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Как определить где поставить окончание Present Continuous,а где Present Simple?

5-9 класс

Lina150 27 нояб. 2016 г., 19:57:30 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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27 нояб. 2016 г., 20:56:57 (7 лет назад)

Present Simple используется, когда действие происходит регулярно, а Present Continuous, когда действие происходит в данный момент (в момент речи).

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27 нояб. 2016 г., 23:23:13 (7 лет назад)

Ещё Present Continuous используется когда описываешь события на картине или когда говоришь о своих ближайших планах.


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Читайте также

Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужном времени (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple,

Past Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous), перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык:

Допишите окончания глаголов в Present Simple (s/es) и в Present Continuous.

Present Simple (s/es) Present Continuous (ing)

Помогите пожалуйста: Выпишите в тетрадь правильный вариант в Present Continuous, переведите 1. a) Tom writes on the board. b) Tom is writing on the board

now. c) Tom are witting on the board now. 2. a) John is entering the room now. b) John enters the room. c) John are entering the room now. 3. a) Kate are watering the flower now. b) Kate waters the flower. c) Kate is watering the flower now 4. a) Bob is drawing a picture now. b) Bob draws a picture. c) Bob are drawing a picture now. 5. a) Helen plays “crosses and noughts”. b) Helen is playing “crosses and noughts” now. c) Helen are playing “crosses and noughts” now. 6. a) Nick is reading a book now. b) Nick reads a book. c) Nick are reading a book now. 7. a) Jack guesses the words. b) Jack is guessing the words now. c) Jack are guessing the words now. Задание B Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Presen Simple или Present Continuous 1) You (to read) detective stories? 2) Helen (not to sleep) now. 3) John (to play) a football now? 4) I (to have) a breakfast at 8 o’clock every day. 5) They (to cook) now. Задание C Переведите на английский язык 1. Сейчас Том читает рассказ. 2. Я читаю книги каждый день. 3. Сейчас я смотрю телевизор. 4. Катя смотрит телевизор каждый вечер.

Задание А Выпишите в тетрадь правильный вариант в Present Continuous, переведите 1. a) Tom writes on the board. b) Tom is writing on the board now. c) T

om are witting on the board now. 2. a) John is entering the room now. b) John enters the room. c) John are entering the room now. 3. a) Kate are watering the flower now. b) Kate waters the flower. c) Kate is watering the flower now 4. a) Bob is drawing a picture now. b) Bob draws a picture. c) Bob are drawing a picture now. 5. a) Helen plays “crosses and noughts”. b) Helen is playing “crosses and noughts” now. c) Helen are playing “crosses and noughts” now. 6. a) Nick is reading a book now. b) Nick reads a book. c) Nick are reading a book now. 7. a) Jack guesses the words. b) Jack is guessing the words now. c) Jack are guessing the words now. Задание B Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Presen Simple или Present Continuous 1) You (to read) detective stories? 2) Helen (not to sleep) now. 3) John (to play) a football now? 4) I (to have) a breakfast at 8 o’clock every day. 5) They (to cook) now. Задание C Переведите на английский язык 1. Сейчас Том читает рассказ. 2. Я читаю книги каждый день. 3. Сейчас я смотрю телевизор. 4. Катя смотрит телевизор каждый вечер.

Пожалуйста помогите !!!! Очень важно, поставьте слова в скобках в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

Задание ( на Английском ) :
Complete the dialogue. Use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.

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