't try to get me on the telephone any more."

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у меня проблема: за весь год у нас по англискому сменилось 5 преподователей, на данный момент у нас очень строгая и требовательная учительница, задает по 7 заданий и обезательно 5писмено.Почти ничего не обьесняет, а только требует. Мы уже устали. Дай бог чтобы и эта ушла. Зачем я это вам рассказываю? Просто мне от этого домашнего задания решается оценка и за этого отнеситесь серьезно.
Зарание благодарю.
1.pretend you are a teather, read the questions for your classmates to answer. The words below can help them.
EXAMPLE: - Why have you bought thease daffodils?
- They smelled so nice!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to sound lound, to smell nice, to smell pleasent, to taste sweet, to taste good, to feel bad, to feel well.
1. Why did you turn off the radio?
2.Why have you eaten the whole cake?
3.Why didn t you go to scholl yesterday?
4. Why have you put thease lilies here?
5. Why do you like honey?
6. Why don t you take aspirin?

Mary worked in a office in London, and she usualy went out and hat lunch in a restaurant. She liked foreign food and often looked in the newspaper for

the names of new restaurants, because she enjoed going to them and eating new things. Sometimes she said, "I don't like this restaurant. I'm not going to have my lunch here often."

One dayshe saw the name of a new Greek restaurant in her newspaper, and she went there for lunch. It was very small, but it was clean and nice, and the food was good.

But then Mary found something hard in her mouth. She took it out. It was a button.

" Look here, waiter!" she said. " I've found this button in my food."

" Thank you, thank you!" the waiter answered happily. " I looked everywhere for it."

A. Answer these questions.

1. What food did Mary like?

2. Where did she go one day?

3. What did she find in her mouth?

4. What did she say then?

5. What did the waiter answer?

B. Whichof the answer to these questions are correct? Write the correct answers down?

1. Did Mary always go to the same restaurant?

a. No, she didn't.

b. Yes, she did.

2. Did she go back to a restaurant after the first time?

a. No, never.

b. Yes, always.

c. Yes, often.

3. Were did she find the names of new restaurants?

a. In a big city.

b.In a newspaper.

4. What did she find in her mouth one day?

a. A waiter's button.

b. Some hard food.

5. Was the waiter happy, or angry?

a. He was angry.

b. He was happy.

C. Write this the story. Put one word in each empty space.

This is Mary's brother. His 1.......... is George. He lives in the 2........... of Chicago and works in a small Greek 3................ there. He is a lot of people come and have 4.......... there, because the 5............ is good. Look at that man. He is 6............ some meat and reading his 7................ . He comes to this restaurant, because he works i an 8............ quite near here.

Помогите ппппппппллллллллллиииииииииииииз плиз пожалуйста очень надо до 23.00.

Write about English in tour life. Use the question for help.

1) Why are your learning English?..........
2) Do you think you'll use it after shool( for your job)?........
3) Have you ever visited England or America?.........
4) Do you think you'll ever visit England or America?.........
5) Why do so many people in the world speak English?..........
6) What should you do to learn English better?...........

5. Ask Kate about her school visit to Paris. Write the questions for your half of the conversation. Kate: We went to Paris last weekend on a school trip.

You: Did you have ........................................? Kate: Yes, we had a lovely time. You: How did ...............................................? Kate: By ferry from Dover and then by train to Paris. You: Where ...................................................? Kate: In a small hotel. You: Was.......................................................? Kate: Not too bad, but I didn't like the breakfast. You: Did.........................................................? Kate: Yes, we saw Notre-Damme, the Lourve and the Eiffel Tower. You:____________________________________________? Kate: Yes, I bought some chocolate cakes for Lucy but I was so hungry I ate them! You:____________________________________________- ? Kate: It was so rough that lots of us were sick. You:________________________ - ____________? Kate: No, Sue and I weren't sick because we stayed up on deck.

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