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Exercise 3: Make questions of these sentences

10-11 класс

1. Your answer is expected today.

2. Our work will be finished tomorrow.

3. His report was discussed at the University.

4. This picture is much spoken about.

5. They were shown the house yesterday.

6. The letter was sent by fax.

74857484 21 авг. 2014 г., 21:47:19 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 авг. 2014 г., 23:46:27 (9 лет назад)


1. Is your answer expected today?

2. Will our work be finished tomorrow?

3. Was his report discussed at the University?

4. Is this picture much spoken about?

5. Were they shown the house yesterday?

6. Was the letter sent by fax?


1. Is your answer expected today or tomorrow?

2. Will our work be finished tomorrow or next week?

3. Was his report discussed at the University or at college?

4. Is this picture much or little spoken about?

5. Were they shown the house yesterday or last week?

6. Was the letter sent by fax or by e-mail?


1. When is your answer expected?

2. When will our work be finished?

3. Where was his report discussed?

4. What picture is much spoken about?

5. When were they shown the house?

6. How was the letter sent?

+ 0 -
22 авг. 2014 г., 1:01:23 (9 лет назад)

1. Is your answer expected today?
2. Will our work be finished tomorrow?
3. Was his report discussed at the University?
4. Is this picture much spoken about?
5. Were they shown the house yesterday?
6. Was the letter sent by fax?


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In each mini-dialogue put one verb into the present perfect simple and the other into thepresent perfect continuous. Use contractions where possible.

1 A: What’s the matter? You look worried!
B: Yes, I am. I ’ve been looking at (look at) the contract in detail, and I ’ve noticed (notice) a lot ofpotential problems.
2 A: I (call) Carol all day, but it goes straight to voicemail.
B: I expect she (go) to Head Office.
3 A: ‘Tosca’ is coming to the Opera House. (you see) it?
B: Not yet, but I (look forward) to it for ages.Shall we go together?
4 A: How long (you produce)cars at this site?
B: About four years. We(invest) around twenty million dollars in plantand machinery.

She made him ---- the soup.

a)to eat b)ate c)eating d)eat

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1)match the two halves of these combinations

1.to lie a. dull grey
2.to get b. a tent with somebody
3.to turn c. to someone
4.to share d. in a tent
5.to smash e. lost
6.to set up f. into something
7.to talk g. tents

2)match the two halves of these sentences:
1. the sun had appeared in the sky a.before i passed the exam
2.when my father got home after work b.since the beginning of the
3.i had been learning English at school for two years second term
4.the lesson had already lasted for fifteen minutes c.before they left the campsite
5.i had know her for five years d.before we became real friends
6.my teacher said that i had missed two classes e.when i entered the classroom
f.i had already gone to bed

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1. Coca-Cola drinkers
2. that uses the values of
3. the most popular drink of the world
4. will soon be able to buy casual clothing

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1. team building
2. assertiveness training
3. duties
4. time management

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1. agrees to your request,
2. If the person you are calling
3. make a clear arrangement
4. it is important to

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1. the laboratory
2. producing some more useful ideas soon,
3. If we don’t start
4. they’ll close down

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1. and there is nothing
2. We have ten lorries
3. to put in them
4. waiting outside the main warehouse

Помогите сделать перевод текста. The problem of punishment. Compared with other aspects of the Criminal Lew, the question of punisment is

the most difficult. For the lawyer it is a question whioh present special problems for a variety of reasons. The punishment of a criminal is a combined operation of Parliameny, the courts, and the administration. The range of penalties whioh may be imposed is in most cases set by the legistature, which fixes the maximum sentences for different offences. For the majority of offences only the maximum penalty is prescribed by law, so that the court is left free to select in each case the appropriate sentence.

if the accused has never before been convicted of crime, the sentence is not likely to be severe, unless the crime is one of violence. first offenders are usually treated with sympathy. if, on the other hand, the accuused man has a long record of convictions, the judge will pass a more severe sentence.

after the court has selected what sentected seems suitable, the carrying out of this sentence falls to the lot of those who administer the penal system.

one result of this is that once sentence has been passed, the courts are no longer concerned with the offenders fate:their task is concluded

заполнить пропуски с some or any 1. Do you know... of these girls? 2. There are... foreign visitors in the park. 3.... of my friends live in this house. 4.

We haven't... time. 5. Do you like... of these animals? Yes, I like... of them. 6. Give me... water. 7. There are... cups on the table, but these aren't... glasses. 8. I have... questions to ask. 9. There isn't... tea in the tea-pot. 10. Please add... more tea in my cup.

Помогите пожалуйста. write these sentences in the Present, Past , Future Indefinite or Present Past Continuous P

assive. Translate these sentences.

1.the new house (to built) in my street now.

2.the room (to clean) by them yesterday.

3.these guestions (to discuss) from 11 till 12 yesterday.

4.the artickes often (to translate) by the students.

5.the books (to bring) next week.

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